2 Easy miles on the ellitpcal--then a good 45 minutes of streatching.
31 miles...more spooky than Halloween. Here's hoping I'm ready.
October 28, 2008
I'm still sore from Sunday. I went to the gym and did abs and light legs with Hector followed by 3 miles on the elliptical.
My body's feeling tired. I wish that the 50 k was last weekend, because the whole 2 weeks between long races thing isn't fun, it's just too much time for me to dwell! I'm worried that I'm not going to do well/be prepared/hate myself when it's done. I think it's just pre-race jitters for a distance I've never run before.
I just have to keep telling myself, "I'm super girl!", right?
My body's feeling tired. I wish that the 50 k was last weekend, because the whole 2 weeks between long races thing isn't fun, it's just too much time for me to dwell! I'm worried that I'm not going to do well/be prepared/hate myself when it's done. I think it's just pre-race jitters for a distance I've never run before.
I just have to keep telling myself, "I'm super girl!", right?
October 26, 2008
I went with Melissa today for an arms work out with her trainer, John. Aside from the fact that I think he's a semi-sadist, it was fun. We did a mile warm up on the elliptical and commenced with the torture.
I did some assisted 'bee-hive' pull-ups (three to be exact). Unfortunately, I may have yelled in the process...I wasn't happy about people in the gym looking at me. I need to work on that one. There was a whole mess of push ups, bench, bouncy things and probably more weight than I should have lifted. I really dug the core stuff and the beehive thing.
I did some assisted 'bee-hive' pull-ups (three to be exact). Unfortunately, I may have yelled in the process...I wasn't happy about people in the gym looking at me. I need to work on that one. There was a whole mess of push ups, bench, bouncy things and probably more weight than I should have lifted. I really dug the core stuff and the beehive thing.
October 25, 2008
I just want you to know, I slept in this morning. Until 9:00 am. I haven't slept that late in more than 20 weeks. Ohmigawd!! It was amazing!! I also lazed around and watched cartoons. If there had been a hot guy in the kitchen cooking me breakfast, bringing me coffee and offering to give me a massage it would have been the perfect morning. (Hey, a girl can dream!)
Any way, I know the reason that you read is to check to make sure I'm actually working out and to laugh at my mishaps and biting sarcasm (not hear my fantasies and profound joy at sleeping in for a change--as fantastic as I may think it is!!). So, I went to the gym and swam. I did 3 sets of 10 lengths freestyle in the pool with 2 lengths backstroke between each set. Total freestyle: 750 yards for a total swim distance of 850 yards. (I still think the pool is 25 yards. If anyone knows different, please let me know!) Then I sat in the sauna. I wanted to steam, but it was way to hot in there...so opted for dry heat.
I was pushing myself on the last ten--not that I've suddenly gotten out of shape or anything, I just haven't swam since August. My tri training has definitely gone to the wayside. I need to get back in to at least swimming over the winter. After all it's good cross training!! Besides, if I can keep it up, maybe I'll stop being so nervous about trying an Olympic Distance Tri next summer. I also realized that I should have gotten my butt on the stair machine. I have the Go Vertical Challenge in 2 weeks...oops! Not that I won't finish the stair climb, I just would do better if I spent some time doing stairs.
Any way, I know the reason that you read is to check to make sure I'm actually working out and to laugh at my mishaps and biting sarcasm (not hear my fantasies and profound joy at sleeping in for a change--as fantastic as I may think it is!!). So, I went to the gym and swam. I did 3 sets of 10 lengths freestyle in the pool with 2 lengths backstroke between each set. Total freestyle: 750 yards for a total swim distance of 850 yards. (I still think the pool is 25 yards. If anyone knows different, please let me know!) Then I sat in the sauna. I wanted to steam, but it was way to hot in there...so opted for dry heat.
I was pushing myself on the last ten--not that I've suddenly gotten out of shape or anything, I just haven't swam since August. My tri training has definitely gone to the wayside. I need to get back in to at least swimming over the winter. After all it's good cross training!! Besides, if I can keep it up, maybe I'll stop being so nervous about trying an Olympic Distance Tri next summer. I also realized that I should have gotten my butt on the stair machine. I have the Go Vertical Challenge in 2 weeks...oops! Not that I won't finish the stair climb, I just would do better if I spent some time doing stairs.
October 23, 2008
When it rains it pours! I swear, my hour and 1/2 at the gym is my only time of sanity in the day!
I did 2 miles on the elliptical in 26:00 and then worked core with Hector for an hour.
I did 2 miles on the elliptical in 26:00 and then worked core with Hector for an hour.
October 22, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
I NEEDED to run, but I feel like it's one of those crazy insane weeks where I don't have the time. (All the more reason to run, otherwise I get squirrelly!) I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 50:00.
