
March 6, 2012

Hello Spring! Thanks for visiting! Please stay a while!

When I left work today, the thermometer in my car read 70 degrees! Woo!

I had planned on running with Sarah at 6:30 and was pleased for a run in shorts! We ran with Kim and Patricia (and of course The Duke). It was WINDY!! Seriously. There was a wind advisory. 30 mile an hour wind gusts...ugh! But running with friends made it much less noticible. I forgot to turn on my GPS on the phone, so it only read 3.33 miles instead of 4. I know we were running an 11:00 pace. I imagine the run took about 45:00.

Good Run! :)


March 5, 2012

Cinco de Marcho? Yeah, I know it would be "Marzo"... but 'Marcho' amuses me. :)

I met Hector at the gym. I warmed up by doing a mile and a quarter. My chest was tight from the day before. Weird how those muscles were sore, but my legs were ok. Hector worked my core. It's definitely needed because it's no where near where it was. Gotta get it back so I can stay injury free!


March 4, 2012

Well, it's been a long week. That 'smoker's cough' from the Hustle turned in to a chest cold, for which I am now taking antibiotics. Needless to say, I haven't run all week. I tried to go for a run today, but my lungs weren't having it. I made it 3/4 of a mile before needing my inhaler. Duke and I made it 3.11 miles. I guess that's better than nothing.


February 27, 2012

I got up this morning to see Hector, and I was dragging. My cough kept me up. Clearly, the stairs loosened all the crap in my lungs. YUCK! I better not be getting sick. We did a lot of core work. I definitely need it. My bribe to get up and working out is that I get to have a Starbucks latte. I haven't had one in a while because either Hector or I keep missing the workouts. Mmm...Caffeine.... And don't judge me for my coffee addiction. After all, there are worse vices.


February 26, 2012

Hustle Up the Hancock!

Ok, so after 4 years, I forget to sign-up and this year I'm stuck doing the half. I was done in 12:18 for 52 floors. Totally sucking wind with a 'smokers' cough now, but the time was about what I expected. The medal was beautiful!

The drawback? Standing in the elevator line for 2 hours to get down. Seriously? There's gotta be a better way. Come on, organizers...fix it! The line situation gets worse every year!


February 20, 2012

No worky today! Thanks President's Day!

First of all, my hip flexors (think they're hip flexors...the tendons in the front of my hips...attaching thigh to pelvis) are so sore! Yep, that's from yesterday's Ab Ripper video. I know it's good for me. My core has been so weak since my injury.

Today I ran with Julie. I was worried that I was going to slow her down. I know she runs with Kris, and Kris is much faster than I am. But we ran a perfect pace together. We did 9 on the path in 1:43. It was a beautiful sunny day! It was really a perfect run. We even ran (not walked) over Wanda. I'm so glad we got the run in...perfect way to start the day!

I'm also excited that I've been averaging 11:30 for my runs. I'm not sure if I should move up pace groups for summer training or not. I don't want to kill myself to do 11:30, but I don't want to hold myself back at 12:00. It's definately something to think about. I know Keith will want me to lead again, but I have a few months to make my decision. I think that running with out a watch has helped. I'm not binding myself to a time, I'm just going with what my body wants. It's not as evenly paced as I used to be, but it is consistantly faster. We'll see!


February 19, 2012

I didn't end up running today. I thought about getting in a 3 mile (even on the treadmill) but it never happened. I did strong-arm Mike in to doing an ab video with me. We did P90X Ab Ripper. I convinced him by saying "It's only 17:00 long!" Yeah...17:00 and I still can't get through it with out stopping. Someday... hopefully. I haven't tried the other videos in the series (they scare me). I mean, if the 17:00 shorty is killer, how am I going to survive an hour? Hopefully, Mike will want to do them and suck me into it. Until then, I'll stick with the ab ripper. Besides, I need to work my core more anyway!