This morning I went for a run with Lynn. We still walked quite a bit and I'm concerned with how she'll do on the Marathon. I ran 3 miles with her (walked 1.5 ish) and then ran an extra mile on my own.
I also went for a bike ride with Jack and Danielle on the Lakefront path. It may have rained, but where it did there were no bugs. I'll take a nice summer rain over bugs any day! We did 30 miles in about 2:10. It was my longest training ride yet!
There was one minor mishap. Near Fullerton, along North Ave. beach my tire started to slip. I completely lost control of my bike and fell on to the sand. I tried to keep my balance, but went over the handle bars. Fortunately, it was sand and not concrete...because that could have been bad. I was pretty sandy and I got some road (sand?) rash. My right side (shoulder, hip and ankle) are a little sore too. Hopefully, that's my last spill for a while.
July 29, 2009
No run with Julia today :(
I was also flaked and thought my appointment with Hector was at 9:00 am instead of 7:00 I missed that too. AND I had take both Monday and Tuesday off!! (I guess I shouldn't complain. I've only missed 6 days of working out in a total of 32.
I did 9 miles on the elliptical. If I hadn't brought a magazine, I would have felt like a hamster on a wheel. I did it in 1:40:37.
I was also flaked and thought my appointment with Hector was at 9:00 am instead of 7:00 I missed that too. AND I had take both Monday and Tuesday off!! (I guess I shouldn't complain. I've only missed 6 days of working out in a total of 32.
I did 9 miles on the elliptical. If I hadn't brought a magazine, I would have felt like a hamster on a wheel. I did it in 1:40:37.
July 26, 2009
Glenview Triathlon
I have to say, I love this race!
Again I was passing people in the pool. I my split was 5:45...I guess 6 minutes was too slow. I think next year, I'll be putting 5 down for the estimated time. I hit the first transition in under a minute and did the bike in 33:00. My T2 was 59 seconds! and then my run was 34:00. I really need to get my run faster because I really shouldn't be slower at the run than the bike. My total race time was 1:15
The awesome news? I came in 6th in my age group!! The bad news? I was one second away from 5th. I also looked at the age group standings and realized that if my run was faster, I could place in the top 3. In fact, only the 1st place person had me beat on anything other than the run. I think I'm going to work on this for next year and go for it!
Who wants to help me drop my 5k time?
Here are my stats and splits:
overall place: 206 out of 363
division place: 6 out of 24
gender place: 65 out of 177
time: 1:15:29
pace: 0:
swim: 5:46
trans 1: 1:32
bike: 33:05
trans 2: 0:59
run: 34:07
I have to say, I love this race!
Again I was passing people in the pool. I my split was 5:45...I guess 6 minutes was too slow. I think next year, I'll be putting 5 down for the estimated time. I hit the first transition in under a minute and did the bike in 33:00. My T2 was 59 seconds! and then my run was 34:00. I really need to get my run faster because I really shouldn't be slower at the run than the bike. My total race time was 1:15
The awesome news? I came in 6th in my age group!! The bad news? I was one second away from 5th. I also looked at the age group standings and realized that if my run was faster, I could place in the top 3. In fact, only the 1st place person had me beat on anything other than the run. I think I'm going to work on this for next year and go for it!
Who wants to help me drop my 5k time?
Here are my stats and splits:
overall place: 206 out of 363
division place: 6 out of 24
gender place: 65 out of 177
time: 1:15:29
pace: 0:
swim: 5:46
trans 1: 1:32
bike: 33:05
trans 2: 0:59
run: 34:07
July 25, 2009
This year I ran the BIX! I never thought I'd want to do it...I mean, have you seen the Brady St. Hill? I have to say, the hill wasn't that bad! I was running really well...sub 11:00 for some of it. I was shocked how well I did. The worst part of the race, was the McClellen St. Hill---that sucked...A LOT! I had to walk. Even with all the hills, I ran it in 1:18:45. I know I could have gone faster, but I was saving it for tomorrow.
The best part of the race? Oh, yeah--I did it dressed as Tinkerbell! :)
This year I ran the BIX! I never thought I'd want to do it...I mean, have you seen the Brady St. Hill? I have to say, the hill wasn't that bad! I was running really well...sub 11:00 for some of it. I was shocked how well I did. The worst part of the race, was the McClellen St. Hill---that sucked...A LOT! I had to walk. Even with all the hills, I ran it in 1:18:45. I know I could have gone faster, but I was saving it for tomorrow.
