
February 8, 2009

Today at the gym I was so unfocused. When I'm not feeling well, I have a hard time balancing having a life, recovering and working out. I went out with Danielle last night and had a beer (yes, just one). And I was home around 11:30. I probably should have been in bed earlier...but I like seeing people. I'm still stuffy. Come on, cold--go away already!!

Anywho, I started on the treadmill, but I was weaving. And due to my fear of being shot off one of those things, I moved to the elliptical for a total of 4 miles. I'm glad that I didn't know my mileage totals for the week, because I probably would have pushed for 6 if I had known what I really should have been doing. But I did the first on the treadmill at an 11:19 and the last 3 on the elliptical at a 12:00-ish pace. It seemed so hard today. I just wasn't feeling it.

Then John kicked all our asses...and by all I mean Danielle, Melissa and I. It was an arms to failure day. I hate that. "To failure" really bothers me. I just get more and more pissed off and frustrated. I could feel myself holding back tears at several points during the work out. Not because I was in pain, but because my body was just tired and my brain wanted to force it to keep going and it just wouldn't go.

I did 25 minutes of yoga before I went to bed. I really need to get back in to the habit of doing that!

1 comment:

SuperJuls said...

Message to Bethie's brain:
Please allow time for recovery from being sick. Pushing to hard could slow the healing process. After being fully healthy, intense, insane workouts will again be possible.
The rest of Bethie

Hang in there! You'll be better soon!