
October 26, 2008

I went with Melissa today for an arms work out with her trainer, John. Aside from the fact that I think he's a semi-sadist, it was fun. We did a mile warm up on the elliptical and commenced with the torture.

I did some assisted 'bee-hive' pull-ups (three to be exact). Unfortunately, I may have yelled in the process...I wasn't happy about people in the gym looking at me. I need to work on that one. There was a whole mess of push ups, bench, bouncy things and probably more weight than I should have lifted. I really dug the core stuff and the beehive thing.


Victoria said...

What in the world is a "bee-hive" pull-up? Just curious for my own knowledge... not to pass that along to my own trainer so that he can do additional torture on me....

Bethie said...

I didn't know what it was until Sunday either. A regular pull-up is where you hang and do a pullup. The bee-hive is when as your pulling up you bring your knees to your chest so you are hanging there, supposedly, looking like a bee-hive. I didn't look like a bee-hive. I looked like a big, sweaty girl hanging from a pole, with a trainer trying to help shove me up there. (Because I know you wanted that visual.)