I NEEDED to run, but I feel like it's one of those crazy insane weeks where I don't have the time. (All the more reason to run, otherwise I get squirrelly!) I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 50:00.
October 20, 2008
It was a long day...not a bad one, just long. So, when Melissa called to see if I wanted to go to the gym with her I thought "I really should go--ugh."
I went with her to her gym. It's REALLY nice, and the scenery is quite the treat! We did 10 minutes on the row machine (94 calories) it was my first time rowing...kinda weird, but kinda fun. I think I'd like to try real rowing, ya know, on the water. I'm sure I'd get less bored with a change of view. Then Melissa went to the cybex machine and I to the stairs for 10. I did 44 floors and I don't remember the cals, but it was over 110. Next, Melissa went to the treadmill and I went to the elliptical next to her. I only made it about 15 minutes and just did a mile. I think I was more tired than I thought. I guess I could have pushed, but stretching sounded so much more appealing. I'm not really all that sore after the last marathon. My left IT is tight, but that's about it. A massage at this point would be nice, but I think a good nights sleep would be even better! I've just been fighting this cold and all I want is a good nap!
I went with her to her gym. It's REALLY nice, and the scenery is quite the treat! We did 10 minutes on the row machine (94 calories) it was my first time rowing...kinda weird, but kinda fun. I think I'd like to try real rowing, ya know, on the water. I'm sure I'd get less bored with a change of view. Then Melissa went to the cybex machine and I to the stairs for 10. I did 44 floors and I don't remember the cals, but it was over 110. Next, Melissa went to the treadmill and I went to the elliptical next to her. I only made it about 15 minutes and just did a mile. I think I was more tired than I thought. I guess I could have pushed, but stretching sounded so much more appealing. I'm not really all that sore after the last marathon. My left IT is tight, but that's about it. A massage at this point would be nice, but I think a good nights sleep would be even better! I've just been fighting this cold and all I want is a good nap!
October 18, 2008
Indianapolis Marathon!
This was Julia's first marathon, and I have to tell you how proud I am!! She is a total rock star!!
First of all, it was a perfect day for a marathon, about 60 degrees and mostly sunny (all though I did not care for the head wind toward the end). Unfortunately it was not a perfect marathon for me. As we were getting in to Indy, I began to feel queasy. I told Julia that I didn't feel so well. So, I rolled down Roxy's window (Julia's car's name), and realized--oh, yeah--I'm gonna barf. I completely defiled the outside of the car, and some how got vomit on my armpit (how does that happen?!?). We got to the parking lot and I felt somewhat better. After all, I have done the rainbow yawn during a training run before (on Lake Shore Drive), so I should be fine, right?
We got in to our surgical gowns (thank you, Barb!) and headed to the start. We were a little late due to the port-a-potty lines (Hoosier Potty!--say it out loud. It's funny.). Julia wanted to jump in, but I wouldn't let her...I didn't think it was a good idea to go with the 8:00 group. I think she was a little nervous, and I did everything I could to calm her down.
We began the race and even though I had spewed a 1/2 hour before the race, I felt ok (only a little nauseated). In fact, we were on perfect pace for the first 1/2 of the marathon. I knew I could make it to the first half...and at that point I was still feeling pretty good. One completely random thing, was that we saw these two guys with what seemed to be a karaoke machine crooning to the runners...guess which two celebrities they were impersonating? Oh, that would be Elvis and Meatloaf. Seriously the most bizarre combo I've seen, and the "monster ballads" they were singing only made me want to run away, not run better!
Any who, at the half the 1/2 marathoners split off and the course got really sparse. But Julia and I remained on pace, and aside from almost stepping upon squirrel road kill that freaked both of us out the race was pretty uneventful.
That is, until mile 17.
I told Julia that I was tired and needed to walk a bit and to go on with out me. The truth? I was feeling pukey again. I hurled 3 times in mile 17. Once, near a water stop, where a paramedic asked if I wanted a ride back to the start. I responded with "No, I just want to throw up."
Y'all know me--I'm much too stubborn to not finish. And after expunging the contents of my stomach the third time I was feeling a bit better. I walked a little and continued on. I saw Julia after she had hit the turn around and she looked really good. I continued to the turn around and as I got to the sign, it blew over. Ugh!! Really? Can this race be anymore perfect!
