
February 28, 2009

Long run day on the Lakefront Path. I really wasn't sure how this was all going to go down. I ran only 2 miles during the week and that's just half of one of my required training runs. To top it off, it was windy and cold. And by cold I mean, there were actually sections of the Lakefront Path that were closed off with a police car because the lake was on the path and the conditions were too treacherous.

We headed out on our run taking the streets along Michigan Ave. There was one runner being a complete dick to Danielle and I, telling us that we didn't know what we were doing at the turn around point. It was simply because we had taken a different route that he was getting his tights in a bunch Once we got back we realized that one of our runners was not back. Danielle and I ran back down to see if we could find her. We made it to Belmont and called the site coordinator. She told us that she would call someone to drive LSD to help find her. Even huddled together with my wonderful rendition of "I Can't Fight This Feelin'", Danielle and I were freezing. We got picked up and still couldn't find her. They called off the search and took us back to my car. I was so happy that I had a mylar blanket in my trunk from a marathon.

And no worries, the woman who never made it back grabbed a cab and didn't finish her run. She's ok. And I ran a total of 12 miles (instead of 10).


February 26, 2009

This week just will not end!!

Again, I'm late to the gym...and late to work with Hector. He took it easy on me today. I think he could tell that this week has been kicking the crap out of me. We did arms and core. I ran about 2 miles on the treadmill...I know, I know that's less than half of what I should be doing. I really should have pushed through because I know that running makes me feel better, but I really just was feeling the boards pressure and I wanted to get home to work on it.

It's going to be a long run on Saturday morning after not making any of the weekly runs.


February 24, 2009

After a horrible, no good, very bad day, I went to the gym. I just wasn't having a good day there either. Usually, Hector can snap me out of it but it just wasn't happening. I was tight, and off kilter. I believe I cussed out a Bosu. There was no treadmill running...I couldn't handle falling off a treadmill on top of everything else.


February 22, 2009

Today marked my third climbing of the Hustle Up the Hancock. That means, of course, that Jack has been smoke free for 2 years. (Mom, you can send a care package to thank me any time.)

I thought that Melissa was going to climb it with me, but it turns out that she was unable to get a trade at work. I asked around to see if anyone wanted to take her bib for the climb. Finding no one, I decided that the bib should not go to waste…so I climbed it twice.

Crazy? Maybe. Not allowed (I got busted by one of the coordinators who recognized me—no worries, she just made me promise not to do it again.) Awesome? HELL YEAH!!

I wasn’t sure going in, if I’d actually be able to finish. I didn’t push myself through the first climb, knowing I’d go for a second round. I completed the first climb under my bib in 25:14. And that, my friends, is a PR!!! My second attempt was also taking it easy. I finished the second attempt in 26:09...not too shabby! I don’t think I’ll attempt a double climb again, but I’m glad that I did!

And for the record, that’s a total of 188 floors and 3,264 steps.


Febrary 21, 2009

OMG! Winter can be done any day now. Really.

Today's long run sucked ass. It snowed all night leaving a good 4 to 6 inches of snow on the ground. The run was supposed to be 13 miles. The path was plowed, but there were sections that were so icy that not only I was falling down, but other people in my group were falling too. I mention that because, well, a spade's a spade; sometimes I'm klutzy.

Anywho, we ran fro the Totem Pole at Waveland to North Ave. Danielle and I decided it was too slippery, so we headed back. Our group got water near the parking lot and went north. Before we headed on the second leg, one of the runner's bowed out. I wish I knew which email was his. I wanted to send him a note to see how he was doing. On the way back a second runner was having stomach issues. I felt so bad. I walked/ran with him. He decided that he couldn't finish and quit at 11.5. I was so cold from walking at that point, I just couldn't motivate myself to do the last 1.5 miles (lame, I know).

So, I headed back to the car to wait for Danielle and the last remaining runner who was with her. I'm so proud of both of them for finishing it. I only wish I had the balls to get in that last 1.5. I did know his email and sent him a note to not worry about it and to not let it bother him (or try to make up the mileage).

I guess I should take my own advice and not beat myself up about it either. :(


February 19, 2009

Hector did another full body work out today. I did much better than Tuesday's work out. I did run 3 miles after the work out at an 11:11 pace (33:31 total). That was tough. It's hard to let him kick my ass, then run. I can't wait until after school tutoring is over--I'll be able to do my running before Hector gets a hold of me.


