
August 14, 2008

I was out this very gorgeous afternoon for a 3 mile run (36:45--12:15 pace) when I ran in to a couple of interesting people.

The first was a random lady just east of Milwaukee sitting on a step, watering her lawn with a hose. She stopped me and asked me to take her garbage to the dumpster. Weird, but she was older so it was no biggie. She asked why I was running and I told her that I was training for the marathon. To which she replied "Well, you have the legs for it." I'll take that as a complement!

Then I happened to run past Mr. Grim, my High School track coach. We chatted for a second. I told him that I had a 9 minute PR on Sunday at the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon. I also mentioned that Julia had also completed her first 1/2 Marathon and was thinking of running her first marathon this fall. He proceeded to tell me that we were getting a little crazy, complete with the finger twirl by the side of his head. I informed him that we blame him for it.

You know you're an insane runner person when your H.S. track coach tells you that you're crazy. :)

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