
September 30, 2007

This morning was the Fall in to Fitness 5k. The bounus? It started at Portage Park. It was so nice to not have to drive to the race. I loved the race route running past my house! :)

It was a beautiful morining for a run! I finished in 37:13, with an 11:59 split. Not bad, but not good either. I need to learn to run faster, it seems my peek was in about July. I don't know what I did differently--I'm hoping it's only due to my recent weight gain, rather than me sucking.

I also sent in my form for a CARA participation award! I'm so proud that I qualify, who knew in my first year running?! I didn't have the 107k in CARA races (only CARA races count), but I did have a 1/2 Marathon (Chicago Distance Classic), a 10 miler (Downers Grove 5 & 10 Miler), 10k (Run for the Zoo), and 5k (Chicago Firefighter's Run for the Kids). I know I ran more than just CARA races, but it's still nice to know I did it!


September 29, 2007

I had a session with Hector this morning. It was mostly core, with a little back and legs.

This week I was so good about following the diet, and I didn’t loose—I gained. I completely snapped on Hector. I’m such an asshole. I feel awful, he didn’t deserve it. I was frustrated (too frustrated to even do cardio--I couldn't stop myself from crying) and took it out on him. I owe him a huge apology. I wouldn’t blame him if he gave up on me; after all, I think I’m starting to give up on myself.


September 27, 2007

I dragged my fat carcass off the couch and did cardio on the elliptical for an hour. It was 5 miles with .3 mile cool down and a total of 700 calories.

It was much easier to "watch" Gray's Anatomy while on the machine...I definitely wasn't bored on it for an hour. Too bad my regular gym doesn't have the personal TVs on each machine. That would totally keep me on 'em longer!

Feeling fat. I'm certian Hector's nazi food schedule isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing...besides being rigid and annoying. I much prefer eating when I'm hungry rather than on a schedule. We'll see what happens when I weigh-in on the Saturday.


September 25, 2007

Today I worked out with Hector. I feel gross and fat. Blah.

We did legs until my hamstring got super tight. Then I did 50 slow minutes on the Precor--3.75 miles and 450 calories.



September 23, 2007

I went for a mile walk around the park. Does it still count that there was a craft fair going on? It was still a mile.


September 22, 2007

Worked out with Hector. Mostly core. I did loose some weight, but I don't feel good about it. I wish I felt better. All this medical stuff is really dragging me down.


September 19, 2007

Lifted with Hector...need to get back on the cardio band wagon, but I feel like crap.

(insert icky face here.)


September 17, 2007

312 is insane. I can't believe how bad they are. I am in such a groove to run after having them I need to take advantage of that. I think Mondays, I should see if Hector can go at 5 so that I can take advantage of that anger and hit the treadmill.

I ran 3/4 of a mile before legs and core and another 3/4 after. I just was fatigued and headed home for football and Chipotle.


September 15, 2007

I did some core work with Hector. I've been really sluggish about running, and I had yet another doctor's appointment, so I only had time to run about 2 1/2 miles.

Is the doctor part over yet?


September 14, 2007

Today felt wonderful. I was worried because I ran out the door with out taking my drugs (I completely forgot--I was in a rush). But aside from the sinus headache I had by the afternoon, I wasn't too bad.

I ran 45 minutes on the treadmill at a 12 minute mile pace, and the last mile at an 11:19 pace. I ran 4 miles and burned 540 calories. It felt really good--great run!


September 12, 2007

My calves have been crazy sore. I'm wondering if due to the medication, my electrolytes are off. I'm really getting frustrated with my body being out of whack. I eat healthy, I weight train 3x a week and run 3 to 4 days a week. There's no freakin' reason I should GAIN weight. I know once it get's figured out I'll be fine, but it's soooo frustrating right now!
I'd seriously kill for some dirty mashed potatoes and a cupcake.

I did arms/back and core and then ran 35 minutes slow (due to the soreness), for a total of 3 miles (with the cool down).


September 10, 2007

Went to the gym after work. I was so freakin' irritated with 312 that I got on the treadmill and ran a 9:30 minute mile like it was nothing. Nice warm-up, huh? I streached and then Hector and I did legs and core. I finished out by running 2 more miles (total of 35 minutes).

Clearly I run faster when I'm irritated.


September 8, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

I did a major core work out today. I'd feel better if I wasn't retaining so much fluid. Trying to sweat it out isn't working and neither is the lasiks. I couldn't bare to run on the treadmill--I just didn't want to type in my new age! :)


September 5, 2007

Today I did 45 minutes on the treadmill. I ran 10 and walked 5, repeating 3 times.

I'm sore from yesterday, but I think it's due to my shoes giving out. I've had them for at least 3 months... I ordered new ones, but they're on back order, so I have no idea when I will recieve them.

I also lifted, doing arms and a little core work.


September 4, 2007

My training officially started for the Disney Half-Marathon today!! Yeah!!

I went to the gym, and did a 35 minute run on the treadmill. It was a big deal for two reasons:
1. My fear of the treadmill. Since that one time I went to the gym with Tom and he neglected to show me the emergency stop and I shot off the back.
2. I haven't run on the thing since (about 5 or 6 years now).

So I did the 35 minute run, at a negitive integer. This means my first mile was done with the treadmill set at 5.2 an 11:28 pace, the second at 5.3 at an 11:16 pace, and the last at 5.4 at an 11:06 pace. It was WAY harder than I thought it would be, but I felt pretty good and burned 472 calories and ran 3.1 miles.


September 1, 2007

I went to the gym today. I lifted arms and did some core. I only ran a mile, split between the warm up and cool down. I really have to push myself to get to the gym lately.

I'm so sick of how awful my body feels. I know I haven't been eating the best ever, but I definately haven't been terrible enough to add ten pounds in a week. I really want my body to get regulated. Part of me fears that I'm just a fat ass--but I run on average 20-25 miles a week, plus strength training 2-3 times a week, so I can't figure out how that's possible. I just need to keep telling myself--one step at a time.