
May 7, 2009

Why am I so frickin' lazy? I haven't run since the second marathon. I biked to and from the gym today (6.3 miles about 10 minutes total). Hector and I did a full body kind of work out for an hour. I've been feeling so lethargic and don't know why.

I got an email today from the people who are running the Spring 1/2 Marathon on the 17th. Some how I got on the list to be a pacer for the race. Maybe I accidentally sent them my application for summer training? I have no idea. But the fact of the matter is that I will be the 12 minute mile pacer and finishing in 2:39 at this race. Fortunately, 12 isn't too hard for me to hit for 13 miles.

Is any one who reads this running this race an want to keep me company? :)

1 comment:

SuperJuls said...

I'll be out of town. =(

And I don't really think working out with Hector and biking qualifies under "lazy".

I'm running tomorrow (7 a.m.-4 miles) and Sunday (3 miles...TDB...hopefully)!