My second running of the Chicago Distance Classic! I've come so far :)
First of all, I have to say, I'm so proud of Julia. It was her first 1/2 Marathon--She rocked it!! Her time was amazing! I'm convinced that her running helped me to do so well! Here we are after the race with our medals:

(Yes, my shirt says "Cheetah in Training") Today, I got a PR--by 9 minutes!!! My time was 2:29:56, which was a pace of 11:27 per mile. I'm sure it helped that it was a perfect day!! Look at that sky! (Daniel, Danielle, Julia, myself, Chris and John)

That pace even beats my 8k and 10k PR paces. And if we look at this years race to last year's race (even if the course was different--and a .4 GPS discrepency) you'll see a 2o minute improvement! Heck, from race to race I have a total of 12 medals
between the two races (14 if you count the two CDC medals). While a year ago, I wanted to do this race again, I never thought I'd have run a marathon, be pacing for a 20 miler and have done triathlons.
Here are some members of my running group, Daniel, Danielle, John, Julie, Chris and Gabe:

I did have one issue, in a frenzy of getting ready, I forgot my underwear. I guess going commando helped, because I had an awesome race and a PR!!
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