
October 9, 2008

I made it out late today, but at least I made it out. I did 3 miles in 35:34, just below pace. In fact my first mile was 11:24.

What was the difference from yesterday? Well, I wanted to get this run done and over with. I also soaked last night after my run in an epsom salt bath. I don't know if it was the soaking or the salt or just a placebo, but it seemed to help. I tried it again today after the run, using the rest of the salt. I need to pick up some more...especially since it seems to be working, and with 3 days to to the marathon, I'll take what I can get.

I also read an article today about bouncing back from a bad race. It was interesting that they talked about positive self talk--definitely something I need to work on. Another thing was to draw a circle, and with in the circle, write bad things about the race you can control. Outside, things you can't. I was thinking about this in terms of Sunday--I can't control the weather and humidity. I can't control how my lungs or quad injury will feel or this darn cold. I can control how I choose to deal with these things. I can control, my internal monologue and self talk. And I think that based on what I can and cannot control--I choose to kick some ass!

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