December 30, 2008
I pulled a muscle in my pec... :( (aka, I broke my boobie!)
I did 3 miles on the elliptical in 36:00. Melissa and I worked out with her trainer. I have to say, I hate jumpropes and I don't ever wanna do it again.
I did 3 miles on the elliptical in 36:00. Melissa and I worked out with her trainer. I have to say, I hate jumpropes and I don't ever wanna do it again.
December 28, 2008
Well, it's been 2 weeks since I've done any sort of exercise. I know--LAME!! My excuses? Wicked sinus infection and the holidays. I know, not good reasons. I guess it's gonna have to be ok, because Spring Marathon training starts tomorrow (No pressure or anything)!
Today I went with Melissa to the gym. I did 2 miles (23:00) on the elliptical, 4 (20:00) on the bike and worked out with her and her trainer for an hour (full body).
Today I went with Melissa to the gym. I did 2 miles (23:00) on the elliptical, 4 (20:00) on the bike and worked out with her and her trainer for an hour (full body).
December 13, 2008
Today was the Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis in Bettendorf, IA. I was running it with Becca. We were a little bummed that the walkers were in an athletic club and I was running outside. I still did pretty well--33 something. I couldn't hear them calling out the times and I can't find the results anywhere. I had forgotten how hilly the Quad-Cities were...I really wish hills weren't so hard on my lungs.
I'm glad I got the run in, but I feel as if I'm loosing running steam. I haven't run near as much as I used to. I keep telling myself that it's ok because I'm between training cycles and that I really do need to rest a little. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it, I mean marathon training does start again in two weeks.
Maybe signing up for a couple of marathons and triathlons in 2009 will help motivate me and keep me from being a slacker...
I'm glad I got the run in, but I feel as if I'm loosing running steam. I haven't run near as much as I used to. I keep telling myself that it's ok because I'm between training cycles and that I really do need to rest a little. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it, I mean marathon training does start again in two weeks.
Maybe signing up for a couple of marathons and triathlons in 2009 will help motivate me and keep me from being a slacker...
December 10, 2008
Today sucked. I almost didn't go to the gym, but I promised to motivate Christine to go, and so I went as well.
I did 33 minutes on the new ellitpicals. They're not very accurate, distance wise. I used the 10k program and said I did it in 33 minutes. HA! Soooo not likely. I imagine I did about 3 miles in that time, and if that's the case it's off my 50%. I like the machine, but if I use it I have to go by time estimation. I also biked for 30 mintues. I rode 6.2 miles.
I did 33 minutes on the new ellitpicals. They're not very accurate, distance wise. I used the 10k program and said I did it in 33 minutes. HA! Soooo not likely. I imagine I did about 3 miles in that time, and if that's the case it's off my 50%. I like the machine, but if I use it I have to go by time estimation. I also biked for 30 mintues. I rode 6.2 miles.
December 9, 2008
This morning I worked with Hector doing arms and core. My lungs are tight in the cold, dry air. My legs are also tight...grr. At night, I did 30 minutes of pilaties, doing Windsor Pilaties for 20 and Body Flex for 10.
December 6, 2008
Ah the OUC Half Marathon!
I traveled to Orlando to run the half with Amy--she's the one in the middle and it was her first 1/2 Marathon!
I'm very proud to say that she finished in just over 2 hours, and her friend Robin finished in about 2:15!
I did an unimpressive 2:39, but at least I finished. I ran the first 1/2 and walk ran the second. I still am not feeling 100%. I figured that if you have to be not feeling well, it's better to be in a place where it's 75 and sunny!
I traveled to Orlando to run the half with Amy--she's the one in the middle and it was her first 1/2 Marathon!

I did an unimpressive 2:39, but at least I finished. I ran the first 1/2 and walk ran the second. I still am not feeling 100%. I figured that if you have to be not feeling well, it's better to be in a place where it's 75 and sunny!
December 1, 2008
Early morning work out with Hector! He started on my legs. About 1/2 way through I reminded him about my race so he started in on my arms. Nice to get both in! I still feel crappy and my chest is tight.
November 29, 2008
Today was an awful run. I just couldn't catch my breath. Danielle and I met on the Lakefront to do turned out to be just 5. I made it about 1.25 miles before I started to wheeze. Then I pushed myself to 2.5. Bless Danielle's heart, she walk/ran it back with me. I felt bad about my sucky run. But we still made it 5 in 1:03:05. (And yes, I made an appointment for the doctor)
Novmeber 27, 2008
Today Melissa and I went out to the Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve in DuPage County. It was really pretty, but very hilly. I think it's the closest you'll get to trail running in the Chicagoland area. We did 5 miles in just under an hour.
November 26, 2008
I made it to the gym this morning again. I do feel much more perky in the morning after the gym (if that's even possible). I ran 3 miles in 30:33 on the treadmill.
November 24, 2008
Well, I finally did it. I dragged my butt out of bed and got to the gym for an early morning workout before work. I have to admit, it wasn't on my own, rather to meet Hector for cross training. I really liked being there early, the gym wasn't crowded and it's definitely a great way to start the day! Here's hoping it works to keep it up!
It was an arm work out day and my chest was still hurting. We did pull ups and as I was hanging there, I found that my breathing was extremely labored. I think that Hector took it easy on me after that. I can't believe my chest still hurts. I'd really like this taken care of before the 1/2 marathon.
It was an arm work out day and my chest was still hurting. We did pull ups and as I was hanging there, I found that my breathing was extremely labored. I think that Hector took it easy on me after that. I can't believe my chest still hurts. I'd really like this taken care of before the 1/2 marathon.
November 23, 2008
Ya know how yesterday was the worst 10 miles ever? Yeah, clearly I'm still having issues, because this 10k sucked big fat donkey balls. (Maybe it should be turkey balls this close to Thanksgiving, but I digress.)
This morning was the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot. I met Danielle and Dan. I was truckin' with Danielle at about I 10:00 pace. Then my lungs got tight. I was running with Dan for a few blocks at an 11:00 when my lungs began to hate me. And my hate me, I mean close. Dan could hear my wheezing. I went to the side walk and stopped. It was the first time I seriously considered a DNF. I decided that I would go to the 5k turnaround and see how I felt. At that point I talked myself into finishing, but I felt like I was trying to breathe through a coffee stirrer.
It pretty much sucked ass. Danielle jumped in with me at the end, she even said I didn't sound good, and Dan was pretty worried. Danielle told Dan that she was certain I'd finish, even if I had to crawl... clearly my stubbornness is well known. My Garmin said I had a 1:16:21 finish.I hope my lungs clear up before the 1/2 Marathon in a few weeks.
This morning was the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot. I met Danielle and Dan. I was truckin' with Danielle at about I 10:00 pace. Then my lungs got tight. I was running with Dan for a few blocks at an 11:00 when my lungs began to hate me. And my hate me, I mean close. Dan could hear my wheezing. I went to the side walk and stopped. It was the first time I seriously considered a DNF. I decided that I would go to the 5k turnaround and see how I felt. At that point I talked myself into finishing, but I felt like I was trying to breathe through a coffee stirrer.
It pretty much sucked ass. Danielle jumped in with me at the end, she even said I didn't sound good, and Dan was pretty worried. Danielle told Dan that she was certain I'd finish, even if I had to crawl... clearly my stubbornness is well known. My Garmin said I had a 1:16:21 finish.I hope my lungs clear up before the 1/2 Marathon in a few weeks.
November 22, 2008
Ugh. Worst. Ten Miles. EVER!
I went to the gym this morning so that Hector could weigh me. I started an hour before I was supposed to meet him. I did a couple of miles on the treadmill. Then I got off and went to an elliptical. Then I saw Hector at 8:00, got weighed (175.7) and then got back on the elliptical. Was loathing the whole process, so I got off again and stretched. I was supposed to do 11, but only could talk myself into 10 in 2 hours. My chest hurts, my legs hurt, and I hate treadmills.
The End.
I went to the gym this morning so that Hector could weigh me. I started an hour before I was supposed to meet him. I did a couple of miles on the treadmill. Then I got off and went to an elliptical. Then I saw Hector at 8:00, got weighed (175.7) and then got back on the elliptical. Was loathing the whole process, so I got off again and stretched. I was supposed to do 11, but only could talk myself into 10 in 2 hours. My chest hurts, my legs hurt, and I hate treadmills.
The End.
November 21, 2008
Today I hauled balls at the gym. I did 2 miles on the treadmill in 22:22, and then Christine from work got there, and I switched to the elliptical for the last 3 miles with her in 33:33. I'm pretty excited about maintaining an 11:11 pace for 5 miles.
November 20, 2008
Today was a long day at the gym. I did a mile on the treadmill, in 10:00 and then Hector kicked my but for an hour. Then another mile on the treadmill in 10:00 and then I got off to stretch and get a drink. I rode one of the bikes with Christine for 20:00 and did 7.2 miles. I finished with 2 more miles on the elliptical.
November 18, 2008
I told Hector to kill me today...he tried. He had me do a side plank while using the pull machine with my spare arm. I think I looked like a badass. He also had me on my hands and tip toes and I had to touch my opposite elbow to the opposite knee. I was afraid I was going to face plant. I didn't, but I definitely looked like a deranged mountain climber or something having a spastic seizure in the weight room.
I didn't run today, most of the treadmills were taken and I didn't want do wait...besides, I had a bunch of crap to do with my car. I HAVE to do 5 miles tomorrow. I just wish I could motivate myself to drag my butt out of bed to run in the mornings.
I didn't run today, most of the treadmills were taken and I didn't want do wait...besides, I had a bunch of crap to do with my car. I HAVE to do 5 miles tomorrow. I just wish I could motivate myself to drag my butt out of bed to run in the mornings.
November 14, 2008
I was motivated to get to the gym today because one of the other teachers from work joined my gym. I almost never go to the gym on Fridays, but when she said she wanted to go every week day, I figured, what could hurt adding an extra day?
I did 4 miles (52:00) on the elliptical while finishing a book (I borrowed it over the summer and it wanted to go home!) Then I biked another 4 miles (12:00) with Christine. I'm glad she's a biker, because it's always been hard to get myself on a stationary bike. Having someone at the gym to do it with will definitely help for tri training!
I did 4 miles (52:00) on the elliptical while finishing a book (I borrowed it over the summer and it wanted to go home!) Then I biked another 4 miles (12:00) with Christine. I'm glad she's a biker, because it's always been hard to get myself on a stationary bike. Having someone at the gym to do it with will definitely help for tri training!
November 13, 2008
I was motivated to run fast today because I was meeting Melissa and 'Toya for Pho. I did 3 miles in 34:00.
November 12, 2008
I went to the gym after report card pick up and hit the elliptical. I was thinking I was going to run 5, but I just wasn't terribly motivated. I did 4 miles in 53:00.
I'm hoping it's the cold, but I haven't been motivated to go balls out since the 50k. Maybe it's just my body's way of saying "I'm tired!!" I'm thinking of signing up for one of the Turkey Trots...Lincolnwood has a medal... But Fleet Feet is on Thanksgiving... Any one want to run one of the two with me? It might motivate me and help me get back in to the groove. After all, that 1/2 Marathon won't run itself.
