
May 17, 2009

This half sucked. I was tired for the first 1/2. Then after mile 9 I puked up the gu (then Gatorade at 10.3)...ugh. I finished in 2:45:54. Worst pacer ever. I felt so bad I had to stop. I really sucked it up. It's a good thing they can't fire a volunteer.

I also was running early on, and this woman came up to me and complained about the size of my group. I said I'm sorry, this is a race and it's not my job to tell people where to run. Sure, Saturday mornings I have the authority to ask people to run 2 by 2, but not during a race. It's there race and if she has an issue, she should talk to the course marshals. Clearly, someone's going to get a phone call about the rude pacer.

I need something to get my rear back in shape. I don't know if it's rest, a pep talk, more sleep, less stress (ok, less stress would be great regardless of my running). I just don't know what to do with myself. I guess I'm hitting a training wall.

1 comment:

SuperJuls said...

If going for massages is in order, I volunteer to go with you! Sarah recommended a place...
All superheroes need rest (and massages)!!
