
October 15, 2007

Today I ran an 11 minute mile warm up and then worked out with Hector for an hour. It was a great work out. He payed me the the best complement! Not only did he tell me that I looked skinny but also that I was his most flexible and athletic client! That was so nice and motivational!! It really made me feel like he could see how hard I work. After that hour, I did the last 30 minutes of cardio on the eliptical (because my lower back is crazy sore), for 2.5 miles and 320 calories. Total distance between the treadmill and elpitcal was 3.5 miles and about 450 calories.

Saturday's race results were posted: I came in 10th for my age group!! Woo-Hoo!! I just made the top 10 (So there were only 12, but whatever, FIRST TIME IN THE TOP TEN!! 269th out of 339 and over all final time: 35:19.0 (but there was no chip start) 11:24/mile pace. Yet another moral victory!!

1 comment:

Who, me? said...

I meant to tell you this when I saw you a few weeks ago --- I agree with your trainer, you definitely look great! I'm so impressed with your new athleticism!