
February 22, 2009

Today marked my third climbing of the Hustle Up the Hancock. That means, of course, that Jack has been smoke free for 2 years. (Mom, you can send a care package to thank me any time.)

I thought that Melissa was going to climb it with me, but it turns out that she was unable to get a trade at work. I asked around to see if anyone wanted to take her bib for the climb. Finding no one, I decided that the bib should not go to waste…so I climbed it twice.

Crazy? Maybe. Not allowed (I got busted by one of the coordinators who recognized me—no worries, she just made me promise not to do it again.) Awesome? HELL YEAH!!

I wasn’t sure going in, if I’d actually be able to finish. I didn’t push myself through the first climb, knowing I’d go for a second round. I completed the first climb under my bib in 25:14. And that, my friends, is a PR!!! My second attempt was also taking it easy. I finished the second attempt in 26:09...not too shabby! I don’t think I’ll attempt a double climb again, but I’m glad that I did!

And for the record, that’s a total of 188 floors and 3,264 steps.

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