
January 20, 2009

...and the soreness has set in. I think the combo of working out with Melissa and John, plus the hills with Danielle really kicked my ass. I did the hour with Hector today, but my abs and shoulders were sore. Now my legs are feeling it from Hector. I didn't do any running today, but I really need to get a run in tomorrow.

I forgot how hard it is to stay motivated when you're kicking your own ass, your trainer is kicking your ass, you have friends to kick your ass, long runs to do, a life, work, oh and those very horrible National Boards. I'm feeling stressed and wondering how on earth I'm going to get it all done. (My house is also a disaster...any volunteers to clean it for me would be greatly appreciated.)


SuperJuls said...

My mother-in-law surprised me yesterday by coming by to put away Christmas decorations (yes, they were still up) and clean my kitchen. Shall I leave her your house key?....

Bethie said...

Yes, that would be awesome. And as a bonus, I have no Christmas Decorations to put away! (I never had time to put them up in the first place)