The best part of the race? Oh, yeah--I did it dressed as Tinkerbell! :)

July 23, 2009
This morning I did 4 miles with Lynn. It was soooo humid, definitely a hard run for both of us.
Then I met Melissa at the Ohio Street Beach (with the 10 mile bike) for her first open water swim. It wasn't smooth, but it was a good swim. We did a 1/2 mile. I'm proud she did it!
Then I met Melissa at the Ohio Street Beach (with the 10 mile bike) for her first open water swim. It wasn't smooth, but it was a good swim. We did a 1/2 mile. I'm proud she did it!
July 22, 2009
This morning I worked with Hector...he likes to pick on my legs. I then made myself do 750 meters in the pool. I was kinda tired, but I told myself that I needed to work on pushing off the walls and to focus on that. I got through it.
That evening, Julia and I ran 8 miles (1:35:00) out and about. It was a tough one, but I'm glad we powered through.
That evening, Julia and I ran 8 miles (1:35:00) out and about. It was a tough one, but I'm glad we powered through.
July 21, 2009
This morning I ran with Lynn for the first time. We ran up to Caldwell Woods. I thought we'd go for four but we made it 3 with some walking. We saw 4 deer, a doe with 2 fawns and a young buck that had an antler missing. We called the buck "Stumpy".
July 20, 2009
Today was an ass-kickin' kinda day!
10 miles on the bike at the gym.
Then Hector kicked my butt for an hour.
Followed by 500 m swim where I focused on pushing off the walls in preparation for Glenview.
Finally, Jack and I went out for an 18 mile ride in the evening.
10 miles on the bike at the gym.
Then Hector kicked my butt for an hour.
Followed by 500 m swim where I focused on pushing off the walls in preparation for Glenview.
Finally, Jack and I went out for an 18 mile ride in the evening.
July 19, 2009
CARA Long Run...the Fleet Feet Women's 5k/10k was this morning was 7.1 to get around the racers in 1:24:00.
July 18, 2009
No long run today! Nope, it's Julia's birthday so whatelse would we do? Oh, yeah---
It was a 6k with "13 Hellish Obstacles!" Ok, so some of them weren't that hellish...But we donned our Braveheart attire and hit the mud.
I really liked the wall climb. (Even if I had to wait 10 mintues to do it, making my time 50:00) I straddled the wall and yelled "For Scotland!!" And everyone cheered. Julia had the funniest moments when she ran into the wall rather than jumping over it...I feel a little bad laughing, but it was so damn funny!
Running through fire wasn't bad, because it was really hot coals (BULLSHIT!) but it was muddy fun with beer and a medal!
Good times with Laura, Danielle and Julia...and HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to Julia!!
It was a 6k with "13 Hellish Obstacles!" Ok, so some of them weren't that hellish...But we donned our Braveheart attire and hit the mud.
I really liked the wall climb. (Even if I had to wait 10 mintues to do it, making my time 50:00) I straddled the wall and yelled "For Scotland!!" And everyone cheered. Julia had the funniest moments when she ran into the wall rather than jumping over it...I feel a little bad laughing, but it was so damn funny!
Running through fire wasn't bad, because it was really hot coals (BULLSHIT!) but it was muddy fun with beer and a medal!

July 17, 2009
I drove down to the Lake and took a nice bike ride (total 10 miles) to Ohio St. Beach for a swim. I did a 1/2 mile in the lake. I hate when it's choppy and cold. The open water swims get easier, right?
July 16, 2009
Hector's back! (And kicking my ass) I saw him for an hour and then did 4 miles on the elliptical in 44:00.
July 14, 2009
Hector's in Cabo :(
I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 43:00 and then swam 800 meters in 18:00 minutes. Nice quick day.
I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 43:00 and then swam 800 meters in 18:00 minutes. Nice quick day.
July 13, 2009
Went biking with Jack and Danielle along the Lakefront ass hurt after sitting on the hard canoe bench for three hours. We made it to Buckingham Fountain and I needed to turn around--my bum hurt too much! We did bike 17 miles, most of which was spent with me hovering above my bike seat!
July 12, 2009
This morning was the second CARA Long run. 2:00:00 for another 10 miles.
Then in the evening I went canoeing with Judy. We went from Addison to Chinatown in the Chicago River in about 3 hours. It was beautiful to see the Loop from the river at dusk! I defiantly want to do that again...but maybe next time a kayak instead of a canoe.