I'm hoping it's the cold, but I haven't been motivated to go balls out since the 50k. Maybe it's just my body's way of saying "I'm tired!!" I'm thinking of signing up for one of the Turkey Trots...Lincolnwood has a medal... But Fleet Feet is on Thanksgiving... Any one want to run one of the two with me? It might motivate me and help me get back in to the groove. After all, that 1/2 Marathon won't run itself.
November 11, 2008
I'm still congested, coughing, with a little red nose; but I went to the gym anyway. I did 3 miles on the elliptical and lifted with Hector.
I'd like to kick this cold so I can feel better and get outside for running!
I'd like to kick this cold so I can feel better and get outside for running!
November 9, 2008
Go Vertical!
Today was the go Vertical Challenge. I still have that chest cold, but I decided that I'm climbing for people with cancer, I can suck it up and get it done. And that's exactly what happened, I sucked. I was slow, I felt like crap, but I finished--I guess that's what matters. Final time 47:19--10 minutes slower than last year, but then again last year I didn't feel like OIA. Here's a pic of me at the top when I finished.
I also saw Peter at the climb (Thanks for the pic!)! He's totally my stair climbing buddy...We always see each other at these climbs. We're thinking of starting a team for the Aon Climb benefiting Children's Memorial. If you're interested in being on our team, let me know!!
Today was the go Vertical Challenge. I still have that chest cold, but I decided that I'm climbing for people with cancer, I can suck it up and get it done. And that's exactly what happened, I sucked. I was slow, I felt like crap, but I finished--I guess that's what matters. Final time 47:19--10 minutes slower than last year, but then again last year I didn't feel like OIA. Here's a pic of me at the top when I finished.

November 6, 2008
I did go the gym yesterday, but really, it was just Hector helping me to stretch and foam roller for an hour. Definitely much needed.
Today I went and there was a little more stretching (my calves are all sorts of knotted!) And lots of core. I do love my core work outs. I had been practicing some of the moves (because I really do love core work that much). I even impressed Hector by being in push up position with my legs on a ball and rolling that ball in combo-ed with a push up.
I'm concerned about the Sears Tower Climb on Sunday... I'm starting to get a chest cold. I have a cough and I'm quite congested. Here's hoping I feel better soon!
Today I went and there was a little more stretching (my calves are all sorts of knotted!) And lots of core. I do love my core work outs. I had been practicing some of the moves (because I really do love core work that much). I even impressed Hector by being in push up position with my legs on a ball and rolling that ball in combo-ed with a push up.
I'm concerned about the Sears Tower Climb on Sunday... I'm starting to get a chest cold. I have a cough and I'm quite congested. Here's hoping I feel better soon!
November 1, 2008
Holy Crap! I have just one word to describe this race: AWESOME!!
Today was the Chicago Lakefront 50/50. This race had a 50k (31 miles) and a 50 miler (I'm not that crazy...yet!) I have to admit that I was nervous about this race. Sure, I've run a marathon before, but who knows what could happen in those extra 5 miles? Fortunately, Danielle was running with me and Melissa had planned to run the last 10 miles with me. Even so, I was praying that God would send me an angel to run with me. He most certainly did, because Julia surprised me on Saturday morning by being there on her bike!! Here's the pre-race photo:

The race started with out fanfare. Seriously, we crowded around, and the race director said "Ok, go!" And we were off. I'm not kidding when I say that Ultra's are the Anti-marathon. It's so laid back! Here's Danielle, myself and Tom about a mile in (only 30 more to go!)
I managed to stay with Danielle for most of the first loop. Here's fellow Marathon Maniac, John, myself and Danielle.
And the uneventful turnaround point. Yep, that's it!
While the turnaround was uneventful, the water stops were amazing! Not only did they have water and Gatorade, but they also had coke, chips, cookies, candy and all sorts of other goodies!! I have to admit, I probably didn't eat enough. I didn't take a single gu through the whole race (BIG MISTAKE!!). The coke worked surprisingly well, and the 1/2 of a sandwich that Julia had in her pack was the filet mignon of peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I'm just not used to eating and running.
Will I run another Ultra? Hell yeah!! Will I be smarter about it--OMG yes!! Now, I think it's time for a rest...
Today was the Chicago Lakefront 50/50. This race had a 50k (31 miles) and a 50 miler (I'm not that crazy...yet!) I have to admit that I was nervous about this race. Sure, I've run a marathon before, but who knows what could happen in those extra 5 miles? Fortunately, Danielle was running with me and Melissa had planned to run the last 10 miles with me. Even so, I was praying that God would send me an angel to run with me. He most certainly did, because Julia surprised me on Saturday morning by being there on her bike!! Here's the pre-race photo:
The race started with out fanfare. Seriously, we crowded around, and the race director said "Ok, go!" And we were off. I'm not kidding when I say that Ultra's are the Anti-marathon. It's so laid back! Here's Danielle, myself and Tom about a mile in (only 30 more to go!)
Julia, the angel that she is, rode her bike with me all day. She really is my hero. It was cold and windy and she stuck by me. I don't know if I can express how grateful I am that she was there. I was clearly having a bad running day, and having her there made this race so much fun!
Here's me at my last of 3 turnarounds.
Julia and I spent the last 8 miles singing--fittingly it started with Eye of the Tiger and ended with Green Day's Time of Your Life. I think it was my way of disassociating for the run. I had 3 inch blister on my arch and another the size of a quarter on the ball of the same foot that had started sometime in the first loop. I was having a bad running day. And it was about 40 degrees and windy. And let's face it, this was my 3rd marathon in 3 days and Dean Karnazes I am not. By the time I got to my last loop, I was slow and hurtin'. I knew going into it that this race was probably going to be painful . But I realized as I was running that I had a choice as to if I was going to suffer or not. I figured, I chose to do this, and I always believe that runs should be fun. There was no way I was going to let myself be miserable. It was much easier to not be miserable with Julia riding along next to me! But the 8 miles of singing worked and you can see, I finished with a smile on my face!
Will I run another Ultra? Hell yeah!! Will I be smarter about it--OMG yes!! Now, I think it's time for a rest...
October 30, 2008
2 Easy miles on the ellitpcal--then a good 45 minutes of streatching.
31 miles...more spooky than Halloween. Here's hoping I'm ready.
31 miles...more spooky than Halloween. Here's hoping I'm ready.
October 28, 2008
I'm still sore from Sunday. I went to the gym and did abs and light legs with Hector followed by 3 miles on the elliptical.
My body's feeling tired. I wish that the 50 k was last weekend, because the whole 2 weeks between long races thing isn't fun, it's just too much time for me to dwell! I'm worried that I'm not going to do well/be prepared/hate myself when it's done. I think it's just pre-race jitters for a distance I've never run before.
I just have to keep telling myself, "I'm super girl!", right?
My body's feeling tired. I wish that the 50 k was last weekend, because the whole 2 weeks between long races thing isn't fun, it's just too much time for me to dwell! I'm worried that I'm not going to do well/be prepared/hate myself when it's done. I think it's just pre-race jitters for a distance I've never run before.
I just have to keep telling myself, "I'm super girl!", right?
October 26, 2008
I went with Melissa today for an arms work out with her trainer, John. Aside from the fact that I think he's a semi-sadist, it was fun. We did a mile warm up on the elliptical and commenced with the torture.
I did some assisted 'bee-hive' pull-ups (three to be exact). Unfortunately, I may have yelled in the process...I wasn't happy about people in the gym looking at me. I need to work on that one. There was a whole mess of push ups, bench, bouncy things and probably more weight than I should have lifted. I really dug the core stuff and the beehive thing.
I did some assisted 'bee-hive' pull-ups (three to be exact). Unfortunately, I may have yelled in the process...I wasn't happy about people in the gym looking at me. I need to work on that one. There was a whole mess of push ups, bench, bouncy things and probably more weight than I should have lifted. I really dug the core stuff and the beehive thing.
October 25, 2008
I just want you to know, I slept in this morning. Until 9:00 am. I haven't slept that late in more than 20 weeks. Ohmigawd!! It was amazing!! I also lazed around and watched cartoons. If there had been a hot guy in the kitchen cooking me breakfast, bringing me coffee and offering to give me a massage it would have been the perfect morning. (Hey, a girl can dream!)
Any way, I know the reason that you read is to check to make sure I'm actually working out and to laugh at my mishaps and biting sarcasm (not hear my fantasies and profound joy at sleeping in for a change--as fantastic as I may think it is!!). So, I went to the gym and swam. I did 3 sets of 10 lengths freestyle in the pool with 2 lengths backstroke between each set. Total freestyle: 750 yards for a total swim distance of 850 yards. (I still think the pool is 25 yards. If anyone knows different, please let me know!) Then I sat in the sauna. I wanted to steam, but it was way to hot in opted for dry heat.
I was pushing myself on the last ten--not that I've suddenly gotten out of shape or anything, I just haven't swam since August. My tri training has definitely gone to the wayside. I need to get back in to at least swimming over the winter. After all it's good cross training!! Besides, if I can keep it up, maybe I'll stop being so nervous about trying an Olympic Distance Tri next summer. I also realized that I should have gotten my butt on the stair machine. I have the Go Vertical Challenge in 2 weeks...oops! Not that I won't finish the stair climb, I just would do better if I spent some time doing stairs.
Any way, I know the reason that you read is to check to make sure I'm actually working out and to laugh at my mishaps and biting sarcasm (not hear my fantasies and profound joy at sleeping in for a change--as fantastic as I may think it is!!). So, I went to the gym and swam. I did 3 sets of 10 lengths freestyle in the pool with 2 lengths backstroke between each set. Total freestyle: 750 yards for a total swim distance of 850 yards. (I still think the pool is 25 yards. If anyone knows different, please let me know!) Then I sat in the sauna. I wanted to steam, but it was way to hot in opted for dry heat.
I was pushing myself on the last ten--not that I've suddenly gotten out of shape or anything, I just haven't swam since August. My tri training has definitely gone to the wayside. I need to get back in to at least swimming over the winter. After all it's good cross training!! Besides, if I can keep it up, maybe I'll stop being so nervous about trying an Olympic Distance Tri next summer. I also realized that I should have gotten my butt on the stair machine. I have the Go Vertical Challenge in 2 weeks...oops! Not that I won't finish the stair climb, I just would do better if I spent some time doing stairs.
October 23, 2008
When it rains it pours! I swear, my hour and 1/2 at the gym is my only time of sanity in the day!
I did 2 miles on the elliptical in 26:00 and then worked core with Hector for an hour.
I did 2 miles on the elliptical in 26:00 and then worked core with Hector for an hour.
October 22, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
I NEEDED to run, but I feel like it's one of those crazy insane weeks where I don't have the time. (All the more reason to run, otherwise I get squirrelly!) I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 50:00.
I NEEDED to run, but I feel like it's one of those crazy insane weeks where I don't have the time. (All the more reason to run, otherwise I get squirrelly!) I did 4 miles on the elliptical in 50:00.
October 20, 2008
It was a long day...not a bad one, just long. So, when Melissa called to see if I wanted to go to the gym with her I thought "I really should go--ugh."
