
July 10, 2007

Enough sitting around and waiting for my blisters to knit!! Keeping off my feet sucks!!

I worked out with Hector for an hour today. It was total body lifting--arms, legs and core.

I then decided to try to run on the eliptical machine. It's not the same as running on the road, but it was worth a try concidering the worst of my blister/crack hasn't healed yet. I used special blister band-aids--which actually seemed to work. They don't stay on as well as the package says but they're better than nothing.

I did 7 miles on the eliptical. It was the most boring run ever! Those last two miles were killing me...I just can't stay on one machine for more than an hour. I was so bored, but I have to admit it's better than doing nothing.

I have a race on Thursday. I don't feel prepared because of my blister-induced inactivity. It's only a 5K...I'm hoping everything will work out!

Stupid Blisters.

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