
July 3, 2009

I finally slept in...until 8:30!! It was truly awesome.

I had a nice breakfast, and then headed down to the Lakefront. I parked at Montrose and rode down to Oak Street Beach. I donned my wetsuit (pretending that I didn't look like Shamu) and headed to the water...HOLY BALLS!

1) It was cold. Eventually I got used to it, but it was so chilly at first I lost my breath!
2) Open water kicked my ass! I forgot how hard it was compared to the pool!

I did about 1000 meter swim. I'm not sure about the extra 200 meters, the lap lane is only marked at the quarter and half miles. I guess-tamated, but I'm sure it was close. I'm counting it as my two 500 meter swims for the week. I'd still like to get one more in (since I missed it last week), but we'll see.

I swam (and by swam I mean thrashed about) for an hour and biked 12 easy miles in an hour.

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