
April 28, 2009

Now that I've had some distance from the CMM I've decided a few things. If it had been hot and flat I would have been ok. It's just hills and hot combo that did me in. I even think that hills and cool might have been ok. (I can test my theory on Saturday--Kenosha is supposed to be about 50 and hilly...fingers crossed I don't bonk!)

I went to the gym and ran a mile (1.1 in about 11:15) before Hector stretched me. I still hate my IT bands and my Anterior Tibialis. I need to make friends with my stick and foam roller. (Can someone explain to me why I didn't make a massage appointment?) I'm hurting more than I did after Chicago last year, but I'm hoping I'll be ok for Saturday.

I'm not even stressed about another marathon, I'm stressed that my IT band and shins are still sore from last week. Say a little prayer I get all this soreness out of my system before Saturday!

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