
December 5, 2007

This was the worst day I've had in a long time. Seriously, who did I fuck over to have karma send me this bad of a day? I know it wasn't all bad, but still there was some major suckage going on.

I even got to the gym late for my appointment with Hector. He knew something was up (let's face it, I'm never late to the gym). I spilled to him on a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill (1/2 mile). And then did more legs and core work. It's nice to know that there's someone there to kick my ass and make me work hard to make the day better.

Hector not only cheered me up, but also stretched me out. He's the biggest sweetie I know!

(If you're reading this, Hector--Love ya! You're the best!!)

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