I kept going in a walk/run. I got to the 20 telling myself--"It's a 10k--you can run a 10k--you'll be done in 1:15." By the time I got to 22, I was talking smack to the course. "4 miles--any idiot can run 4 miles!!" And finally at 23 "A 5k? Come on, you've done this drunk and hung-over!" At 24 I could feel myself really needing to push, and I remembered Elaine and her walk run plan that had helped her at Big Sur. I told myself, "One minute, you can run for 60 seconds. Then you can walk one minute." That's what I did for the remainder of the race. (Except, I always ran any down hill). Once I hit 26, I decided I would run the last .2...and finished with a 9 minute PR time of 5:39:03 (12:57 av pace)!! Oh, yeah and upon crossing the finish line--I promptly ralphed. Awesome. Julia was cheering for me...until she ran over to pat my back and make sure I wasn't going to die.
She kicked my ass, running her first marathon in just over 5:30. I'm so proud of her! I felt so bad I couldn't stick with her due to my yakage. I didn't want to let her down...(or hork on a marathon course). I still think she's amazing!!
I was helping her stretch after the race, and I said "The next time I decide to do something stupid like this, remind me how AWESOME I am!!" I did it--2 Marathons in 6 days! And I PRed in both!! I can officially apply to be a Marathon Maniac!
My next question: When's the next one?
This was Julia's first marathon, and I have to tell you how proud I am!! She is a total rock star!!
First of all, it was a perfect day for a marathon, about 60 degrees and mostly sunny (all though I did not care for the head wind toward the end). Unfortunately it was not a perfect marathon for me. As we were getting in to Indy, I began to feel queasy. I told Julia that I didn't feel so well. So, I rolled down Roxy's window (Julia's car's name), and realized--oh, yeah--I'm gonna barf. I completely defiled the outside of the car, and some how got vomit on my armpit (how does that happen?!?). We got to the parking lot and I felt somewhat better. After all, I have done the rainbow yawn during a training run before (on Lake Shore Drive), so I should be fine, right?
We got in to our surgical gowns (thank you, Barb!) and headed to the start. We were a little late due to the port-a-potty lines (Hoosier Potty!--say it out loud. It's funny.). Julia wanted to jump in, but I wouldn't let her...I didn't think it was a good idea to go with the 8:00 group. I think she was a little nervous, and I did everything I could to calm her down.
We began the race and even though I had spewed a 1/2 hour before the race, I felt ok (only a little nauseated). In fact, we were on perfect pace for the first 1/2 of the marathon. I knew I could make it to the first half...and at that point I was still feeling pretty good. One completely random thing, was that we saw these two guys with what seemed to be a karaoke machine crooning to the runners...guess which two celebrities they were impersonating? Oh, that would be Elvis and Meatloaf. Seriously the most bizarre combo I've seen, and the "monster ballads" they were singing only made me want to run away, not run better!
Any who, at the half the 1/2 marathoners split off and the course got really sparse. But Julia and I remained on pace, and aside from almost stepping upon squirrel road kill that freaked both of us out the race was pretty uneventful.
That is, until mile 17.
I told Julia that I was tired and needed to walk a bit and to go on with out me. The truth? I was feeling pukey again. I hurled 3 times in mile 17. Once, near a water stop, where a paramedic asked if I wanted a ride back to the start. I responded with "No, I just want to throw up."
Y'all know me--I'm much too stubborn to not finish. And after expunging the contents of my stomach the third time I was feeling a bit better. I walked a little and continued on. I saw Julia after she had hit the turn around and she looked really good. I continued to the turn around and as I got to the sign, it blew over. Ugh!! Really? Can this race be anymore perfect!
I kept going in a walk/run. I got to the 20 telling myself--"It's a 10k--you can run a 10k--you'll be done in 1:15." By the time I got to 22, I was talking smack to the course. "4 miles--any idiot can run 4 miles!!" And finally at 23 "A 5k? Come on, you've done this drunk and hung-over!" At 24 I could feel myself really needing to push, and I remembered Elaine and her walk run plan that had helped her at Big Sur. I told myself, "One minute, you can run for 60 seconds. Then you can walk one minute." That's what I did for the remainder of the race. (Except, I always ran any down hill). Once I hit 26, I decided I would run the last .2...and finished with a 9 minute PR time of 5:39:03 (12:57 av pace)!! Oh, yeah and upon crossing the finish line--I promptly ralphed. Awesome. Julia was cheering for me...until she ran over to pat my back and make sure I wasn't going to die.
She kicked my ass, running her first marathon in just over 5:30. I'm so proud of her! I felt so bad I couldn't stick with her due to my yakage. I didn't want to let her down...(or hork on a marathon course). I still think she's amazing!!
I was helping her stretch after the race, and I said "The next time I decide to do something stupid like this, remind me how AWESOME I am!!" I did it--2 Marathons in 6 days! And I PRed in both!! I can officially apply to be a Marathon Maniac!

October 14, 2008
In spite of soreness, I ran a mile on pace with the kids at CC practice and then another half mile at the 10:00 pace at the gym on the treadmill. Then spent an hour stretching and foam rollering.