Then in the evening I went canoeing with Judy. We went from Addison to Chinatown in the Chicago River in about 3 hours. It was beautiful to see the Loop from the river at dusk! I defiantly want to do that again...but maybe next time a kayak instead of a canoe.
July 9, 2009
CFD-Run for the Kids 5k
This really is one of my favorite races...they made it just a little better by adding sandwiches! They already had Chipotle's chips and guac, but now they had Pocket's calzones!! (even vegetarian ones--woo!) Danielle and I ran this race to celebrate her birthday (Happy Birthday, Danielle!)
I managed to keep up with her for the first mile. However, the path was crowded and people don't know how to place themselves at the start of a race (annoying!!). I was weaving in and out of people. Then just after mile 1 we hit the CFD cadets running (and singing) in formation. I thought of Amy and said, I need to beat these guys and managed to pull a head of them. I felt pretty good through the first half and even completely passed the cadets before the turn around. I wish that I had it in me to push more in the second and third miles because while I PRed, I didn't make my goal of under 30 minutes. I am proud of my PR with a 30:44 and a 9:54 av. pace...that under 30 minute mark is just 45 seconds away!!
Good times!

July 8, 2009
I was so dreading my 7 mile run today. Julia wasn't able to run, it was a dreary sort of day, my parents came to town, I haven't had a rest day in a know how it is. But I read Julia's blog, and she had gotten her 7 in, so that motivated me to get off my sorry butt and go for a run.
I decided that since my parents didn't have keys to my house, I would run to Home Depot on Grand between Nagle and Oak Park to get the keys made and run home. I think I just needed a goal, because once I got about a mile in to it, I started to feel pretty good. I made it to the Depot, and realized it's actually 3.6 miles away, so I ran up the side street to Diversey (don't wanna do more than I have to!). I made it back in 1:18:42, (11:15/mile pace). Not too shabby considering I just wasn't feeling motivated to run.
I decided that since my parents didn't have keys to my house, I would run to Home Depot on Grand between Nagle and Oak Park to get the keys made and run home. I think I just needed a goal, because once I got about a mile in to it, I started to feel pretty good. I made it to the Depot, and realized it's actually 3.6 miles away, so I ran up the side street to Diversey (don't wanna do more than I have to!). I made it back in 1:18:42, (11:15/mile pace). Not too shabby considering I just wasn't feeling motivated to run.
July 7, 2009
I headed to the gym again at 4:45...getting up early is getting easier. I ran a mile on the elliptical before Hector got there. It was a full body kinda day. I finished out my run with 3 more miles before I left for a total of 4 miles in 42:11.
Update: Later in the evening, I went for a bike ride with Jack. We went 12 miles in 43:00.
Update: Later in the evening, I went for a bike ride with Jack. We went 12 miles in 43:00.
July 6, 2009
It's a tale of two workouts. This morning I was up at 4:30 to meet Melissa at 5:00 am on the Lakefront for a 10 mile ride. It's hard to explain to someone how to use the shifters on the bike when they have a different learning style. I kept using visual references and that did nothing for her. I've gotta work on that. We did 10 miles in about 44:00.
This evening I headed to the gym to run and possibly take a swim. However, the pool is closed until further notice. WTF?! It's July--the heart of tri season!! I made due with 5-ish (I think it was about 5, the machine actually said 7...) on the elliptical in 55:11. This makes up for that missed 4 miler and the mile that I'll miss for the 5k on Thursday. I really need to stop being neurotic (about food and working out), but that's probably not going to happen.
On another note, I tried one of the EAS protein shakes from the powder. Even though I used water to make it it still tasted good. That's the first protein shake where using water to make it didn't mix up to taste like crap. I do have the one proviso to add...use COLD water. Warm water makes it taste icky. Once I added ice to the shaker it tasted MUCH better. :)
This evening I headed to the gym to run and possibly take a swim. However, the pool is closed until further notice. WTF?! It's July--the heart of tri season!! I made due with 5-ish (I think it was about 5, the machine actually said 7...) on the elliptical in 55:11. This makes up for that missed 4 miler and the mile that I'll miss for the 5k on Thursday. I really need to stop being neurotic (about food and working out), but that's probably not going to happen.