I went with her to her gym. It's REALLY nice, and the scenery is quite the treat! We did 10 minutes on the row machine (94 calories) it was my first time rowing...kinda weird, but kinda fun. I think I'd like to try real rowing, ya know, on the water. I'm sure I'd get less bored with a change of view. Then Melissa went to the cybex machine and I to the stairs for 10. I did 44 floors and I don't remember the cals, but it was over 110. Next, Melissa went to the treadmill and I went to the elliptical next to her. I only made it about 15 minutes and just did a mile. I think I was more tired than I thought. I guess I could have pushed, but stretching sounded so much more appealing. I'm not really all that sore after the last marathon. My left IT is tight, but that's about it. A massage at this point would be nice, but I think a good nights sleep would be even better! I've just been fighting this cold and all I want is a good nap!
I went with her to her gym. It's REALLY nice, and the scenery is quite the treat! We did 10 minutes on the row machine (94 calories) it was my first time rowing...kinda weird, but kinda fun. I think I'd like to try real rowing, ya know, on the water. I'm sure I'd get less bored with a change of view. Then Melissa went to the cybex machine and I to the stairs for 10. I did 44 floors and I don't remember the cals, but it was over 110. Next, Melissa went to the treadmill and I went to the elliptical next to her. I only made it about 15 minutes and just did a mile. I think I was more tired than I thought. I guess I could have pushed, but stretching sounded so much more appealing. I'm not really all that sore after the last marathon. My left IT is tight, but that's about it. A massage at this point would be nice, but I think a good nights sleep would be even better! I've just been fighting this cold and all I want is a good nap!
October 18, 2008
Indianapolis Marathon!
This was Julia's first marathon, and I have to tell you how proud I am!! She is a total rock star!!
First of all, it was a perfect day for a marathon, about 60 degrees and mostly sunny (all though I did not care for the head wind toward the end). Unfortunately it was not a perfect marathon for me. As we were getting in to Indy, I began to feel queasy. I told Julia that I didn't feel so well. So, I rolled down Roxy's window (Julia's car's name), and realized--oh, yeah--I'm gonna barf. I completely defiled the outside of the car, and some how got vomit on my armpit (how does that happen?!?). We got to the parking lot and I felt somewhat better. After all, I have done the rainbow yawn during a training run before (on Lake Shore Drive), so I should be fine, right?
We got in to our surgical gowns (thank you, Barb!) and headed to the start. We were a little late due to the port-a-potty lines (Hoosier Potty!--say it out loud. It's funny.). Julia wanted to jump in, but I wouldn't let her...I didn't think it was a good idea to go with the 8:00 group. I think she was a little nervous, and I did everything I could to calm her down.
We began the race and even though I had spewed a 1/2 hour before the race, I felt ok (only a little nauseated). In fact, we were on perfect pace for the first 1/2 of the marathon. I knew I could make it to the first half...and at that point I was still feeling pretty good. One completely random thing, was that we saw these two guys with what seemed to be a karaoke machine crooning to the runners...guess which two celebrities they were impersonating? Oh, that would be Elvis and Meatloaf. Seriously the most bizarre combo I've seen, and the "monster ballads" they were singing only made me want to run away, not run better!
Any who, at the half the 1/2 marathoners split off and the course got really sparse. But Julia and I remained on pace, and aside from almost stepping upon squirrel road kill that freaked both of us out the race was pretty uneventful.
That is, until mile 17.
I told Julia that I was tired and needed to walk a bit and to go on with out me. The truth? I was feeling pukey again. I hurled 3 times in mile 17. Once, near a water stop, where a paramedic asked if I wanted a ride back to the start. I responded with "No, I just want to throw up."
Y'all know me--I'm much too stubborn to not finish. And after expunging the contents of my stomach the third time I was feeling a bit better. I walked a little and continued on. I saw Julia after she had hit the turn around and she looked really good. I continued to the turn around and as I got to the sign, it blew over. Ugh!! Really? Can this race be anymore perfect!
I kept going in a walk/run. I got to the 20 telling myself--"It's a 10k--you can run a 10k--you'll be done in 1:15." By the time I got to 22, I was talking smack to the course. "4 miles--any idiot can run 4 miles!!" And finally at 23 "A 5k? Come on, you've done this drunk and hung-over!" At 24 I could feel myself really needing to push, and I remembered Elaine and her walk run plan that had helped her at Big Sur. I told myself, "One minute, you can run for 60 seconds. Then you can walk one minute." That's what I did for the remainder of the race. (Except, I always ran any down hill). Once I hit 26, I decided I would run the last .2...and finished with a 9 minute PR time of 5:39:03 (12:57 av pace)!! Oh, yeah and upon crossing the finish line--I promptly ralphed. Awesome. Julia was cheering for me...until she ran over to pat my back and make sure I wasn't going to die.
She kicked my ass, running her first marathon in just over 5:30. I'm so proud of her! I felt so bad I couldn't stick with her due to my yakage. I didn't want to let her down...(or hork on a marathon course). I still think she's amazing!!
I was helping her stretch after the race, and I said "The next time I decide to do something stupid like this, remind me how AWESOME I am!!" I did it--2 Marathons in 6 days! And I PRed in both!! I can officially apply to be a Marathon Maniac!
My next question: When's the next one?
This was Julia's first marathon, and I have to tell you how proud I am!! She is a total rock star!!
First of all, it was a perfect day for a marathon, about 60 degrees and mostly sunny (all though I did not care for the head wind toward the end). Unfortunately it was not a perfect marathon for me. As we were getting in to Indy, I began to feel queasy. I told Julia that I didn't feel so well. So, I rolled down Roxy's window (Julia's car's name), and realized--oh, yeah--I'm gonna barf. I completely defiled the outside of the car, and some how got vomit on my armpit (how does that happen?!?). We got to the parking lot and I felt somewhat better. After all, I have done the rainbow yawn during a training run before (on Lake Shore Drive), so I should be fine, right?
We got in to our surgical gowns (thank you, Barb!) and headed to the start. We were a little late due to the port-a-potty lines (Hoosier Potty!--say it out loud. It's funny.). Julia wanted to jump in, but I wouldn't let her...I didn't think it was a good idea to go with the 8:00 group. I think she was a little nervous, and I did everything I could to calm her down.
We began the race and even though I had spewed a 1/2 hour before the race, I felt ok (only a little nauseated). In fact, we were on perfect pace for the first 1/2 of the marathon. I knew I could make it to the first half...and at that point I was still feeling pretty good. One completely random thing, was that we saw these two guys with what seemed to be a karaoke machine crooning to the runners...guess which two celebrities they were impersonating? Oh, that would be Elvis and Meatloaf. Seriously the most bizarre combo I've seen, and the "monster ballads" they were singing only made me want to run away, not run better!
Any who, at the half the 1/2 marathoners split off and the course got really sparse. But Julia and I remained on pace, and aside from almost stepping upon squirrel road kill that freaked both of us out the race was pretty uneventful.
That is, until mile 17.
I told Julia that I was tired and needed to walk a bit and to go on with out me. The truth? I was feeling pukey again. I hurled 3 times in mile 17. Once, near a water stop, where a paramedic asked if I wanted a ride back to the start. I responded with "No, I just want to throw up."
Y'all know me--I'm much too stubborn to not finish. And after expunging the contents of my stomach the third time I was feeling a bit better. I walked a little and continued on. I saw Julia after she had hit the turn around and she looked really good. I continued to the turn around and as I got to the sign, it blew over. Ugh!! Really? Can this race be anymore perfect!
I kept going in a walk/run. I got to the 20 telling myself--"It's a 10k--you can run a 10k--you'll be done in 1:15." By the time I got to 22, I was talking smack to the course. "4 miles--any idiot can run 4 miles!!" And finally at 23 "A 5k? Come on, you've done this drunk and hung-over!" At 24 I could feel myself really needing to push, and I remembered Elaine and her walk run plan that had helped her at Big Sur. I told myself, "One minute, you can run for 60 seconds. Then you can walk one minute." That's what I did for the remainder of the race. (Except, I always ran any down hill). Once I hit 26, I decided I would run the last .2...and finished with a 9 minute PR time of 5:39:03 (12:57 av pace)!! Oh, yeah and upon crossing the finish line--I promptly ralphed. Awesome. Julia was cheering for me...until she ran over to pat my back and make sure I wasn't going to die.
She kicked my ass, running her first marathon in just over 5:30. I'm so proud of her! I felt so bad I couldn't stick with her due to my yakage. I didn't want to let her down...(or hork on a marathon course). I still think she's amazing!!
I was helping her stretch after the race, and I said "The next time I decide to do something stupid like this, remind me how AWESOME I am!!" I did it--2 Marathons in 6 days! And I PRed in both!! I can officially apply to be a Marathon Maniac!

October 14, 2008
In spite of soreness, I ran a mile on pace with the kids at CC practice and then another half mile at the 10:00 pace at the gym on the treadmill. Then spent an hour stretching and foam rollering.
October 12, 2008
Ah, the Chicago Marathon. I was so pumped! It was hard to keep the first half slow and on pace...I kept being asked to slow down. For the first 7 miles or so, I had a Chicago Bears balloon. I lost that at some point. I kinda missed the "Go Bears" after it was gone. Here I am at Wells and Ohio with Alfredo.
But then the humidity got to me and I just couldn't keep the pace or catch my breath. I really was struggling to breathe around the United Center and then again in Pilsen. It was so hot, I took my shirt off and ran the last 7 miles in my sports bra (and ya'll know, I don't do naked in public). Here are my splits. You can see I'm pretty well on for the first half...I started to tank in the second:

10k--1:14:56--12:03 pace
Half--2:41:15--12:08 pace
30k--3:57:00--12:42 pace
Then I decided just to have some fun (because isn't that what it's all about?). In Chinatown, some kind souls gave me a Budweiser, and that's when I discovered that the beer was much colder than the water or Gatorade! Then I found some guys South on Michigan Ave who were watching runners...they gave me 2 Miller Lites (one I drank with them, and one I took with me). And then some others on Michigan that traded out my empty Miller Lite for an Amstel Lite that made it across the finish. It was nice to hear people cheer "Yeah, Beer Girl!"
You can see, I did finish (5:48:11--13:18 av pace), with my medal and shiny milar blanket (I *heart* those things!)
I'm so glad that I get a do-over next's hoping for cooler weather!!

October 9, 2008
I made it out late today, but at least I made it out. I did 3 miles in 35:34, just below pace. In fact my first mile was 11:24.
What was the difference from yesterday? Well, I wanted to get this run done and over with. I also soaked last night after my run in an epsom salt bath. I don't know if it was the soaking or the salt or just a placebo, but it seemed to help. I tried it again today after the run, using the rest of the salt. I need to pick up some more...especially since it seems to be working, and with 3 days to to the marathon, I'll take what I can get.
I also read an article today about bouncing back from a bad race. It was interesting that they talked about positive self talk--definitely something I need to work on. Another thing was to draw a circle, and with in the circle, write bad things about the race you can control. Outside, things you can't. I was thinking about this in terms of Sunday--I can't control the weather and humidity. I can't control how my lungs or quad injury will feel or this darn cold. I can control how I choose to deal with these things. I can control, my internal monologue and self talk. And I think that based on what I can and cannot control--I choose to kick some ass!
What was the difference from yesterday? Well, I wanted to get this run done and over with. I also soaked last night after my run in an epsom salt bath. I don't know if it was the soaking or the salt or just a placebo, but it seemed to help. I tried it again today after the run, using the rest of the salt. I need to pick up some more...especially since it seems to be working, and with 3 days to to the marathon, I'll take what I can get.
