
March 29, 2008

First of all I thought today was a 12 miler...then I found out it was 14. Grrr.

It was a good run. I haven't run in forever, and I haven't completed a long run in 2 weeks. I was a little worried about it, but I made it. Thank goodness Becky was back today. Running slower with her (rather than the 11:00 minute pace) was probably VERY beneficial to my congested lungs.

We started by running North to sthe start of the path and back which was 5 miles. Then headed South to Oak Street Beach. Once at Oak Street, Becky and Val decided that they wanted to go to the Shamrock Shuffle Expo to pick up a thing or two, so we ran to the end of Navy Pier. I think this definately adds a mile to the run for the day.

We got back at around 12:30. I don't think the run was really 4 1/2 hours...after all we did go to the expo. I think that added at least 45 minutes and then if you count water stops I'd say our run of 14 was closer to 3 hours.

I think that once the new Garmin watches come out in May, I'm going to invest in one. They're MUCH smaller than their predicessor. I heard that the 305's were much better at calculating distance through tall buildings, so I'd assume that the 405 would also have the better upgrade. I would like a more accurate time when I post my info, especally after the long runs. That would do the trick. I also signed up to be concidered to be a pacer for one of the Begining/5k/10k running groups. A watch is a must have for that sort of thing. Fingers crossed I get it!!

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