Today was the Trick or Treat Trot through Lincoln Park. I was totally dreading it due to the costume party I went to the night before, but unlike last week, I had much less to drink. Irreguradless, waking up did not make me happy…so after hitting snooze a few too may times I had to rush around to get out the door. I did get rock star parking, but was concerned because I didn’t see too many people who wore a costume to run. Fortunately, more people dressed for the holiday showed up.
I had an 11:31 split for each mile and I felt so good through the run! It was a beautiful day and I blew my old pr out of the water by 5 minutes!! I was so pumped to do it!! I can NOT believe that I did it dressed as a pirate wearing an eye patch! I think that makes it a little more awesome!

My time was 1:11:32—game on!!
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