
January 13, 2009

I saw Hector today. It was clearly an arm and core day... which is good. I signed up for an International Distance triathlon, and I know I'll need it. I've also got to get back in the pool...that mile isn't going to swim itself!

I ran 3 miles... at at 10:00 pace!! But I have to say, a) it was hard and b) I took some water breaks. And by water breaks I mean, I stopped running to drink water (and catch my breath).

I'm hoping my times will get better for all my races by pushing myself on the treadmill (it worked for Danielle!). I know I can't PR every time, but I want to do the marathon on pace. And I want an official 8k PR at the Shuffle...since I forgot my chip and my watch last year! Who knows, maybe someday, I could break a 5 hour marathon...but then again, I'd probably have to stop drinking beer while I run. :(


Victoria said...

And drinking beer is MUCH more fun! Haha!

Bethie said...

I know! And if it's not fun, what's the point?