April 29, 2009
Today was just the workout I needed. I went to Super Julia's for a gourmet fish taco dinner (they were awesome--I had 2. Very yummy but not as much fun to run!) We did an easy 3 in 36:12 and then 45:00 of yoga. I got the chance to stretch my legs and run a little and then literally stretch in yoga. I'm still a little tight from the marathon, but this was just a perfect light mid-week workout before marathon number 2.
April 28, 2009
Now that I've had some distance from the CMM I've decided a few things. If it had been hot and flat I would have been ok. It's just hills and hot combo that did me in. I even think that hills and cool might have been ok. (I can test my theory on Saturday--Kenosha is supposed to be about 50 and hilly...fingers crossed I don't bonk!)
I went to the gym and ran a mile (1.1 in about 11:15) before Hector stretched me. I still hate my IT bands and my Anterior Tibialis. I need to make friends with my stick and foam roller. (Can someone explain to me why I didn't make a massage appointment?) I'm hurting more than I did after Chicago last year, but I'm hoping I'll be ok for Saturday.
I'm not even stressed about another marathon, I'm stressed that my IT band and shins are still sore from last week. Say a little prayer I get all this soreness out of my system before Saturday!
I went to the gym and ran a mile (1.1 in about 11:15) before Hector stretched me. I still hate my IT bands and my Anterior Tibialis. I need to make friends with my stick and foam roller. (Can someone explain to me why I didn't make a massage appointment?) I'm hurting more than I did after Chicago last year, but I'm hoping I'll be ok for Saturday.
I'm not even stressed about another marathon, I'm stressed that my IT band and shins are still sore from last week. Say a little prayer I get all this soreness out of my system before Saturday!
April 25, 2009
"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming."--Frank Shorter
I've seen this quote a lot on various marathon sites. My problem is that I forgot just how much hills and humidity suck when running, let alone throw a marathon into that combination. I fully expected Nashville to be a challenge. I hadn't trained as hard as I did in the last cycle and Nashville is a hilly course. What I did not expect was for the weather on race day to be 85 and humid. This race was like Chicago, but with hills. I think I'd rather know the bad stuff is coming rather than start with ignorance. I guess I've got a bench mark to solve that problem now!
I was doing alright in the first 5k, I was running 10 minute mile splits, even with the hills. By mile 5 I had taken my shirt off because it was so damn hot. I began to slow to an 11:00/11:30 av up through the 10 mile mark...and then I started to slow down and things started sucking. By mile 13 I was starting to hate the world and by mile 14 I was on the verge of an asthma attack (and tears).
So, I did what any sane person would do. I called my own personal superhero. That's right, I sat down on the curb in the middle of the Country Music Marathon and called Julia. Thank God she answered and talked to me. I was distracted enough to focus on answering her questions. It was good that she talked me through it. I'm not even sure what she said (sorry, Jules!), but it kept me going. I walked until mile 15 and then started with a 60 second run 60 second walk (ah, the Jeff Galloway back up plan!). I really couldn't take running the up hills at this point, but I figured, I just have to finish.
I stopped at an aid station and asked for some Vaseline and a hug (I'm not kidding). The water stops were sparse and using hose water because they were out of bottled (at least there was water). I just wanted to be done. I was so hot, I felt like I wasn't even sweating any more.
By 19, I checked my phone and saw Julia had sent me the Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway (bababababa!) and that cheered me up. I had 2 very serious revelations at this point; 1) I do not want to run a marathon in July unless it's somewhere in the Arctic circle, and 2) I need to find the Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway song for my iPod. (I'm serious! It would be good to run to!)
I finally finished in over 6 hours for my worst marathon time ever. I was also sad that I got my ass kicked by a biggest looser reject (by 15 minutes). I guess I should be proud that I listened to my body and didn't try to kill myself. Someone did actually die at this race running the 1/2 marathon. He was only 26 and had a heart attack. I finished what I started, and did it safely. I did not have a major asthma attack. My IT bands hate me right now as does my anterior tibialis (thanks Matt, Mindy and Melissa for teaching me the name of that muscle--I still hate it!)
The positives are that I finished. I got a medal. I can cross Tennessee of the 50 State Challenge List. And the last one...I never have to run this race again!