October 12, 2008
Ah, the Chicago Marathon. I was so pumped! It was hard to keep the first half slow and on pace...I kept being asked to slow down. For the first 7 miles or so, I had a Chicago Bears balloon. I lost that at some point. I kinda missed the "Go Bears" after it was gone. Here I am at Wells and Ohio with Alfredo.
But then the humidity got to me and I just couldn't keep the pace or catch my breath. I really was struggling to breathe around the United Center and then again in Pilsen. It was so hot, I took my shirt off and ran the last 7 miles in my sports bra (and ya'll know, I don't do naked in public). Here are my splits. You can see I'm pretty well on for the first half...I started to tank in the second:

10k--1:14:56--12:03 pace
Half--2:41:15--12:08 pace
30k--3:57:00--12:42 pace
Then I decided just to have some fun (because isn't that what it's all about?). In Chinatown, some kind souls gave me a Budweiser, and that's when I discovered that the beer was much colder than the water or Gatorade! Then I found some guys South on Michigan Ave who were watching runners...they gave me 2 Miller Lites (one I drank with them, and one I took with me). And then some others on Michigan that traded out my empty Miller Lite for an Amstel Lite that made it across the finish. It was nice to hear people cheer "Yeah, Beer Girl!"
You can see, I did finish (5:48:11--13:18 av pace), with my medal and shiny milar blanket (I *heart* those things!)
I'm so glad that I get a do-over next weekend...here's hoping for cooler weather!!

October 9, 2008
I made it out late today, but at least I made it out. I did 3 miles in 35:34, just below pace. In fact my first mile was 11:24.
What was the difference from yesterday? Well, I wanted to get this run done and over with. I also soaked last night after my run in an epsom salt bath. I don't know if it was the soaking or the salt or just a placebo, but it seemed to help. I tried it again today after the run, using the rest of the salt. I need to pick up some more...especially since it seems to be working, and with 3 days to to the marathon, I'll take what I can get.
I also read an article today about bouncing back from a bad race. It was interesting that they talked about positive self talk--definitely something I need to work on. Another thing was to draw a circle, and with in the circle, write bad things about the race you can control. Outside, things you can't. I was thinking about this in terms of Sunday--I can't control the weather and humidity. I can't control how my lungs or quad injury will feel or this darn cold. I can control how I choose to deal with these things. I can control, my internal monologue and self talk. And I think that based on what I can and cannot control--I choose to kick some ass!
What was the difference from yesterday? Well, I wanted to get this run done and over with. I also soaked last night after my run in an epsom salt bath. I don't know if it was the soaking or the salt or just a placebo, but it seemed to help. I tried it again today after the run, using the rest of the salt. I need to pick up some more...especially since it seems to be working, and with 3 days to to the marathon, I'll take what I can get.
I also read an article today about bouncing back from a bad race. It was interesting that they talked about positive self talk--definitely something I need to work on. Another thing was to draw a circle, and with in the circle, write bad things about the race you can control. Outside, things you can't. I was thinking about this in terms of Sunday--I can't control the weather and humidity. I can't control how my lungs or quad injury will feel or this darn cold. I can control how I choose to deal with these things. I can control, my internal monologue and self talk. And I think that based on what I can and cannot control--I choose to kick some ass!
October 8, 2008
I had a headache all day, but at least going for a run made it better. But my run time sucked--4 miles in 52:52 (13:13 pace). I suppose it could be worse, but I'd really like it not to be. Oh, and while we're wishing for things--the knot gone from my thigh.
October 7, 2008
I went to see Hector today. We did a core work out with lots of stretching...and by stretching I mean Hector beat on my thigh to try to break up that knot. I limped from the gym with out running.
October 4, 2008
It was the last Saturday morning long run (8 miles in 1:34:00-ish, my Garmin batter died). I seems like just last week we were still building mileage. This summer seemed to fly by. Everyone looked so good, it's wonderful that everyone has gotten to know each other so well! I'm super excited about the marathon!
October 2, 2008
Still a little crampy, but headed to the gym anyway. I did 2 miles at 12:30 pace and then worked with Hector. Mostly core, but a little legs and arms. I did my last mile at the same pace for a total run time of 37:30. I would like for my guts to get back in order with out the aid of Pepto, please!!
October 1, 2008
Due to being sick, I missed 150 miles by 3.7 miles. I'm so sad that I didn't make it. Grr. I guess I should be happy to be over 140...that's a new high for me.
Anywho, I took my tired self to the gym and did 4 on the elliptical in 51:00. Slow, at 12:45 pace, but done.
Anywho, I took my tired self to the gym and did 4 on the elliptical in 51:00. Slow, at 12:45 pace, but done.
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