I also read an article today about bouncing back from a bad race. It was interesting that they talked about positive self talk--definitely something I need to work on. Another thing was to draw a circle, and with in the circle, write bad things about the race you can control. Outside, things you can't. I was thinking about this in terms of Sunday--I can't control the weather and humidity. I can't control how my lungs or quad injury will feel or this darn cold. I can control how I choose to deal with these things. I can control, my internal monologue and self talk. And I think that based on what I can and cannot control--I choose to kick some ass!
October 8, 2008
I had a headache all day, but at least going for a run made it better. But my run time sucked--4 miles in 52:52 (13:13 pace). I suppose it could be worse, but I'd really like it not to be. Oh, and while we're wishing for things--the knot gone from my thigh.
October 7, 2008
I went to see Hector today. We did a core work out with lots of stretching...and by stretching I mean Hector beat on my thigh to try to break up that knot. I limped from the gym with out running.
October 4, 2008
It was the last Saturday morning long run (8 miles in 1:34:00-ish, my Garmin batter died). I seems like just last week we were still building mileage. This summer seemed to fly by. Everyone looked so good, it's wonderful that everyone has gotten to know each other so well! I'm super excited about the marathon!
October 2, 2008
Still a little crampy, but headed to the gym anyway. I did 2 miles at 12:30 pace and then worked with Hector. Mostly core, but a little legs and arms. I did my last mile at the same pace for a total run time of 37:30. I would like for my guts to get back in order with out the aid of Pepto, please!!
October 1, 2008
Due to being sick, I missed 150 miles by 3.7 miles. I'm so sad that I didn't make it. Grr. I guess I should be happy to be over 140...that's a new high for me.
Anywho, I took my tired self to the gym and did 4 on the elliptical in 51:00. Slow, at 12:45 pace, but done.
Anywho, I took my tired self to the gym and did 4 on the elliptical in 51:00. Slow, at 12:45 pace, but done.
September 29, 2008
Ugh, I don't feel well. My guts are churny and I'm feeling queasy. I made it through 6 miles on the ellitpical in 1:14:31 (because I'm just that stubborn.) I hope I feel better tomorrow.
September 28, 2008
I headed to the gym this morning to make up my 8 miles that I didn't do earlier in the week. Again, my thigh was sore; and again, it took 4 miles to warm up. I ended up running about a 12:30 pace, but sometimes you just need an easy day. I don't know what's the deal with my leg. I'm hoping the taper will help it to rest and recover before the marathon.
As I'm talking about rest (ha ha) I realized that I was so close to the 150 mile mark for the month. I've never run 150 miles in a month! I looked at the remaining training runs, I had today's 8 miler, and the runs for next week, the highest being a 6 and a 4. I was one mile short of 150!! (Actually .7, but close enough!!). What's a girl to do? Just be content with 149 miles? Not this chickie--I made today 9 miles (in 1:52:45), and then I plan to do the 6 and the 4 Monday and Tuesday and make it happen--150 for September, here I come!!
As I'm talking about rest (ha ha) I realized that I was so close to the 150 mile mark for the month. I've never run 150 miles in a month! I looked at the remaining training runs, I had today's 8 miler, and the runs for next week, the highest being a 6 and a 4. I was one mile short of 150!! (Actually .7, but close enough!!). What's a girl to do? Just be content with 149 miles? Not this chickie--I made today 9 miles (in 1:52:45), and then I plan to do the 6 and the 4 Monday and Tuesday and make it happen--150 for September, here I come!!
September 27, 2008
I totally over slept this morning, but I made it in time because Ryan Hall was speaking to our running group. It was a little disheartening when he said that he can't imagine running for four hours (grrr!). He did go for a run....and passed us on the path. Twice. But at least I can say I high fived and then got my ass kicked by an Olympian.
I was super sore when the run started, but about 4 or 5 miles in my quad started to loosen up. I was hurting at first, but fortunately, it worked itself out. I felt fine by the end of the run. We did 12 miles in 2:23:25. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. It's encouraging for me to make up my 8 miles!
I also saw Big John running in a race in Lincoln Park. I stopped to cheer him on and then caught my group just as they were leaving the water stop. I hope he's ready for the marathon, I haven't heard from him lately.
I was super sore when the run started, but about 4 or 5 miles in my quad started to loosen up. I was hurting at first, but fortunately, it worked itself out. I felt fine by the end of the run. We did 12 miles in 2:23:25. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. It's encouraging for me to make up my 8 miles!
I also saw Big John running in a race in Lincoln Park. I stopped to cheer him on and then caught my group just as they were leaving the water stop. I hope he's ready for the marathon, I haven't heard from him lately.
September 25, 2008
Today wasn't a shitty day...just long. I did my 4 miles on the elliptical. My legs are still sore and tired. I'm supposed to like the taper, right? Let me know when it kicks in.
September 24, 2008
I had a shitty day at work. So I headed to the gym and got a much needed hug and a little bit of venting. I did 5 miles on the elliptical due to my blistered toes. Is it possible that my feet grew in the past month?
I need to head to Fleet Feet ASAP!
I also need to get caught up on this weeks training runs...I feel like I've been running around but not actually running!
I need to head to Fleet Feet ASAP!
I also need to get caught up on this weeks training runs...I feel like I've been running around but not actually running!
September 21, 2008
Today was the R2R 20 miler! For those of you not familiar with the route, it starts at Foster, heads up to Hollywood and then down to the South Shore Cultural Center at 71st Street. It began with some warnings (yellow/moderate), but my runners were ready to go (or at least they pretended they were)!
Aside from the massive amounts of time in the ER, the nasty blisters (seriously, I'm never buying those shoes again!!) and missing the Bears game it wasn't too bad of a day, it certainly was a memorable! I'm pretty proud of how well I ran, it really gives me more confidence for the major races I have planned this fall.
I of course felt the need to practice actual marathon conditions. And as you all know, this means finding beer along the course! You can see that some tailgaters gave me one...
That's right, 11.5, with Soldier Field in the back ground, and wearing a pacer's shirt...I stopped with some tailgaters to have a beer. I'm sure someone in the CARA office is very proud.Sometime after 10:30 the flags were changed to red/high risk level.
I slowed my pace down about a minute per mile for the last 5 miles, but I still finished in about 4:07. I'm so proud of all the runners in my group! They all did so well--especially in this heat!
We did have one runner go down...Melissa finished and headed straight to the medical tent. She was suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. We got her to the ER and 3 liters of fluid later she started to feel better.
While I was pretty much useless in the medical capacity (Let's face it, I was trying not to puke every time she was stuck for an IV), I did try to entertain her by singing her songs and trying to find all the possible impressions I could do with the mylar blanket. (You'd be surprised how many you can do with that thing...Elvis, Chipotle Burrito, Batman and my personal favorite Jiffy Pop!)

We did have one runner go down...Melissa finished and headed straight to the medical tent. She was suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. We got her to the ER and 3 liters of fluid later she started to feel better.

Aside from the massive amounts of time in the ER, the nasty blisters (seriously, I'm never buying those shoes again!!) and missing the Bears game it wasn't too bad of a day, it certainly was a memorable! I'm pretty proud of how well I ran, it really gives me more confidence for the major races I have planned this fall.
September 20, 2008
Mad Dash to Madison 5K--2008 Blackhawks Training Camp
Fun race. I really took it easy--no need to burn out my legs for tomorrow. I finished in about 37:00 (I'll update when I see the official time). I got a Blackhawks tech shirt and 2 tickets to Tuesday's game. I think I'd do this one again...especially if I got faster--the winners got custom jerseys!
Fun race. I really took it easy--no need to burn out my legs for tomorrow. I finished in about 37:00 (I'll update when I see the official time). I got a Blackhawks tech shirt and 2 tickets to Tuesday's game. I think I'd do this one again...especially if I got faster--the winners got custom jerseys!
September 19, 2008
This morning I got up and did my Body Flex tape. It was only 15 minutes long, but I haven't done it in a while. I was thinking, it's really gimicky, but then again I think that with regular use it could help my core.
I'd also like to point out that at the third week in September I have the same amount of work out entries for all of 2007. There are days when I can't believe how much I've changed in a year. If you had told me that I'd be doing marathons and triathlons...or even leading a pace group for 20 miles (I mean really, who does that!?) I never would have taken that seriously.
I'd also like to point out that at the third week in September I have the same amount of work out entries for all of 2007. There are days when I can't believe how much I've changed in a year. If you had told me that I'd be doing marathons and triathlons...or even leading a pace group for 20 miles (I mean really, who does that!?) I never would have taken that seriously.
September 18, 2008
I ran 2.18 miles with the kids at Cross-Country. It was slow, limpy going. That lactic acid bubble now feels like a piece of rebar along my thigh. It's both icky and painful. And it's making me a little crabby. Then, after picking up my packets for Saturday and Sunday, I did another 2 miles. It was in the second run, that I hit my watch, turning the timer off and had no idea what distance I ran. I mapped it out and had run 2 miles. I had intended 5, but two sets of 2 miles is better than no miles. I'm still kicking myself for not getting that last mile in...but I need to let it go. I got in the run, and one less mile isn't going to kill me.
Here's hoping Sunday goes well. Looking like the worst pacer ever is not high on my to-do list.
I ran 2.18 miles with the kids at Cross-Country. It was slow, limpy going. That lactic acid bubble now feels like a piece of rebar along my thigh. It's both icky and painful. And it's making me a little crabby. Then, after picking up my packets for Saturday and Sunday, I did another 2 miles. It was in the second run, that I hit my watch, turning the timer off and had no idea what distance I ran. I mapped it out and had run 2 miles. I had intended 5, but two sets of 2 miles is better than no miles. I'm still kicking myself for not getting that last mile in...but I need to let it go. I got in the run, and one less mile isn't going to kill me.
Here's hoping Sunday goes well. Looking like the worst pacer ever is not high on my to-do list.
September 17, 2008
Getting motivated wasn't easy this afternoon. John was supposed to run with me, but he bailed (seems to be par for the course--he's a Cross Country coach, how could he have a 'football emergency'?!). I still also have that big ol' knot in my thigh. Starting out with a limp doesn't help things. I found it difficult to stay on a 12:00 pace. I ended upi getting a late start this afternoon.
But get out your maps for this route: I ran west to Narragansett, then back to Melvina. I headed south to Riis park and ran around it (FYI--it's 1.2 miles around) and then continued down Wrightwood to Austin and turned south to Fullerton. I ran east along Fullerton to Menard turning left and staying on Menard until I got to Lawrence. Once I got to Lawrence, I headed east again to Milwaukee and turned south to Sunnyside where I cut over to Laramie. Finally I took Laramie to Berteau and then ran home.
Total 10 miles in 2:03:12 (12:20/mile pace). I guess it's not too bad considering my massive knots!
But get out your maps for this route: I ran west to Narragansett, then back to Melvina. I headed south to Riis park and ran around it (FYI--it's 1.2 miles around) and then continued down Wrightwood to Austin and turned south to Fullerton. I ran east along Fullerton to Menard turning left and staying on Menard until I got to Lawrence. Once I got to Lawrence, I headed east again to Milwaukee and turned south to Sunnyside where I cut over to Laramie. Finally I took Laramie to Berteau and then ran home.
Total 10 miles in 2:03:12 (12:20/mile pace). I guess it's not too bad considering my massive knots!
