
August 13, 2007

Today I headed to the gym. Most would say that I deserve a day off, but maybe I’ll do that tomorrow. While I’m still excited and proud of myself, I still felt some soreness. I ran an easy mile, did a little core and some lifting with my arms, nothing huge. I actually did it more to loosen up and stretch. I’m still a little sore, but I know the stretching did some good.

On another note, there was a comment on my other blog for the ½ Marathon yesterday. Apparently this person used her GPS and the course was actually 13.95 miles (several other GPS users corroborated)…more than ¾ of a mile longer than it should have been. That makes me feel tons better about my time, because it means that I probably did run 13.1 miles in under 2:45. Hooray for setting a goal and achieving it!!! (still doing the happy dance!!)

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