
July 17, 2008

CFD Run for the Kids! There was no fence jumping today...I knew just where to go! Besides, I parked at Laura's house and walked over to Soldier Field. :)

I met up with Melissa from my pace group. This was her very first race ever! I'm so proud of her. I know I pushed her pace through the whole race, I was just hoping it wasn't too much. I wanted a PR, but it's better to run with someone on their first race. I can always find another 5k. Besides, there's never a guarantee I'd hit it--especially with today's oppressive heat and humidity.

I also bumped in to Jen from Winter training. She's doing the Harbor Lights Tri this weekend. She looked great, and I bet she'll do awesome. Jen's doing Pleasant Prairie, and if Elaine and I decide to do it it will be fun to add to our little group! Jen and I also made arrangements to meet to swim together at Ohio Street Beach. It's really good for me because I need more open water experience!

Anywho, Melissa and I ran the race in 35:23 which is an 11:24--Making me sooooo proud of Melissa! What a great start! (Much better than my first 5k!). Unfortunately, I dropped my inhailer into the porta-potty (something that would only happen to me)...I decided to just let it go. I'm concidering it a sacrifce to the race gods. We hung out after the race and enjoyed the DJ, Beer (the reason to do the race--Really, I'm drinking for da kids!) and atmosphere. I even saw hot stair climber guy. He and Melissa had a lot to talk about--she's a nurse in the PICU and he's a firefighter...I did not enjoy the gore of their stories (ICKY!). He walked us back to Laura's and I gave him a ride back to his truck. Oopsie--he left his race packet in my car. Looks like I have an excuse to talk with him. After all, he needs that back! :)

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