September 16, 2008
Ok, so I know I did really well on Saturday, but that damn lactic acid bubble/knot is driving me nuts!! I tried to push myself to do a faster 5 miles, but that did not happen--the best I could do was on pace. Hector and I did arms and abs...I love the core work outs, they're definitely my fave!
September 13, 2008
It was a rainy day for a long run. I was sorta hoping that it would be called off, I wanted to be inside on an elliptical. But I guess I was ready to hit the road, because God kept the lightning at bay. I had four of my regular runners show up, and one who usually runs on Sundays. The rain wasn't awful for most of it. There were some bursts of major down pour.
Crystal, Jill and Colleen turned back at mile 5. I stopped to check on them and it's a good thing that I did because Danielle (from the 11:00 intermediate) caught us. The two of us caught up to Melissa and Lois with in a mile. Then Melissa and Danielle turned around at mile 6 and Lois and I ran to 8.5 at the turn around. My Garmin was telling me that I was short on mileage, but it was rainy, and I trust the Lakefront Path markers. 1.5 to 8.5 is seven miles, no matter what Garmin says :)
I had to stop at Navy Pier to go to the bathroom, so Lois continued on so she wouldn't cool off waiting for me. Now, I have to warn you, dear readers, POSSIBLE TOO MUCH INFORMATION AHEAD!! I was in the bathroom at Navy Pier and I realized that I needed a tampon. Obviously, I have none with me...definitely not something I pack for a run. I also have no change to get one from a machine. This is sooooo not good. I left the stall hoping I'd bump into some woman who might take pity on me in a very empty Navy Pier...when I see two ladies who where cleaning the restroom. I asked them if they had any from the machines...they took me to the supply closet and tried to give me whole box! Not that I wasn't grateful, but the whole box was not necessary. They kept encouraging me to take a few, but really even if it wasn't monsooning outside, how would I carry a few 'to go'? I just took one and thanked them---And I have to say, if they some how stumble upon my blog--THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You ladies are my heroes of the day!!
After my stop, I didn't think I'd catch Lois, but I really did want to be done, so I pushed myself for the rest of the run. I actually caught her at Belmont! We finished the run in 2:38:14 and I even ran over Cricket Hill. That's an 11:19 average pace! I'm certain that I ran a mostly negative split for the second half. This was a huge improvement from the elliptical and laying on someones lawn!
After the run, I met Laura, Chad, Nancy and Christina for the ALS Walk 4 Life, which was a quick 2 miles. It was a nice cool down and it was great to support Laura's walk in her mother's honor.
On another note, I really want to do the Race to Madison next weekend. It's a 5k, and I know it's the day before the 20 miler...but I really want the Blackhawks tickets and the tech shirt! If someone wants to walk/run a 5k next Saturday morning. I'm talkin' super easy style, let me know--I'm in!!
Crystal, Jill and Colleen turned back at mile 5. I stopped to check on them and it's a good thing that I did because Danielle (from the 11:00 intermediate) caught us. The two of us caught up to Melissa and Lois with in a mile. Then Melissa and Danielle turned around at mile 6 and Lois and I ran to 8.5 at the turn around. My Garmin was telling me that I was short on mileage, but it was rainy, and I trust the Lakefront Path markers. 1.5 to 8.5 is seven miles, no matter what Garmin says :)
I had to stop at Navy Pier to go to the bathroom, so Lois continued on so she wouldn't cool off waiting for me. Now, I have to warn you, dear readers, POSSIBLE TOO MUCH INFORMATION AHEAD!! I was in the bathroom at Navy Pier and I realized that I needed a tampon. Obviously, I have none with me...definitely not something I pack for a run. I also have no change to get one from a machine. This is sooooo not good. I left the stall hoping I'd bump into some woman who might take pity on me in a very empty Navy Pier...when I see two ladies who where cleaning the restroom. I asked them if they had any from the machines...they took me to the supply closet and tried to give me whole box! Not that I wasn't grateful, but the whole box was not necessary. They kept encouraging me to take a few, but really even if it wasn't monsooning outside, how would I carry a few 'to go'? I just took one and thanked them---And I have to say, if they some how stumble upon my blog--THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You ladies are my heroes of the day!!
After my stop, I didn't think I'd catch Lois, but I really did want to be done, so I pushed myself for the rest of the run. I actually caught her at Belmont! We finished the run in 2:38:14 and I even ran over Cricket Hill. That's an 11:19 average pace! I'm certain that I ran a mostly negative split for the second half. This was a huge improvement from the elliptical and laying on someones lawn!
After the run, I met Laura, Chad, Nancy and Christina for the ALS Walk 4 Life, which was a quick 2 miles. It was a nice cool down and it was great to support Laura's walk in her mother's honor.
On another note, I really want to do the Race to Madison next weekend. It's a 5k, and I know it's the day before the 20 miler...but I really want the Blackhawks tickets and the tech shirt! If someone wants to walk/run a 5k next Saturday morning. I'm talkin' super easy style, let me know--I'm in!!
September 11, 2008
My thigh hurts so much that I want to jam my car key in to the knot of lactic acid that resides within it's depths. I've tried the foam roller and stick. I've tried cramming my elbow into it. I'm just not strong enough at the right angle to do it myself.
I did my 8 miles today. I probably shouldn't have. I probably should have rested. I did 15 minute it took 2 frickin' hours on the elliptical. But my stubborn self would not let me miss a training run. I haven't missed one yet and I wasn't about to start. Maybe I'll try to actually run it on Sunday if I'm feeling better.
I did my 8 miles today. I probably shouldn't have. I probably should have rested. I did 15 minute it took 2 frickin' hours on the elliptical. But my stubborn self would not let me miss a training run. I haven't missed one yet and I wasn't about to start. Maybe I'll try to actually run it on Sunday if I'm feeling better.
September 10, 2008
Five Miles.
I felt awful today. I just couldn't get a stride. My legs felt like concrete. My left quad was cramped up and both of my calf's felt like lead. Seriously, it was bad.
I was going to run my 8 miles today, and I was ready to cry after 2 miles. I was hoping when I started that I'd warm up and it would be fine. Not so much. Just short of four, I lay down on someones lawn at the corner between Henderson and School on Menard. I'm not kidding. Melissa even called and I had a conversation before continuing on.
5 miles in 1:06:48, not including the lawn time.
Five Miles.
I felt awful today. I just couldn't get a stride. My legs felt like concrete. My left quad was cramped up and both of my calf's felt like lead. Seriously, it was bad.
I was going to run my 8 miles today, and I was ready to cry after 2 miles. I was hoping when I started that I'd warm up and it would be fine. Not so much. Just short of four, I lay down on someones lawn at the corner between Henderson and School on Menard. I'm not kidding. Melissa even called and I had a conversation before continuing on.
5 miles in 1:06:48, not including the lawn time.
September 9, 2008
I really did want to go for a run yesterday, but it didn't happen. When you get the call to celebrate your birthday with beer, hot wings and football--really, who can resist? I'm paying for the birthday fun...I'm up 9lbs (yep, I'm a Tubby McFatty). I'm guessing it's a birthday/pms combo, but it doesn't make me feel better. Grrr... Looks like I've' got some work to do.
Anywho, I went to the gym and did 3.5 miles on the elliptical, did core work with Hector and then finished the last 1.5 miles after. The 5 miles were at an 11:00 pace, so I was done in just under 55:00.
Anywho, I went to the gym and did 3.5 miles on the elliptical, did core work with Hector and then finished the last 1.5 miles after. The 5 miles were at an 11:00 pace, so I was done in just under 55:00.
September 6, 2008
Today's long run was much needed. After a completely heinous Friday, the 18 miles felt really good. All of the runners had a pretty good day. All of them stayed together for the first 14, and I was so proud of how well everyone ran! Julia and I even tackled Cricket Hill at the end.
I finished in 3:35:58 and found Melissa with bagels and cupcakes! In fact the rest was so good--I ran the last 2 miles to make it an even 20 miles (total running time in 3:59:59).
I finished in 3:35:58 and found Melissa with bagels and cupcakes! In fact the rest was so good--I ran the last 2 miles to make it an even 20 miles (total running time in 3:59:59).
September 3, 2008
I made it out for my 4 miler in 44:24 which is an 11:06 pace. Not too bad considering I'm still stiff and achy. I think going to bed freakishly early last night helped. Now if only I could find someone to foam roller me (I'm thinking that someone's going to get sick of reading about it and do something about it!)
September 2, 2008
Feet=Still Blistery
Weather=Hot and Humid
Irregardless, I went to the gym. I knew I needed to power through my work out. I reasoned that the faster I got it done, the faster I could go home. I did the first mile easy, then played a game with myself on the elliptical; keep the strides per minute above 180 and try to stay on your heels (to avoid 'running' on my blisters).
It worked. I did my 5 miles in 53:44 which breaks down to a 10:45 average mile.
(PS, I still could use a volunteer to foam roller me!)
Weather=Hot and Humid
Irregardless, I went to the gym. I knew I needed to power through my work out. I reasoned that the faster I got it done, the faster I could go home. I did the first mile easy, then played a game with myself on the elliptical; keep the strides per minute above 180 and try to stay on your heels (to avoid 'running' on my blisters).
It worked. I did my 5 miles in 53:44 which breaks down to a 10:45 average mile.
(PS, I still could use a volunteer to foam roller me!)
September 1, 2008
Even though I was sore, I headed to the gym. Hector stretched me and worked my core and arms. I did my 7 miles on the feet are still tender and I couldn't imagine trying to run on them. I just really wanted to get my long run in since I didn't have to work today. I hate long-ish runs on the elliptical.
I think I need to have a date with the stick...any volunteers to foam roller me? Pretty please?
I think I need to have a date with the stick...any volunteers to foam roller me? Pretty please?
August 31, 2008
Coast to Coast Challenge: Complete!
Today was the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon! It actually was cool and over cast for the run...very nice running weather. We dressed as Minnie Mouse (so fun!) There was a lot of running on the streets of Anaheim. We ran around and through the parks, over to the Honda Center (home of the Ducks) and Angel Stadium then back to finish in Downtown Disney.
Unfortunately, my feet were killing me. My shoes were at about 275 miles, and I thought I could make them last...not so much. They also gave me awful blisters. The balls of my feet under the callouses and on my toes... the ones on my toes actually ripped open. I also have killer shin splints. Needless to say, my shoes are dead, I left them in California--I never wanted to see them again!
Barb and I also took pictures with the characters as we ran...(as soon as she sends them to me, I'll post them) and finished in 2:39:56 which works out to a 12:13 average mile pace. And at the finish, we got the HUGE castle medals and the Coast to Coast Challenge medal--Yeah Disney!!
Today was the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon! It actually was cool and over cast for the run...very nice running weather. We dressed as Minnie Mouse (so fun!) There was a lot of running on the streets of Anaheim. We ran around and through the parks, over to the Honda Center (home of the Ducks) and Angel Stadium then back to finish in Downtown Disney.
Unfortunately, my feet were killing me. My shoes were at about 275 miles, and I thought I could make them last...not so much. They also gave me awful blisters. The balls of my feet under the callouses and on my toes... the ones on my toes actually ripped open. I also have killer shin splints. Needless to say, my shoes are dead, I left them in California--I never wanted to see them again!