I've seen this quote a lot on various marathon sites. My problem is that I forgot just how much hills and humidity suck when running, let alone throw a marathon into that combination. I fully expected Nashville to be a challenge. I hadn't trained as hard as I did in the last cycle and Nashville is a hilly course. What I did not expect was for the weather on race day to be 85 and humid. This race was like Chicago, but with hills. I think I'd rather know the bad stuff is coming rather than start with ignorance. I guess I've got a bench mark to solve that problem now!
I was doing alright in the first 5k, I was running 10 minute mile splits, even with the hills. By mile 5 I had taken my shirt off because it was so damn hot. I began to slow to an 11:00/11:30 av up through the 10 mile mark...and then I started to slow down and things started sucking. By mile 13 I was starting to hate the world and by mile 14 I was on the verge of an asthma attack (and tears).
So, I did what any sane person would do. I called my own personal superhero. That's right, I sat down on the curb in the middle of the Country Music Marathon and called Julia. Thank God she answered and talked to me. I was distracted enough to focus on answering her questions. It was good that she talked me through it. I'm not even sure what she said (sorry, Jules!), but it kept me going. I walked until mile 15 and then started with a 60 second run 60 second walk (ah, the Jeff Galloway back up plan!). I really couldn't take running the up hills at this point, but I figured, I just have to finish.
I stopped at an aid station and asked for some Vaseline and a hug (I'm not kidding). The water stops were sparse and using hose water because they were out of bottled (at least there was water). I just wanted to be done. I was so hot, I felt like I wasn't even sweating any more.
By 19, I checked my phone and saw Julia had sent me the Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway (bababababa!) and that cheered me up. I had 2 very serious revelations at this point; 1) I do not want to run a marathon in July unless it's somewhere in the Arctic circle, and 2) I need to find the Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway song for my iPod. (I'm serious! It would be good to run to!)
I finally finished in over 6 hours for my worst marathon time ever. I was also sad that I got my ass kicked by a biggest looser reject (by 15 minutes). I guess I should be proud that I listened to my body and didn't try to kill myself. Someone did actually die at this race running the 1/2 marathon. He was only 26 and had a heart attack. I finished what I started, and did it safely. I did not have a major asthma attack. My IT bands hate me right now as does my anterior tibialis (thanks Matt, Mindy and Melissa for teaching me the name of that muscle--I still hate it!)
The positives are that I finished. I got a medal. I can cross Tennessee of the 50 State Challenge List. And the last one...I never have to run this race again!
April 22, 2009
Today was a good run with Julia through the neighborhood 3 miles in 34 minutes. It's so nice to have another established running day besides Saturdays, it definitely keeps me motivated.
Julia mentioned that she had a panic moment about registering for another marathon...I was thinking about it...I'm still not even worried about Saturday's marathon. Has the marathon lost it's allure? I'm not sure...but I'll find out on Saturday. Maybe it's that I just don't think things through? Is it that I just like a challenge?
My last option is that I just don't have anything better to do than run for 6 hours. Yeah, that's probably it.
Julia mentioned that she had a panic moment about registering for another marathon...I was thinking about it...I'm still not even worried about Saturday's marathon. Has the marathon lost it's allure? I'm not sure...but I'll find out on Saturday. Maybe it's that I just don't think things through? Is it that I just like a challenge?
My last option is that I just don't have anything better to do than run for 6 hours. Yeah, that's probably it.
April 21, 2009
The taper bitch is back in town! Everything annoys me. I feel fat and restless. I hate the taper. Thank God it's only one week.
I went to the gym and did 4 miles on the elliptical. I saw one of the trainers and he asked me if I was ok because I wasn't wearing my regular running clothes. I told him I was fine...these were actually my pajamas and I desperately needed to do laundry :)
Hector gave me a good stretch and tried to get out all the knots, which were many and it was painful--damn foam roller!
I went to the gym and did 4 miles on the elliptical. I saw one of the trainers and he asked me if I was ok because I wasn't wearing my regular running clothes. I told him I was fine...these were actually my pajamas and I desperately needed to do laundry :)
Hector gave me a good stretch and tried to get out all the knots, which were many and it was painful--damn foam roller!
April 19, 2009
Today Melissa, Danielle and I worked out with John. It was a PT kind of day. I did 6 miles on the bike in 20 minutes and then an hour of PT.
