
March 31, 2008

Hector told me that he has some new methods of torture for me...I informed him that he was not allowed to kick my ass this week--it's my 40 mile week. Today, I got streatched (Woo-Hoo!) and then we did arms and core. Hopefully Wednesday will be an easy day too.

I then decided to do my second longest run for the week of ten miles on the elliptical. That took about two hours. Really it wouldn't have been so bad if I a) wasn't already tired and b) it wasn't "Member Apprecation Day".

I HATE Member Apprecation Day. It pisses me off. The gym pretty much turns in to a circus. No, I don't want WaMu free checking. No, I don't want some cream that decreases skin dammage. No, I don't want to hear a DJ blasting some club music that I can't even drown out with my own head phones. AArrgh!! It really chaps my ass. There are only 2 reasons I go to the gym. 1) To kick my ass. 2) To have Hector kick my ass. (Argueably there is a third--to stare at the Hot Stair Climbing Fireman, but he doesn't know I exist so, really that's just a bonus when one of the first two happens!)

But at least my 10 miler is done...I really want to push myself to get the other two five mile runs in tomorrow and Wednesday. I really feel that I need the two days off in a row to prepare for the 20 miler. Maybe Big John will want to go see Run Fat Boy, Run to help me take my mind off of it.

On another note, I noticed thanks to the calculations on my Runner's World Training Log, I have officially run over 100 miles for the month of March! 108.6 miles to be exact! I'm a ROCK STAR!! (A sore and tired rock star, but I'm still a rock star none the less!)


Victoria said...

You have a 40 mile week?!?!? That's absolutely absurd. The thought of me running 40 miles in one week makes me want to vomit.
BUT... congrats on running over 100 miles in March! That's awesome!!! You really have given me a lot of motivation with this running thing... except hearing about the 40 mile week... I'm feeling nauseous again...

Bethie said...

Victoria--Well, so far in 5 days I've run 40 miles:

15 on Saturday
5 on Sunday
10 on Monday
5 on Tuesday
5 on Wednesday

It really wasn't so bad. I have Thursday and Friday off, and then the 20 miler. I'm telling myself it won't be too bad. I'm running with a group, so I'll have people to talk with. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Today I signed up for the Chicago Distance Classic. I'm so pumped for it!!

I'm so happy that I've motivated you!! Anything I can do to help, just let me know!

Yeah running!!

Victoria said...

You really are a rock star!!! Good luck on your 20-miler today!!! I'll be thinking of you while I'm getting my pedicure ;-)