Barb and I also took pictures with the characters as we ran...(as soon as she sends them to me, I'll post them) and finished in 2:39:56 which works out to a 12:13 average mile pace. And at the finish, we got the HUGE castle medals and the Coast to Coast Challenge medal--Yeah Disney!!
August 30, 2008
Today was the Disneyland 5k in Anaheim, CA. It wasn't quite as good as the Family 5k in Orlando...(Slightly annoying to be stuck with a 2XL, but that means Mom gets a cute race shirt!).
It was a nice easy run, not chipped. My Garmin time was 33:55...and I even got a cute medal!!
Today was the Disneyland 5k in Anaheim, CA. It wasn't quite as good as the Family 5k in Orlando...(Slightly annoying to be stuck with a 2XL, but that means Mom gets a cute race shirt!).
It was a nice easy run, not chipped. My Garmin time was 33:55...and I even got a cute medal!!

August 26, 2008
Another beautiful day! I ran 5 miles in 57:38. It felt really good, and I could have kept going! I really do need to stop wearing my old shoes, they're giving my blisters. I know that I should switch them out, but I'm trying to make them last to at least 300 miles. I'm almost there...
I also signed up for my 3rd marathon today. I'll be running Indianapolis on October 18th with Julia! I don't expect to run it very fast, just to finish. (Fortunately it is walker friendly.) I'll just play that race by ear. I think its an excellent excuse to make sure that I get a massage after the Chicago Marathon the weekend before!
I also signed up for my 3rd marathon today. I'll be running Indianapolis on October 18th with Julia! I don't expect to run it very fast, just to finish. (Fortunately it is walker friendly.) I'll just play that race by ear. I think its an excellent excuse to make sure that I get a massage after the Chicago Marathon the weekend before!
August 25, 2008
Yet another milestone...I officially ran over 100 miles this month! I will have an official number at the end of the month, butI think it will be the highest mileage month ever!
Today's run I took easy. I did it at the gym and hated every second. The reason that I did it there was because my water heater died and I can't take a hot shower at home. I did 7 miles on the elliptical in 1:30:00. I stretched, used the foam roller, hugged my trainer and got out of dodge!
I do not heart running inside!! (Especially since it's so nice outside!!)
Today's run I took easy. I did it at the gym and hated every second. The reason that I did it there was because my water heater died and I can't take a hot shower at home. I did 7 miles on the elliptical in 1:30:00. I stretched, used the foam roller, hugged my trainer and got out of dodge!
I do not heart running inside!! (Especially since it's so nice outside!!)
August 24, 2008
I met Juila this morning for take 2 of the 16 mile run. It was a much better day to run. I started to feel like I was pushing myself around mile 14.5. In the last 1/2 mile I had to stop and walk for a tenth of a mile... but I finished in 3:17. Not too bad.
It was really nice to go for a 3 hour run with Julia. She really is fun to run with...I just hope that be becoming tired wasn't too annoying for her.
After the run, I biked down to Randolph (10 miles round trip) to watch the elites in Accenture. It really was a great morning and early afternoon!
It was really nice to go for a 3 hour run with Julia. She really is fun to run with...I just hope that be becoming tired wasn't too annoying for her.
After the run, I biked down to Randolph (10 miles round trip) to watch the elites in Accenture. It really was a great morning and early afternoon!
August 23, 2008
Bad run.
Bad, bad run.
It was SUPPOSED to be 16 miles this morning. Due to the combination of the heat, humidity and my asthma; I only made it 6.5 miles. That's not ok. I walked the 1.5 miles back to my car.
The only thing is that my heart rate read out looks freaky and erratic. The bio-feedback is really helpful in reinforcing the fact that it was a good idea to stop.
Bad, bad run.
It was SUPPOSED to be 16 miles this morning. Due to the combination of the heat, humidity and my asthma; I only made it 6.5 miles. That's not ok. I walked the 1.5 miles back to my car.
The only thing is that my heart rate read out looks freaky and erratic. The bio-feedback is really helpful in reinforcing the fact that it was a good idea to stop.
August 20, 2008
There's nothing like running at an altitude that you're not used to to make you feel fat, flabby and out of shape. I guess I shouldn't complain...check out that view!!
Ok, so that isn't exactly where I ran this morning, but I could see the mountains as I was running! It was a bad running day. I think I'm fighting dehydration. I did 4 miles in 51:24 which is almost a 13 minute mile. I usually don't carry water on short runs, but today, I made myself drink all four flasks. I ran around a cemetery, it was very cool to see pioneer aged grave stones. After that, it was through a park and then back down main street.
An awesome view at least helps the run be a little less bad!

An awesome view at least helps the run be a little less bad!
August 19, 2008
Trails, and horses, and mountains, oh my!
Today I did my 6 mile run at 5,400 feet in the mountains of Montana! It was absolutely gorgeous! Melissa and I ran down Main Street and then once the sidewalks got crappy, we went South to Oak Street. I was faster than Mel, so I kept going until I ran out of sidewalk. I completely got distracted by horses and a trail...and got a little lost. Fortunately I found a friendly runner guy with a dog that gave me directions back to Main. I did the six miles in 1:09:33.
Today I did my 6 mile run at 5,400 feet in the mountains of Montana! It was absolutely gorgeous! Melissa and I ran down Main Street and then once the sidewalks got crappy, we went South to Oak Street. I was faster than Mel, so I kept going until I ran out of sidewalk. I completely got distracted by horses and a trail...and got a little lost. Fortunately I found a friendly runner guy with a dog that gave me directions back to Main. I did the six miles in 1:09:33.
August 16, 2008
I could not fall asleep last night! At 1:00 pm, I finally got up and took some Advil pm...After a groggy start, I have to say it really was a beautiful day for a run. At the risk of jinxing it, this has been a great training cycle. The heat and humidity have been kept at bay.
It was a crowded day on the path due to the Air and Water Show. Fortunately, we were able to detour North Ave. Beach on the way back. That combined with running North first really helped. Not that it was empty, but it really made things easier. We did our 15 miles in 3:03:02
Julia joined us today. She's such a strong runner! And I have to say she looked fabulous in my pants. I was worried they'd be to big for her...she's such a skinny minnie. Anywho, I think she'll be registering for Indianapolis soon...I'm really excited to see if I can run two marathons in back-to-back weekends. My only worry, is what if I can't keep up with her? I know I can finish both, I just don't want to let her down if I have to slow down!
It was a crowded day on the path due to the Air and Water Show. Fortunately, we were able to detour North Ave. Beach on the way back. That combined with running North first really helped. Not that it was empty, but it really made things easier. We did our 15 miles in 3:03:02
Julia joined us today. She's such a strong runner! And I have to say she looked fabulous in my pants. I was worried they'd be to big for her...she's such a skinny minnie. Anywho, I think she'll be registering for Indianapolis soon...I'm really excited to see if I can run two marathons in back-to-back weekends. My only worry, is what if I can't keep up with her? I know I can finish both, I just don't want to let her down if I have to slow down!
August 14, 2008
I was out this very gorgeous afternoon for a 3 mile run (36:45--12:15 pace) when I ran in to a couple of interesting people.
The first was a random lady just east of Milwaukee sitting on a step, watering her lawn with a hose. She stopped me and asked me to take her garbage to the dumpster. Weird, but she was older so it was no biggie. She asked why I was running and I told her that I was training for the marathon. To which she replied "Well, you have the legs for it." I'll take that as a complement!
Then I happened to run past Mr. Grim, my High School track coach. We chatted for a second. I told him that I had a 9 minute PR on Sunday at the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon. I also mentioned that Julia had also completed her first 1/2 Marathon and was thinking of running her first marathon this fall. He proceeded to tell me that we were getting a little crazy, complete with the finger twirl by the side of his head. I informed him that we blame him for it.
You know you're an insane runner person when your H.S. track coach tells you that you're crazy. :)
The first was a random lady just east of Milwaukee sitting on a step, watering her lawn with a hose. She stopped me and asked me to take her garbage to the dumpster. Weird, but she was older so it was no biggie. She asked why I was running and I told her that I was training for the marathon. To which she replied "Well, you have the legs for it." I'll take that as a complement!
Then I happened to run past Mr. Grim, my High School track coach. We chatted for a second. I told him that I had a 9 minute PR on Sunday at the Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon. I also mentioned that Julia had also completed her first 1/2 Marathon and was thinking of running her first marathon this fall. He proceeded to tell me that we were getting a little crazy, complete with the finger twirl by the side of his head. I informed him that we blame him for it.
You know you're an insane runner person when your H.S. track coach tells you that you're crazy. :)
August 13, 2008
I feel like I'm just not getting enough sleep! I can't shake this tiredness. Oh, and I have a crazy craving for twizzlers...
I went to the gym today, Hector worked my arms and some abs. He also streatched and foam rollered me...necessary, but not painful.
Melissa and I met at the Totem Pole to run our 6 miles. We headed South until the Lakefront Path was closed for the Air and Water Show at North Avenue and then headed back. After our little run, we met John for dollar burgers and three dollar drafts at McGee's. I'm thinking mid-week long run and McGee's needs to be a weekly thing!
I went to the gym today, Hector worked my arms and some abs. He also streatched and foam rollered me...necessary, but not painful.
Melissa and I met at the Totem Pole to run our 6 miles. We headed South until the Lakefront Path was closed for the Air and Water Show at North Avenue and then headed back. After our little run, we met John for dollar burgers and three dollar drafts at McGee's. I'm thinking mid-week long run and McGee's needs to be a weekly thing!
August 12, 2008
My quads were a little tight today...probably a combination of the race on Sunday and biking yesterday.
Anywho, I started out wanting to run my 4 miles at my race pace, but as usual my pace per mile on the GPS is a little slow (I really need to check the Garmin web site or take it to the store and figure it out) and I ended up running a 10:39 for my first mile. I felt good, so I tried to keep it up. It was difficult with the GPS not being accurate, but the fact that it was 'running slow' really helped me push myself. I did 4 one mile repeats.
I did my 4 miles in 42:13 which is a 10:34 average. I'm pumped that my last mile was the fastest; Mile 1--10:38, Mile 2--10:50, Mile 3--10:44, and Mile 4--9:57. I really need to push myself on these short runs more often!
Anywho, I started out wanting to run my 4 miles at my race pace, but as usual my pace per mile on the GPS is a little slow (I really need to check the Garmin web site or take it to the store and figure it out) and I ended up running a 10:39 for my first mile. I felt good, so I tried to keep it up. It was difficult with the GPS not being accurate, but the fact that it was 'running slow' really helped me push myself. I did 4 one mile repeats.
I did my 4 miles in 42:13 which is a 10:34 average. I'm pumped that my last mile was the fastest; Mile 1--10:38, Mile 2--10:50, Mile 3--10:44, and Mile 4--9:57. I really need to push myself on these short runs more often!
August 11, 2008
This morning, I was tired. I still went to the gym and ran a 9:31 mile in an effort to break up the lactic acid.
I did an hour of arms and core with Hector, he was trying to teach me to box. Seriously, I hit like a girl. In the event of a fight or flight option, I will simply run away! I also was bad about my eating and gained back two pounds :(
I'll be better this week. I've found that I really do need to keep a food log. It just keeps me from mindless snacking. It's not hard to eat healthy, it's hard to keep from snacking.