I'm feeling tired and crabby. It worries me that I'm tired and crabby on a taper. I could see crabby, but not tired. I'm conflicted on being over trained? I donno what's up. It's hard to not go back to the gym for a second work out (I was watching the 2008 Ironman re-broadcast and that's a HUGE motivator). I didn't get any swimming in this week. :( I know that's my weak point for tri-training, and I really want to go back to the gym for a second bike ride and a swim.
Maybe I'll call Julia to talk me out of it. :)
I'm feeling tired and crabby. It worries me that I'm tired and crabby on a taper. I could see crabby, but not tired. I'm conflicted on being over trained? I donno what's up. It's hard to not go back to the gym for a second work out (I was watching the 2008 Ironman re-broadcast and that's a HUGE motivator). I didn't get any swimming in this week. :( I know that's my weak point for tri-training, and I really want to go back to the gym for a second bike ride and a swim.
Maybe I'll call Julia to talk me out of it. :)
April 18, 2009
Last long run of Winter Training 2009...
We were up for 12, but since half of us were a week off of a marathon, we split the taper difference (supposed to be 8), and did 10 miles in 1:53:05. (On a side note, if I can do this pace for the Soldier Field 10 Mile, I'll have a new PR!)
We were SUPPOSED to have bagels at the end of the run, provided by Magellan Properties...not so much (I do not like them now). Apparently, even though they invited the marathon people, they didn't take in to account the 11:30/12 minute mile group, and that's crap. They did drive us back to our cars...if they hadn't I really would have been unhappy. However, Danielle and I made up for the bagel fiasco and went to Sweet Mandy B's for a post run cupcake!

April 16, 2009
I went to the gym and did a fast, easy 3 on the elliptical and then Hector proceeded to kick my ass. I was covered in Awesome Sauce. It was a tough leg work out. Stairs, weights, lunges, backwards lunges...
I'm also not making more friends at the gym. I was running up and down the stairs (skipping stairs, of course) with two 10 lb dumbbells over my head. After a few times I started to get tired, and this other trainer (not Hector, all though he was there) starts barking at me "Come on, Let's Go! Let's Go! Let's Go!" I stopped and turned and looked at him. I said "Are you yelling at me?" He looked at me wide eyed and said "Uh..." I let him have it. I told him "Excuse me! You don't yell at me. My own trainer doesn't yell at me. Your focus needs to be on her (the client he SHOULD have been working with). You DO NOT yell at me." And I continued running down the stairs. Yes, I wa struggling at that point and pushing myself. But yelling at me to work is not going to motivate me in anyway. Was I too harsh on him?
I'm also not making more friends at the gym. I was running up and down the stairs (skipping stairs, of course) with two 10 lb dumbbells over my head. After a few times I started to get tired, and this other trainer (not Hector, all though he was there) starts barking at me "Come on, Let's Go! Let's Go! Let's Go!" I stopped and turned and looked at him. I said "Are you yelling at me?" He looked at me wide eyed and said "Uh..." I let him have it. I told him "Excuse me! You don't yell at me. My own trainer doesn't yell at me. Your focus needs to be on her (the client he SHOULD have been working with). You DO NOT yell at me." And I continued running down the stairs. Yes, I wa struggling at that point and pushing myself. But yelling at me to work is not going to motivate me in anyway. Was I too harsh on him?
April 15, 2009
Still feeling poopy, no news on the job front. If any one knows of teaching positions for Secondary Art, Psych or Middle School Art, Social Studies or Science for a National Board Candidate with a MAT, let me know.
Julia came over and ran 3 miles with me. It really was just what I needed. I'm so glad we've set up a mid-week run. I really was going to say "Screw it!" and crawl in to bed. (It's hard being told you're a great teacher, but due to budget cuts we can't keep you.) But I cleaned the house (kinda) and really enjoyed the 3.1 in 33:01. It was a good pace and a really good solid run.
Thanks, Super Julia! I'm glad you're a friend who motivates me to run!
Julia came over and ran 3 miles with me. It really was just what I needed. I'm so glad we've set up a mid-week run. I really was going to say "Screw it!" and crawl in to bed. (It's hard being told you're a great teacher, but due to budget cuts we can't keep you.) But I cleaned the house (kinda) and really enjoyed the 3.1 in 33:01. It was a good pace and a really good solid run.
Thanks, Super Julia! I'm glad you're a friend who motivates me to run!
