
February 27, 2008

So hard to get back to motivation after running. And I'm certian I'm an adrenaline junkie, because I know that I feel awesome after running. Need to get motivated and out of my funk! That marathon won't run itself!!

Today I did a mile warm up in 13 minutes (I'm still being ginger to my foot). Then Hector and I did core and legs. Hector seems worried about my foot and wants me to see a doctor. I'm thinking we'll see how it feels after Saturday. Saturday scares the crap out of me. I've never run that far. I really need to psych myself up. I keep telling myself, it's only two miles longer than a 1/2 marathon. I've run that far before (Yeah, I'm not convinced either).

I went to swimming for 45 minutes and still cannot do the breast stroke. But my instructor informed me that I would graduate to the next class! Woo-Hoo!! The problem is that the next class is on Saturday mornings and I can't make that time due to my long runs. I think I'll talk to her and ask if I can just sign up for her class again and swim laps. I need the motivation of signing up for something to go and swim. She seems cool, I don't think she'd mind. Fingers crossed!!


February 25, 2008

Today I started with two miles and then the best streach ever by Hector. Don't get me wrong, it hurt, but he was trying to break up the lactic acid in my muscles. I felt so good after he was done, I swear I was eight pounds lighter. We did a little bit of core work and then I finished out my last two miles for a total of 4 miles.


February 24, 2008

Do the Hustle!

Today I finished my 2nd Hustle Up the Hancock. I did it in 27:09, almost 4 minutes faster than last year. Next year, I need to be under 25 minutes. It's amazing how far I've come in the past year, I can't believe how much the Hancock has changed my life. All the running and races and now I'm training for a full marathon. A year ago, I never thought I'd be where I am today.

I also did a lung function test, apparently I have lungs that are 75% of what is expected of someone my age and size. I guess my smaller lungs don't help, but it certianly explains a lot. It was recomened that I do a lung capacity test.

I've been running into other climbers... they're so fun! When you see the same people at at the same events over and over, it's nice to learn their names. And bonding over pain is always easy!

My foot is still sore, I'm glad that I didn't run much this week, but I hope that it starts to feel better soon, I don't want to fall behind in training.


February 20, 2008

Worked with was light--my foot is killing me. Then swam for 45 minutes. I just don't get the backstroke and breast stroke. I feel like I look like a frog in a blender.


February 18, 2008

Today was hard! And not due to excessive exertion, rather the fact that my legs felt like lead. I was going for 7 miles, but only did 4. I also did arms and core with Hector. I love working on the half ball thingy. It not only challenges me to concentrate, but it also strenthens my core.


February 17, 2008

So, my feet/ankles are sore from yesterday. The grossness factor is there due to the fact that I can feel fluid moving when I flex my ankle (ICK!). I went to the gym to do my last short run (5K). I really needed the recovery and streatching...I don't want to get any more sore than I already am!


February 16, 2008

This week's run was much better than last weekend's long run, even though it was 13 miles instead of 11. The path was clear, but the air was not. I was having some trouble breathing. I needed my inhailer and a walk break (about a 1/2 mile) in the final 2 miles. I love running with Becky. She's just the right pace, and she's as dedicated to running as I am. It's nice to have someone in our pace group like that!


February 13, 2008

Today I did legs and core with Hector. To answer Monday's question, yes I can can do that rolling crunch with out Hector's spotting.

I also swam for 50 minutes. I'm becoming more competent in the backstroke, however for freestyle I have no freakin' clue how to not inhale water/drink half the pool. Sigh. I'm sure they frown upon the backstroke in triathalons. :(


February 12, 2008

6 miles on the ellitpical in 1:13:00. Not terribly hard, but tomorrow is probably going to kick my ass!


February 11, 2008

Today seemed like an easy day. 3 miles on the ellptical and arms and core with Hector. There was a new rocking chair sit up thingy that Hector had me do. It kicked my abs! I wonder if I could do it with out his spotting...


February 10, 2008

Tackle the Tower--Oakbrook Terrace Tower: ULTIMATE CLIMB!!! 31 floors, 3 times.

So what if I had a major asthma attack and needed the paramedics. Seriously...thank you Oakbrook Fire Department. (But I am really pissed off that it happened--I HATE MY LUNGS!! Stupid oxygen dependence.)

But, I finished the climb...3 times (with the attack at the 28th floor on the third time...grrr)

I came in 70th (out of 77--I know, lame!!) with splits of 7:56; 8:45; and 8:37 with a total time of 25:17.


February 9, 2008

Today's run was icy! It was nasty running on the snow that had melted and then refrozen as a thin sheet on the running path. The thicker ice was not any better, but at least you knew it was coming.

By the time we got to Randolph, the path that was south to Buckingham Fountian was deemed too dangerous to run on, so our 12 miler was cut short to 11 miles. I was happy, because running in that mess wasn't easy.

On the way back, I missed my group taking a water/bathroom stop at Navy Pier and I caught up with Lisa. She was a 9 minute mile pacer...she really pushed me for a few miles. I know she wasn't running a nine minute pace, but she kicked my ass! I stuck with her up through the last two miles and then I assed out. I was going pretty slow but I finished about 15 minutes before the rest of my group. It was nice that I pushed and got it done.

So, 11 miles in about 2:25 ish.


February 6, 2008

It seems that Wednesdays are becoming more of a cross training day, rather than a running day. I just did a 1k warm up before my work out. The small amount was partly due to slowness of getting to the gym, due to snow and knowing that I had a long night of working out ahead of me.

Hector and I worked out together, rather than just him training was AWESOME! Just to see my trainer working as hard as I was completely motivating! It was a legs and core day. I can't believe how much Hector can squat! Crazy!

Went to swimming, reguardless of the massive amount of snow. We finally got to the backstroke...definately easier to execute than freestyle, but I'm much slower at it. Still working on the kicking/arms combo. One of the other women in the class complemented me on my arms--she said she even wished her arms were that athletic!! And she's a more advanced swimmer than I. HUGE complement!! Now if only I actually was that awesome of a swimmer.


February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday! I had to get my run in fast so that I could vote.

I ran 6 miles on the elliptical (due to the fact it was slushing and shitty outside) as a fartlek. I'm still sore, still think advil should be it's own food group. I took Deanna's advice today and didn't use much resistance on the elliptical (I think it was set at 3 or 4.) I ran on a PR pace for a 10K. Here's hoping that this style pays off! I'm definately willing to give speed a chance! (And it's nice to be in doors when it's so shitty outside!)

Now if only the soreness would stop!


February 4, 2008

I started out with a mile and a half on the elliptical. Seriously, the soreness needs to go bye-bye!!

It was a great work out with Hector. I really felt like ass going into it, but by the end I was feeling much better. I worked with the half a ball thingy...I really liked the challenge it gave. Much better than the heavy lifting!

I finished with the last mile and a half for a total run time of 34:00.


February 2, 2008

This mornings run at the Lakefront wasn't happening. The parking lot was not plowed. Cars heavier than mine were getting stuck...I wasn't even going to attempt it. I went to the gym and ran my very sore legs on the elliptical and then streatched them out. I can't believe I'm still sore from Wednesday.

7 miles in 1:15:00