February 17, 2009

Hector kicked my ass today (full body). I don't know why I was dragging so much. This training cycle has been really hard for me. I think part of it is the Boards. I know that the training is a lot of time, but it's keeping me sane and not a danger to myself or others. I just have to let the bad days go. I guess I shouldn't compare it to the summer when the weather is better, and I have much more time to complete the training. It's ok to have a crappy training cycle right?


February 16, 2009

I met Danielle for an excellent run on the Lakefront path. She's such a frickin' rock star because she had run 4 miles this morning, and then met me later in the day to run another 7! She's my hero!! Any who, we did it in 1:20:00. I'm happy to have gotten the mid week long run out of the way already.


February 15, 2009

Melissa and I headed out to work with John. It was a tough day. I was tight and my ankle was hurting (I think the ankle was from wearing heels last night). John, again, wanted me to box. It did not end well. Fortunately, once I calmed down, he just let me kick. After a whole bunch of abs, I did 4 miles on the elliptical.


February 14, 2009

Long run day! 11 miles on the Lakefront Path. It sucked to run back into the wind, so of course I was singing to try to help me get through it. I'm glad that it was only 11- total time 2:04:40.


February 12, 2009

I had off work today. It was lovely! I ran to the gym (yep, ran) 3.15 miles and then worked with Hector. I liked the run, work out, run format. I ran home after Hector kill my arms for a total of 6.3 mile, plus an hour of weight training.


February 10, 2009

I went to see Hector today. After a good stretch he we did EVERYTHING, including a whole lot of arms. I need to get to bed sooner or something, because after he gets through with me I just don't want to run. :(


February 8, 2009

Today at the gym I was so unfocused. When I'm not feeling well, I have a hard time balancing having a life, recovering and working out. I went out with Danielle last night and had a beer (yes, just one). And I was home around 11:30. I probably should have been in bed earlier...but I like seeing people. I'm still stuffy. Come on, cold--go away already!!

Anywho, I started on the treadmill, but I was weaving. And due to my fear of being shot off one of those things, I moved to the elliptical for a total of 4 miles. I'm glad that I didn't know my mileage totals for the week, because I probably would have pushed for 6 if I had known what I really should have been doing. But I did the first on the treadmill at an 11:19 and the last 3 on the elliptical at a 12:00-ish pace. It seemed so hard today. I just wasn't feeling it.

Then John kicked all our asses...and by all I mean Danielle, Melissa and I. It was an arms to failure day. I hate that. "To failure" really bothers me. I just get more and more pissed off and frustrated. I could feel myself holding back tears at several points during the work out. Not because I was in pain, but because my body was just tired and my brain wanted to force it to keep going and it just wouldn't go.

I did 25 minutes of yoga before I went to bed. I really need to get back in to the habit of doing that!


February 7, 2009

SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't believe it's almost 50 degrees on a morning in early February!!!

This morning was 7 miles on the Lakefront Path. I am still congested, but not so badly that I couldn't run. 7 miles in 1:21:34. It was a good run, but I'm pretty's time for a shower and a nap.


February 5, 2009

I've been to bed before 8:30 everyday this week, but I do feel like I'm on the mend. I saw Hector for some stretching and an arm/core day. It was a really good work out. The work out was good, but I was pretty tired after it, and could only do a mile :( (Julia, this is where you insert words of encouragement!!)

The only reason that I made it passed 8:30 tonight is that I got sucked in to Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.


February 3, 2009

I met Hector today. I'm still draggin'. We did lower back and some other stuff. I didn't run. I came home, I showered, and I'm going to bed.


February 1, 2009

I went to Melissa's gym today to work out with her and John. I probably should have slept, because after we got home I needed a nap before I could drive home.

We started with hill intervals. I lost track of total time, but we started with the treadmill at 5.0 and a 3.5 pace. Then we sprinted for 60 seconds at 6.0, 6.5, and 7 with the 3.5 recovery in between. Last we did 7.5 and 8.0 for 30 seconds, but I could barely hold on for those. It was a total of 1.15 miles. Next was step ups, and side squats followed by squats and, as Melissa calls them "Jesus Christ's".

John made me go home with out doing cardio. I was thinking about trying to do 4 more so I could have gotten the 5 mile run in for the week. But I think the nap was a better idea.