April 14, 2009
So...I got some awful news at work. My position is being cut in 1/ I'll be looking for a job. I found out after work today. I got on the treadmill and due to my "no crying while running rule" every time I felt the tears, I kicked it up. I did 4 miles in 43 minutes.
Hector stretched me for a 1/2 hour and I was pretty bendy. There was a point where I was laying on my stomach on the stretching table with my arms folded and my chin resting on them. Hector had my leg stretched back and my foot was touching my spine. At that point all the trainers at the PT desk turned and stared. (Because that doesn't make me feel self conscious!). Clarence, one of the trainers, says to me "Damn, girl! You know you're a freak?!" To which I replied "If my leg wasn't wrapped around my head right now, I'd kick your ass!"
After a good stretch, Hector and I did core work...I love the bosu and all the crunches. It's really good for running. Maybe someday, I'll loose enough weight to have six pack...(haha! The things I say to make myself laugh!)
Hector stretched me for a 1/2 hour and I was pretty bendy. There was a point where I was laying on my stomach on the stretching table with my arms folded and my chin resting on them. Hector had my leg stretched back and my foot was touching my spine. At that point all the trainers at the PT desk turned and stared. (Because that doesn't make me feel self conscious!). Clarence, one of the trainers, says to me "Damn, girl! You know you're a freak?!" To which I replied "If my leg wasn't wrapped around my head right now, I'd kick your ass!"
After a good stretch, Hector and I did core work...I love the bosu and all the crunches. It's really good for running. Maybe someday, I'll loose enough weight to have six pack...(haha! The things I say to make myself laugh!)
April 11, 2009
20 miler! BOO-YA!!
The first 10 miles started out wonderfully. I it was a clear day, in the upper 30's when we started. I was very dehydrated when I started. I burned through my fuel belt in the first three miles. By mile 5.5 I had gone through it a second time. I as feeling better by Soldier Field. I know it's because I had been on Lasiks all week. I swear that I'm the only woman in the world that gains weight (at least 7 lbs.) running 20 miles. The bright side to the water stops was the last one. I was very excited because there were snacks!! I discovered at the 50k I really do <3 snacks when I run long distance. There were Cheeseit's, gummy bears and some Chex Mix. Clearly, I hit the Cheeseit's and gummy bears.
We made it to the half way point at 1:55 ish. It was the way back that was the problem. Running in to a 30 mph head wind was not easy. I made it 2.5 miles and my asthma got the better of me. I just couldn't catch my breath!! Danielle gave me the "It's ok to walk, chica." But all I wanted to do was make it to the water stop.
Once there, (and after I could breathe again), I made the decision to run the rest of the way south. I knew if I continued north, I'd never make it. I'd either have to walk or have an asthma attack and have to quit. I had run the first 10 miles just fine, so I told Danielle that was my decision, and that I would take a cab back to the start. I offered any of my runners if they wanted to join me, and only Donna (who also happens to have asthma, and was having a hard time herself) joined me. We continued along at an 11:30 ish pace. At mile 16 we stopped for a bathroom break and then at each mile marker after that, Donna said she needed a walk break. Even with our breaks we still finished in 3:58:01.
On the cab ride back to our car, the cabbie kept rolling down the window...I guess after 20 miles, there's a serious funk factor. We had run from the Waveland Totem Pole to the South Shore Cultural Center at 68th (with a 2.5 mile double back in there). Somewhere between Navy Pier and North Avenue, the cabbie asked "Wait, you ran this far?" To which we both had a proud "Yup" as a reply.
I'm so glad that we ran south...I don't think I would have made it as easily going north. We even got shirts promoting the Magellan 1/2 Marathon after we finished. I guess I have another tech shirt for the pile.
The first 10 miles started out wonderfully. I it was a clear day, in the upper 30's when we started. I was very dehydrated when I started. I burned through my fuel belt in the first three miles. By mile 5.5 I had gone through it a second time. I as feeling better by Soldier Field. I know it's because I had been on Lasiks all week. I swear that I'm the only woman in the world that gains weight (at least 7 lbs.) running 20 miles. The bright side to the water stops was the last one. I was very excited because there were snacks!! I discovered at the 50k I really do <3 snacks when I run long distance. There were Cheeseit's, gummy bears and some Chex Mix. Clearly, I hit the Cheeseit's and gummy bears.