On another note, I tried one of the EAS protein shakes from the powder. Even though I used water to make it it still tasted good. That's the first protein shake where using water to make it didn't mix up to taste like crap. I do have the one proviso to add...use COLD water. Warm water makes it taste icky. Once I added ice to the shaker it tasted MUCH better. :)
July 5, 2009
This morning I was clearly having issues food issues. I stared at one of Dan's left over cupcakes for 10 minutes before I ate it. I then proceeded to throw out the remaining two so that I wouldn't eat them.
I ran the 9 miles with out the aid of my watch. It had locked. Melissa said that I needed to update it. I have to see if I can find the ANT stick and download the software for my new computer. Melissa finished about a minute after me at 1:50:00, so I guess with out a watch being a minute off over the course of 9 miles isn't too bad.
Melissa, Danielle and Dan Ashley, asked about going to breakfast. I just couldn't do it. The thought of eating made me want to cry. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? Logically I know I ran 9 miles and I should eat, but I didn't want to. I came home, had a glass of milk and some left over pasta salad from Hagen's (I know, probably way worse than what I would have eaten at breakfast). And I, of course, feel like a moose. I know last month I took of 5 lbs, but why am I freaking so much? I'm hoping I can chalk this up to pms or something.
I ran the 9 miles with out the aid of my watch. It had locked. Melissa said that I needed to update it. I have to see if I can find the ANT stick and download the software for my new computer. Melissa finished about a minute after me at 1:50:00, so I guess with out a watch being a minute off over the course of 9 miles isn't too bad.
Melissa, Danielle and Dan Ashley, asked about going to breakfast. I just couldn't do it. The thought of eating made me want to cry. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? Logically I know I ran 9 miles and I should eat, but I didn't want to. I came home, had a glass of milk and some left over pasta salad from Hagen's (I know, probably way worse than what I would have eaten at breakfast). And I, of course, feel like a moose. I know last month I took of 5 lbs, but why am I freaking so much? I'm hoping I can chalk this up to pms or something.
July 4, 2009
It was a beautiful morning for a run! It was odd that Montrose was already crowded at 6:00 am with families coming down to claim their spots for the 4th fireworks. I didn't even realize you could see the ones at Navy Pier from there.
The 9 miles flew by. Again, another effortless run. I'm praying that this continues...I'd hate to bonk or get burned out. My watch died somewhere after mile 7 but Danielle assured me that we were on pace. That would make the time 1:48:00.
The 9 miles flew by. Again, another effortless run. I'm praying that this continues...I'd hate to bonk or get burned out. My watch died somewhere after mile 7 but Danielle assured me that we were on pace. That would make the time 1:48:00.
July 3, 2009
I finally slept in...until 8:30!! It was truly awesome.
I had a nice breakfast, and then headed down to the Lakefront. I parked at Montrose and rode down to Oak Street Beach. I donned my wetsuit (pretending that I didn't look like Shamu) and headed to the water...HOLY BALLS!
1) It was cold. Eventually I got used to it, but it was so chilly at first I lost my breath!
2) Open water kicked my ass! I forgot how hard it was compared to the pool!
I did about 1000 meter swim. I'm not sure about the extra 200 meters, the lap lane is only marked at the quarter and half miles. I guess-tamated, but I'm sure it was close. I'm counting it as my two 500 meter swims for the week. I'd still like to get one more in (since I missed it last week), but we'll see.
I swam (and by swam I mean thrashed about) for an hour and biked 12 easy miles in an hour.
I had a nice breakfast, and then headed down to the Lakefront. I parked at Montrose and rode down to Oak Street Beach. I donned my wetsuit (pretending that I didn't look like Shamu) and headed to the water...HOLY BALLS!
1) It was cold. Eventually I got used to it, but it was so chilly at first I lost my breath!
2) Open water kicked my ass! I forgot how hard it was compared to the pool!
I did about 1000 meter swim. I'm not sure about the extra 200 meters, the lap lane is only marked at the quarter and half miles. I guess-tamated, but I'm sure it was close. I'm counting it as my two 500 meter swims for the week. I'd still like to get one more in (since I missed it last week), but we'll see.
I swam (and by swam I mean thrashed about) for an hour and biked 12 easy miles in an hour.
July 1, 2009
Today's run with Juila was one of the best runs I've ever done! The weather was perfect, every step was light and every breath was effortless. The first 3.5 miles flew by! After we turned around the run just continued with a negative split. We did 7 miles in 1:21:45.
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