
January 22, 2012

Gold Medal Challenge, Part 2 or


Time for the hard part of the Gold Medal Challenge. 95.5 laps around the Petit Center. I started out a little sore from the day before. I think it was because the track wasn't cushy (mostly concrete). The first part was crowded. I stayed to the right, because the speedy peeps were lapping me. Barb stayed with me for the first third or so. Steve and Darwin (from Niles) were also running. It was so nice that Barb's mom came out again to cheer. Also, Kim, Keith, Dan and Steve's wife were there cheering too. I really liked that I got to see people every lap. It was definitely motivating. I did have to do some walking and I totally hit the wall in the 70's. But once I got to 79, I knew the end was near. I felt good in those last laps and powered through for a 5:59:10 finish.

Not too bad for a first marathon back after a year of injury and the day after a 1/2 marathon. I even had enough energy to run Steve's last two laps with him. I'm not sure I'd want to do the Gold Medal Challenge on the hard concrete again, but I'd defiantly do the marathon again. Oh, and of course, they ran out of medals for the marathon too. The race director did promise to mail them, and because I didn't get the medal yesterday, he saved a marathon and gold medal for me. That was very nice. It would be sad to have run almost 40 miles and just get a t-shirt. (I'll let you know when it comes in the mail.)

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