
January 5, 2008

Today was my first run with the CARA training group. It was super fun! I'm so glad that I signed up for this. I ran with the 12:00 minute group. I was feeling strong, and others in the group ran with me. They were pacing off of watches. I estimated my time, I really should run with a watch so I know, but I hate that! I had a little bit of a twinge in my IT band about mile 3 but it seemed to work itself out. I definitely need to do those stretches that Becca showed me. Anywho, it was a great run! I felt really good and am excited for the 1/2 marathon a week from today!

I also started a training log on the Runner's World website. The link is on the side bar. Even if it doesn't show my most recent work outs, if you click on it, the link will take you to my training log. I like it because the program is free and it count mileage for you, as well as pacing and fun graphs and stuff that I don't want to have to figure out myself. Yeah running!

Side note to Victoria: I am registered for the Shamrock Shuffle. Woo-Hoo!

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