
April 2, 2008

Kickin' my own ass...

I ran 2 miles before Hector on the elliptical. Then Hector took mercy on my legs due to my running of 40 miles in 5 days, and the impending 20 miler on Saturday and we did core work. I do enjoy core days...because they're good for me.

He also had me balancing on a medicine ball and then squatting. That's right--Squats on a ball. I know he was spotting me, but I was awesome. Who knew, that I of all people would have the core strength and balance to do that! Woo-Hoo!

I finished my run after Hector. 3 more miles for a total of 5 miles. Then I went to swimming. Emily wasn't there, but Chad and one other lifeguard was. I tried to do laps. Damn, I was tired. I did 16 laps. Freestyle to the deep end and back stroke to the shallow. I asked what the length of the pool was and Chad said it was 25 yards, so 50 yards total. 50 x 16 is 800 yards. I ran it through the mileage converter on my Runner's World log...that's a 1/2 mile swim!! Sure, it wasn't 16 laps in a row. I had some rests, but I'm happy I could do that much in the 50 minutes I was there. I'm less worried about a triathlon now. Not that I don't need to train, rather that a triathlon really is an achievable goal. Now I just need to get faster and have better endurance. I imagine it's hard to 'rest' in open water.

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