
March 28, 2009

Wind. It blows. Literally, figuratively and everything in between. Today's run was brutal. It was supposed to be 18, but it ended up at 18.5. The wind was 30+ mph, Lake Michigan was attacking the Lakefront path, and after about an hour, the sky was over cast dropping the temperatures. At about mile 13, I rolled my ankle and thought about packing it in, but I walked/ran (60/60) the next 3 miles.

Then I went with Danielle to the Shamrock Shuffle expo. We were so cold that we had to run the to Navy Pier. We were tired (she had run 20.5 at this point) but it was too cold to walk. That evened up the mileage to 19 for me and 21 for Danielle. We very seriously ate our way through the expo, followed by more carbo loading at Beer Bistro. I finished the 19 miles in total time of 3:45:11 (11:52-ish?).

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