
May 2, 2009

A year ago, today, I ran my first marathon. Since then I've run a total of 5 marathons, 3 triathlons 1 ultra marathon and many other races of varying distance from 1/2 marathons on down. I've become a group leader for CARA and watched many friends new and old cross the finish line for their marathons (first or fifth...). I'm stronger, have more endurance and have become a completely different woman in the last year (and even more different than 2 years ago!)

Today was the Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was a beautiful day for a marathon, 60 and sunny! We started early with our usual coffee and bagel with peanut butter to get things moving. Unfortunately, that routine may have been our downfall. The coffee did not work as well as it usually does (more on that later).

The course was interesting...looping the downtown for a .5 mile and passing the start. We headed through the downtown again and then North up to Carthage College. I was worried about it being hilly, but the course was in downtown Kenosha and along the lakefront. There were a few inclines, but I wouldn't say the course was hilly.

I also decided that I don't like Heed sports drink. I took it for the first time about mile 4, declaring rather loudly "This stuff tastes like ass!" Fortunately, my fellow runners and the high school aged students working the water stop thought it was hilarious.

After looping back through the downtown, we ran past our car (for the third time) and I ditched my long sleeved shirt under the tire. Clearly, I just can't keep my clothes on when I run! :) As we were heading south, my gut started to churn. I had just passed the 12 mile mark when all of a sudden I NEEDED a bathroom. I asked some spectators if I could please use their bathroom and I was lucky that they did. I had been running with Shaun up until this point and I told him to keep running. I ran to this woman's bathroom and tore it up! It wasn't pretty. After I finished, I thanked her and ran away. The coffee wasn't doing kind things to me. I finally caught Shaun by mile 16. He had gotten excited and started going too fast and was starting to bonk. I walk/ran with him through 17. I took a Hammer Strength was NOT good. It tasted ok, but mixed with my already churning stomach I was not happy. I felt like a tiny lawn gnome was in my gut, twirling about with his pointy hat and gnawing on my intestines. I walked/ran miles 17 through 19 due to the cramping. By 19, they were offering more Hammer Strength...ugh, not a chance! And I started to try to get myself moving.

By 20 I was in a solid running place. I wasn't going fast or on my usually 12 minute pace but I was truckin'. I started counting (not out loud) the people I was passing. I caught and passed 7 people from mile 20 on...not too bad considering there was only 526 in the marathon total, I was a back of the packer.

There wasn't too much beer on the course...only one beer stop. But it was really good micro-brew stout. Best beer ever!! It sure as hell, beat that Heed crap! I finished the marathon in 5:39:44... 33 seconds off of a PR! At first I was a little crushed. But considering I had GI issues, it's not bad! On a positive note, I can say I ran this marathon a full half hour faster than last weekend...and that's pretty bad ass! (And for those of you keeping score, this time would have beat the Biggest Looser Reject...)

Danielle had finished before I did, and I found that she was having the very same GI issues, having stopped 4 times (she's never had to stop in a marathon). Shaun also had to it wasn't just me. I think it was the coffee, and I've decided that Maxwell House (provided by the hotel) is no longer welcome in my home.

Aside from that, it was a good race. Pretty flat, great cheese shaped medal and wonderful weather. After the race, we headed to the Mars Cheese Castle (because, who doesn't love cheese!!) This brings the count to 5 marathons, in 5 states...45 to go!

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