This afternoon, Judy and I went kayaking for an hour, and then we went biking (about 6 miles, round trip) from her house the Botanical Gardens. We walked around the gardens for an hour and then headed back.
I'm glad that I was active today, I think it helped...but then again, I'll know better tomorrow.
I did an hour of arms and core with Hector, he was trying to teach me to box. Seriously, I hit like a girl. In the event of a fight or flight option, I will simply run away! I also was bad about my eating and gained back two pounds :(
I'll be better this week. I've found that I really do need to keep a food log. It just keeps me from mindless snacking. It's not hard to eat healthy, it's hard to keep from snacking.
This afternoon, Judy and I went kayaking for an hour, and then we went biking (about 6 miles, round trip) from her house the Botanical Gardens. We walked around the gardens for an hour and then headed back.
I'm glad that I was active today, I think it helped...but then again, I'll know better tomorrow.
August 10, 2008
My second running of the Chicago Distance Classic! I've come so far :)
First of all, I have to say, I'm so proud of Julia. It was her first 1/2 Marathon--She rocked it!! Her time was amazing! I'm convinced that her running helped me to do so well! Here we are after the race with our medals:
(Yes, my shirt says "Cheetah in Training") Today, I got a PR--by 9 minutes!!! My time was 2:29:56, which was a pace of 11:27 per mile. I'm sure it helped that it was a perfect day!! Look at that sky! (Daniel, Danielle, Julia, myself, Chris and John)
That pace even beats my 8k and 10k PR paces. And if we look at this years race to last year's race (even if the course was different--and a .4 GPS discrepency) you'll see a 2o minute improvement! Heck, from race to race I have a total of 12 medals between the two races (14 if you count the two CDC medals). While a year ago, I wanted to do this race again, I never thought I'd have run a marathon, be pacing for a 20 miler and have done triathlons.
Here are some members of my running group, Daniel, Danielle, John, Julie, Chris and Gabe:
I did have one issue, in a frenzy of getting ready, I forgot my underwear. I guess going commando helped, because I had an awesome race and a PR!!
First of all, I have to say, I'm so proud of Julia. It was her first 1/2 Marathon--She rocked it!! Her time was amazing! I'm convinced that her running helped me to do so well! Here we are after the race with our medals:

Here are some members of my running group, Daniel, Danielle, John, Julie, Chris and Gabe:

August 7, 2008
I wasn't feelin' it today. I don't know why. I think it's because I did my 3 miles on the elliptical at the gym (39:00). I much rather being outside. I just wanted to get in a swim. The problem with my swim was that I was wearing the cheep-ass free goggles I got at the triathalon. They kept either fogging, leaking or falling off when I pushed off the wall. Halfway through my my swim, I just gave up, only doing 500 yards (about 15:00).
August 5, 2008
Melissa and I were going to go biking and running. However, we forgot the bike locks and just biked. She was working on shifting and stuff. We did about 6 miles on the Lakefront Path.
August 4, 2008
I LOVE running in the rain. I love the way it feels. The way it smells. It's much cooler. There's less people to bother you. I can breathe easier.
I do not love crazy, insane lightning. I was out running and I was going for 5 miles. Nature, however, had other plans. I was just shy of 3 when it began to drizzle. I was thinking "Woo-Hoo! I heart rain!!"
Until the crazy, insane lightning started. And trees started bending and breaking. That's when I decided to go home. I was out. Turns out, that there was Tornado Warnings and such all over the Chicagoland area. I got my 4 mile run (51:47) in for the day. I guess it's better than no run! I was a little sore from yesterday, so I took it easy. It's starting to piss me off that my watch is a little off. I think that I need to stop by the store and see what they say about it.
I do not love crazy, insane lightning. I was out running and I was going for 5 miles. Nature, however, had other plans. I was just shy of 3 when it began to drizzle. I was thinking "Woo-Hoo! I heart rain!!"
Until the crazy, insane lightning started. And trees started bending and breaking. That's when I decided to go home. I was out. Turns out, that there was Tornado Warnings and such all over the Chicagoland area. I got my 4 mile run (51:47) in for the day. I guess it's better than no run! I was a little sore from yesterday, so I took it easy. It's starting to piss me off that my watch is a little off. I think that I need to stop by the store and see what they say about it.
August 3, 2008
Cross-training day! I went to the gym and swam 1000 yards or .6 miles or about a kilometer--Victoria, aren't you proud??
Then after I attended an Ultramarathon lecture (yes, I'm very seriously considering it), Jack and I went for a buggy 18.5 mile bike ride. I think I may be a little sore tomorrow!
Then after I attended an Ultramarathon lecture (yes, I'm very seriously considering it), Jack and I went for a buggy 18.5 mile bike ride. I think I may be a little sore tomorrow!
August 2, 2008
Today's training run was absolutely perfect. It was just one of those days where I felt I could have run for hours. It was only 13 miles, but I found myself wishing it was more. (My training group probably would have said otherwise...) I even finished by running over Cricket Hill. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We finished our 13 in 2:37:04.
Julia joined me for my run this morning. She's much faster than our group...I'm so proud of her, she's really going to have no problem next weekend and for the marathon. Maria also set up a foam roller clinic. It was really good, and I'm so happy that I finally got my own roller.
Julia joined me for my run this morning. She's much faster than our group...I'm so proud of her, she's really going to have no problem next weekend and for the marathon. Maria also set up a foam roller clinic. It was really good, and I'm so happy that I finally got my own roller.
July 30, 2008
Melissa and I met for our mid-week run this morning. We started at Soldier Field and headed south down the Lakefront Path. It was pretty, and not crowded. I swear I sweat like a dude in this humidity!!
Anywho, both of us were tight and took the first mile slow, but then finished our 5 miles in 1:02:36.
Total Pepper Walking: 1.5 miles
Anywho, both of us were tight and took the first mile slow, but then finished our 5 miles in 1:02:36.
Total Pepper Walking: 1.5 miles
July 29, 2008
Today I had a wonderful treat! I took Pepper running along the Lakefront path! I never make the time to do this during the week. And Laura lives close enough that now I can do it! I walked a half mile to the path with Pepper (so that she could do her business first). Then we ran south along the path. Aside from races, I've never run past McCormick Place on the Lakefront Path. It's really pretty and quiet--not crowded like the North side at all.
After our run, we walked back (stopping for the paper and an iced Thai coffee) and I did some Yoga for 20 minutes.
Later in the afternoon, I borrowed Laura's bike and rode up to Ohio Street Beach (there and back 6.5 miles. I had heard that there was an area for lap swimming. I got into my wet suit and headed out. I was feeling pretty good at the quarter mile marker so I swam to the next one. That's when I realized that I could neither see or touch the bottom. I headed back and was getting tired by the time I hit the first marker. I asked one of the lifeguards what the distances were, and he said that each marker was a quarter mile. That means for the first time, I swam a whole mile!! I was tired, and I did have to stop for a few rests, but I did it--in open water too! I'm not sure how long it took me to do it, but I made it! Yeah me! I know there was the guy who lapped me 3 times (ok, at least twice)--but for me this tiny victory is exciting! And it was all freestyle--no backstroke panics! Yeah!
Total Pepper walking today: 1.5 miles.
After our run, we walked back (stopping for the paper and an iced Thai coffee) and I did some Yoga for 20 minutes.
Later in the afternoon, I borrowed Laura's bike and rode up to Ohio Street Beach (there and back 6.5 miles. I had heard that there was an area for lap swimming. I got into my wet suit and headed out. I was feeling pretty good at the quarter mile marker so I swam to the next one. That's when I realized that I could neither see or touch the bottom. I headed back and was getting tired by the time I hit the first marker. I asked one of the lifeguards what the distances were, and he said that each marker was a quarter mile. That means for the first time, I swam a whole mile!! I was tired, and I did have to stop for a few rests, but I did it--in open water too! I'm not sure how long it took me to do it, but I made it! Yeah me! I know there was the guy who lapped me 3 times (ok, at least twice)--but for me this tiny victory is exciting! And it was all freestyle--no backstroke panics! Yeah!
Total Pepper walking today: 1.5 miles.
July 28, 2008
Today I'm a little tight from the weekend...I decided not to go for a training run. I did a 11 minute one mile warm up and did abs and arms with Hector...nice easy recovery day. I did take Pepper (Laura's dog) for a 2 mile walk today--that probably helped!
Hector also put me on the scale today. I looked at the number and thought I gained weight. I was so disappointed! Not only did I kick ass yesterday, but I was puking the day before. Surely I should have lost something!! When I expressed my disappointment, Hector looked at me like I was on crack. I didn't get it and neither did he...Why? Oh, because I was being dyslexic and couldn't read the scale properly--yeah I lost 2 lbs instead of gaining. Thank goodness Hector corrected me, or I would have been a sad, sad girl!
Hector also put me on the scale today. I looked at the number and thought I gained weight. I was so disappointed! Not only did I kick ass yesterday, but I was puking the day before. Surely I should have lost something!! When I expressed my disappointment, Hector looked at me like I was on crack. I didn't get it and neither did he...Why? Oh, because I was being dyslexic and couldn't read the scale properly--yeah I lost 2 lbs instead of gaining. Thank goodness Hector corrected me, or I would have been a sad, sad girl!
July 27, 2008
Glenview Triathlon!!
Can you say "Kickin' ass and takin' names"? Oh yeah! I felt really good about this tri! I came in 12th in my age group!!
The swim portion was 300 yards, in a pool. How awesome is that! I'm a master at pushing off the walls. It really helped me out--I actually passed 5 people! I learned that trick from Pete...he's a genius! I really used it to my advantage and finished in 6:30.
When I was running to transition, I heard "BETHIE!!!" and realized that Tina and Pete were there watching the race! I'm sooo pumped that they came out to watch. It really meant a lot to me to have 'fans'!
I did the ten mile bike in 35:26 (also a kick ass time!) and then headed to the run. The first 1/2 mile of the run, my legs were complete jelly. I really couldn't get my legs. But I finished the 5k with perfect 12 minute splits. I really wanted to run it faster than 37:00, but 12 minute miles are completely respectable in my book (especially since I'm the 12 minute pacer!!).
Here's the break down:
average time: 1:14:19
overall Place: 270
age division place: 12/16
gender place: 106/162
Finish Time: 1:22:27
Swim Time: 6:30
Transition 1: 1:51
Bike Time: 35:25
Transition 2: 1:21
Run Time: 37:23
Can you say "Kickin' ass and takin' names"? Oh yeah! I felt really good about this tri! I came in 12th in my age group!!
The swim portion was 300 yards, in a pool. How awesome is that! I'm a master at pushing off the walls. It really helped me out--I actually passed 5 people! I learned that trick from Pete...he's a genius! I really used it to my advantage and finished in 6:30.
When I was running to transition, I heard "BETHIE!!!" and realized that Tina and Pete were there watching the race! I'm sooo pumped that they came out to watch. It really meant a lot to me to have 'fans'!
I did the ten mile bike in 35:26 (also a kick ass time!) and then headed to the run. The first 1/2 mile of the run, my legs were complete jelly. I really couldn't get my legs. But I finished the 5k with perfect 12 minute splits. I really wanted to run it faster than 37:00, but 12 minute miles are completely respectable in my book (especially since I'm the 12 minute pacer!!).
