I finished on the 50!! My time was 1:57:58 at an 11:48 pace. Technically it's a PR...but by only a minute (I was 1:59:06 at the Downer's Grove 10 Miler). I was hoping for around 1:55:00 (there's a whole lotta maybes...maybe if I didn't have a chest cold, maybe if I had gotten more sleep, maybe if I had run the second half faster...) But I guess I can't be too upset. A PR is a PR and by it's nature the very best you can do! And I felt much stronger than the last 10 mile race. Besides...I FINISHED ON THE 50 YARD LINE OF SOLDIER FIELD!!!
This was seriously the perfect race! Not too long, had a tech shirt, free beer and I got a medal! What could be better?!?! They were even playing the Bear's Fight Song when I ran through the tunnel! (SO AWESOME!!)

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