We made it to the half way point at 1:55 ish. It was the way back that was the problem. Running in to a 30 mph head wind was not easy. I made it 2.5 miles and my asthma got the better of me. I just couldn't catch my breath!! Danielle gave me the "It's ok to walk, chica." But all I wanted to do was make it to the water stop.
Once there, (and after I could breathe again), I made the decision to run the rest of the way south. I knew if I continued north, I'd never make it. I'd either have to walk or have an asthma attack and have to quit. I had run the first 10 miles just fine, so I told Danielle that was my decision, and that I would take a cab back to the start. I offered any of my runners if they wanted to join me, and only Donna (who also happens to have asthma, and was having a hard time herself) joined me. We continued along at an 11:30 ish pace. At mile 16 we stopped for a bathroom break and then at each mile marker after that, Donna said she needed a walk break. Even with our breaks we still finished in 3:58:01.
On the cab ride back to our car, the cabbie kept rolling down the window...I guess after 20 miles, there's a serious funk factor. We had run from the Waveland Totem Pole to the South Shore Cultural Center at 68th (with a 2.5 mile double back in there). Somewhere between Navy Pier and North Avenue, the cabbie asked "Wait, you ran this far?" To which we both had a proud "Yup" as a reply.
I'm so glad that we ran south...I don't think I would have made it as easily going north. We even got shirts promoting the Magellan 1/2 Marathon after we finished. I guess I have another tech shirt for the pile.
April 8, 2009
Today, I thought I had an appointment with Hector. It was a game of phone tag; he called me and didn't think I got the message and I called him and thought he got the message. So I ran 7 miles before the gym, and waited for him. When I found out he wasn't coming I ran the 3 miles home. (Yes, my friends, it was a 10 mile run day.)
Then I met Juila for dinner (yummy pasta!) and we did 45 minutes of yoga. Clearly, I haven't done yoga in a while. I really need to get back in to that routine, because I'm definitely not as bendy as I used to be :( Getting old sucks.
Then I met Juila for dinner (yummy pasta!) and we did 45 minutes of yoga. Clearly, I haven't done yoga in a while. I really need to get back in to that routine, because I'm definitely not as bendy as I used to be :( Getting old sucks.
April 7, 2009
Hector cancelled on me this morning, so I made it an easy day. I did 5 miles on the elliptical (my legs and left foot are still tight)in 54:47, 6 miles biking in 16:40, and swam 200 yards in about 6 minutes.
April 6, 2009
Rest day?! Who needs a rest day. (Ok, well--I might...) Today I went to the gym and just had a short work out. I did 5 miles on the bike in 13:55 and swam 225 yards in the pool (about 7 min.).
April 5, 2009
I didn't sleep well last night, so I tried to stay in bed as long as possible this morning. Which didn't give me much time in the morning. :(
I did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical and did strength training with John and Melissa for an hour. It was more PT than weights, but it was better than sitting on my butt eating waffles.
I did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical and did strength training with John and Melissa for an hour. It was more PT than weights, but it was better than sitting on my butt eating waffles.
April 4, 2009
Today was a beautiful day for a run! We headed out for 14 miles and completed the run in 2:42:58.
After the run, Danielle and I voluenteered at one of the water stations for the Lakefront 50k. It really was a lot of fun! (Ya'll should voluenteer for one sometime!) We met Marathon Maniac Larry Macon. He's been Maniac of the year several years in a row (check out his'll see why). It really was awesome to meet him. Danielle and I geeked out about it and got our picture taken with him.

Good times!
After the run, Danielle and I voluenteered at one of the water stations for the Lakefront 50k. It really was a lot of fun! (Ya'll should voluenteer for one sometime!) We met Marathon Maniac Larry Macon. He's been Maniac of the year several years in a row (check out his'll see why). It really was awesome to meet him. Danielle and I geeked out about it and got our picture taken with him.

Good times!
April 2, 2009
First of all, I do not heart doctor's appointments and it was probably not a good thing that I went to the gym after. I did arms and core with Hector for an hour. Then, I got on the elliptical and did 5 miles followed by 5 miles on the bike.
I probably would have done my 10 miler if I had something to eat in that time, but I figured it was best to just do the 2 hour workout instead of 3 and head home.
I probably would have done my 10 miler if I had something to eat in that time, but I figured it was best to just do the 2 hour workout instead of 3 and head home.
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