
May 10, 2009

Ah...a week off of running. Probably shouldn't have taken it off (hello guilt complex), but I was just not feeling it. Yep, that's me trying to justify it in my head. :) It will have to be back to business next week because I have races 3 weeks in a row (4 if you count the Girls on the Run 5k) and then back to marathon training.

I did 2 miles on the elliptical in 25:00 and worked with Melissa and her trainer for an hour.

I also need to stop eating like crap. I found a website that's free and allows me to track my calorie consumption. I've found when I'm on, I'm awesome, when I'm off it's really bad. The thing is that everything does balance out caloricly for the week. I want to drop some weight (too loose the spare tire), and ensure that I'm eating more healthy. I loose the battle at the end of the week. I'm no 4 out of 7 days. I need to be better.

1 comment:

SuperJuls said...

I need to track my calories too. Well, maybe not yesterday's...all that lasagna, sloppy joes, and dessert. Or today's...left over dessert!

You don't need to justify a week off after back-to-back marathons! Listen to your body!