Here's the break down:
average time: 1:14:19
overall Place: 270
age division place: 12/16
gender place: 106/162
Finish Time: 1:22:27
Swim Time: 6:30
Transition 1: 1:51
Bike Time: 35:25
Transition 2: 1:21
Run Time: 37:23
July 26, 2008
So, today. Ugh. It was clear that my veggie burger that I had for dinner did not agree with me. I know this because I saw it again at the North Ave. water stop (how it stayed in my gut for 10 hours, I'll never know). I felt better after barfing...I really did! So I kept going. Until mile marker 7....where I puked again.
It's ever so awesome to vomit over the railing near Lake Shore Drive. (I think somebody's gonna need to wash their car.) I officially do not like orange Gatorade. I walk/ran it back. I only made it 11.13 out of 12 miles. I yakked at miles 4 and 5.5. I'm really just happy to finish. I feel bad about bailing on my group. They were very nice about it, and Melissa did an awesome job picking up the slack (she rocks).
No more veggie burgers before a long run. I'm sticking to pasta. Pasta=Good.
It's ever so awesome to vomit over the railing near Lake Shore Drive. (I think somebody's gonna need to wash their car.) I officially do not like orange Gatorade. I walk/ran it back. I only made it 11.13 out of 12 miles. I yakked at miles 4 and 5.5. I'm really just happy to finish. I feel bad about bailing on my group. They were very nice about it, and Melissa did an awesome job picking up the slack (she rocks).
No more veggie burgers before a long run. I'm sticking to pasta. Pasta=Good.
July 23, 2008
So yesterday, my right hip started hurting. I did 40 minutes of painful yoga before I went to bed trying to streatch it out.
I got up this morning and it wasn't much better. Hector stretched me out and did some arms and a lot of stuff to try to loosen up my hip. It did get better as the hour progressed. I just don't want it to be an issue this weekend. I have a 12 mile run on Saturday and a Tri on Sunday.
I'm icing right now, and will continue to do that for the next few days. If I rest it, I'm hoping that it will be ready for the weekend. I hate being hurt! It irritates me because I have no idea what I did to injure myself!!
I got up this morning and it wasn't much better. Hector stretched me out and did some arms and a lot of stuff to try to loosen up my hip. It did get better as the hour progressed. I just don't want it to be an issue this weekend. I have a 12 mile run on Saturday and a Tri on Sunday.
I'm icing right now, and will continue to do that for the next few days. If I rest it, I'm hoping that it will be ready for the weekend. I hate being hurt! It irritates me because I have no idea what I did to injure myself!!
July 22, 2008
3 miles at the gym today--tempo pace 36:00.
I headed to the pool and really did intend to swim for an hour. I was just draggin'. I only ended up doing 500 yards freestyle and 100 yards backstroke. I guess it's ok. In theory, I'm supposed to taper anyway. I just realized I was swimming like crap and just decided to hit the showers.
I headed to the pool and really did intend to swim for an hour. I was just draggin'. I only ended up doing 500 yards freestyle and 100 yards backstroke. I guess it's ok. In theory, I'm supposed to taper anyway. I just realized I was swimming like crap and just decided to hit the showers.
July 21, 2008
Nice quiet day at the gym...yeah! Actually some guy told me that I had strong looking legs. And he wasn't even creepy about it. :) I did a major core work out with Hector. I think my obliques need more work, they were feeling wimpy today. Then I did a 5 mile tempo run.
I think I'm loosing some weight. This didn't happen in the last training cycle. I threw on some 3/4 leg pants I haven't worn in a while and they seemed roomier than I remember. I'm not going to complain, but I think the tri-training is really making the difference.
I think I'm loosing some weight. This didn't happen in the last training cycle. I threw on some 3/4 leg pants I haven't worn in a while and they seemed roomier than I remember. I'm not going to complain, but I think the tri-training is really making the difference.
July 20, 2008
I really shouldn't let people from the gym bug me...but then again, they shouldn't be asshats either. I went to the gym to swim for an hour. These two girls in the pool were obnoxious. They kept horsing around. Now, I could have ignored them but they kept hanging on the lane lines and they almost kicked me in the face twice. They weren't actually swimming, they were just dicking around. Fine, take up the lane, but don't come in to mine! (Clearly I have personal bubble issues with swimming!) They also annoyed me with their bitching about their weight. I'm not saying that they don't have the right to bitch--I have no problem with the bitching, but please if you're going to bitch, stop making excuses and do something about it. Don't let me hear you (a few laps later) say that you love your pork rinds covered with lime juice and chili pepper (not kidding!). There was also some guy splashing about, like a child, trying to impress some bikini clad, tanorexic, blond. That was awesome, I so enjoy using a wet towel when I emerge from the pool. Am I wrong in thinking that this is a gym pool and therefore should be used for laps and other forms of legitimate exercise?
In spite of the annoyances (Memo to Me...find time when pool traffic is lower to go swimming for an hour!), I swam 1200 yards front crawl and 200 yards backstroke as active rest. I'm still working on figuring that in miles (cue Victoria the math wizard!), but I know it's over a half mile.
In spite of the annoyances (Memo to Me...find time when pool traffic is lower to go swimming for an hour!), I swam 1200 yards front crawl and 200 yards backstroke as active rest. I'm still working on figuring that in miles (cue Victoria the math wizard!), but I know it's over a half mile.
July 19, 2008
"Blue Skies, shinin' on me! Nothin' but Blue Skies do I see..."
Not so much. This morning, it was rainy and icky; 7 very wet miles. I only had three runners show up. Melissa, Crystal and Ken. I was trying to entertain them with TV theme songs. Not only that, random jingles. At one point we were discussing one of my faves--the Bud Light commercial that shows what would happen if you could talk to the animals...yeah--I was screaming "Sausages!" at the top of my lungs on the Lakefront Path. Good times! I hope it wasn't irritating...
They did a great job--I like running in the rain, but I know it's not everyone's thing. I thought it was a good run...followed by breakfast. What more could you ask? A serenade, random screaming about pork products and food. Sounds like a good day to me!
Not so much. This morning, it was rainy and icky; 7 very wet miles. I only had three runners show up. Melissa, Crystal and Ken. I was trying to entertain them with TV theme songs. Not only that, random jingles. At one point we were discussing one of my faves--the Bud Light commercial that shows what would happen if you could talk to the animals...yeah--I was screaming "Sausages!" at the top of my lungs on the Lakefront Path. Good times! I hope it wasn't irritating...
They did a great job--I like running in the rain, but I know it's not everyone's thing. I thought it was a good run...followed by breakfast. What more could you ask? A serenade, random screaming about pork products and food. Sounds like a good day to me!
July 17, 2008
CFD Run for the Kids! There was no fence jumping today...I knew just where to go! Besides, I parked at Laura's house and walked over to Soldier Field. :)
I met up with Melissa from my pace group. This was her very first race ever! I'm so proud of her. I know I pushed her pace through the whole race, I was just hoping it wasn't too much. I wanted a PR, but it's better to run with someone on their first race. I can always find another 5k. Besides, there's never a guarantee I'd hit it--especially with today's oppressive heat and humidity.
I also bumped in to Jen from Winter training. She's doing the Harbor Lights Tri this weekend. She looked great, and I bet she'll do awesome. Jen's doing Pleasant Prairie, and if Elaine and I decide to do it it will be fun to add to our little group! Jen and I also made arrangements to meet to swim together at Ohio Street Beach. It's really good for me because I need more open water experience!
Anywho, Melissa and I ran the race in 35:23 which is an 11:24--Making me sooooo proud of Melissa! What a great start! (Much better than my first 5k!). Unfortunately, I dropped my inhailer into the porta-potty (something that would only happen to me)...I decided to just let it go. I'm concidering it a sacrifce to the race gods. We hung out after the race and enjoyed the DJ, Beer (the reason to do the race--Really, I'm drinking for da kids!) and atmosphere. I even saw hot stair climber guy. He and Melissa had a lot to talk about--she's a nurse in the PICU and he's a firefighter...I did not enjoy the gore of their stories (ICKY!). He walked us back to Laura's and I gave him a ride back to his truck. Oopsie--he left his race packet in my car. Looks like I have an excuse to talk with him. After all, he needs that back! :)
I met up with Melissa from my pace group. This was her very first race ever! I'm so proud of her. I know I pushed her pace through the whole race, I was just hoping it wasn't too much. I wanted a PR, but it's better to run with someone on their first race. I can always find another 5k. Besides, there's never a guarantee I'd hit it--especially with today's oppressive heat and humidity.
I also bumped in to Jen from Winter training. She's doing the Harbor Lights Tri this weekend. She looked great, and I bet she'll do awesome. Jen's doing Pleasant Prairie, and if Elaine and I decide to do it it will be fun to add to our little group! Jen and I also made arrangements to meet to swim together at Ohio Street Beach. It's really good for me because I need more open water experience!
Anywho, Melissa and I ran the race in 35:23 which is an 11:24--Making me sooooo proud of Melissa! What a great start! (Much better than my first 5k!). Unfortunately, I dropped my inhailer into the porta-potty (something that would only happen to me)...I decided to just let it go. I'm concidering it a sacrifce to the race gods. We hung out after the race and enjoyed the DJ, Beer (the reason to do the race--Really, I'm drinking for da kids!) and atmosphere. I even saw hot stair climber guy. He and Melissa had a lot to talk about--she's a nurse in the PICU and he's a firefighter...I did not enjoy the gore of their stories (ICKY!). He walked us back to Laura's and I gave him a ride back to his truck. Oopsie--he left his race packet in my car. Looks like I have an excuse to talk with him. After all, he needs that back! :)
July 16, 2008
Today I got to the gym early. It's been humid and sticky, and let's face it: I just want to get my workouts done with! I did 3 miles on the elliptical. My legs have been feeling like lead. I know it's due to the combo of the tri, the makeup of my 10 miler and the weather. I keep telling myself it's good for me, right?
I worked arms with Hector today. It was much needed. I would have liked a little more core, but he did kill the arms and shoulders today. I wasn't going to hard on my legs...I want a PR tomorrow!
I worked arms with Hector today. It was much needed. I would have liked a little more core, but he did kill the arms and shoulders today. I wasn't going to hard on my legs...I want a PR tomorrow!
July 15, 2008
Today I went to the gym. Mostly for swimming, but since I was there I got my 4 miles taken care of on the elliptical. It was an easy four...sure I could have hit a tempo run, ensuring 12 or lower splits, but I was feeling tired today. I felt like if I didn't give my body a rest, I'd be hurting later.
I did 1100 yards in the pool. I was proud of my endurance. I did 20 lengths in a row! I know I couldn't have done that 6 months ago! I did the 20 with two lengths backstroke as a rest then another 20 lengths non stop and 2 more backstroke as a cool down. I'm not sure if I should be doing more to prepare for my next tri, but I feel good about building up more endurance in the pool. My go was for 1000, so I hit it! Woo-Hoo!
I just wish I could convert yards to miles or even to metric (because I can convert metric to miles easy enough). I guess that's the next thing to learn. When I started running I couldn't convert kilometers to miles, but now I can do it like a champ--in my head! Math never was my friend...unless it was applicable!
I did 1100 yards in the pool. I was proud of my endurance. I did 20 lengths in a row! I know I couldn't have done that 6 months ago! I did the 20 with two lengths backstroke as a rest then another 20 lengths non stop and 2 more backstroke as a cool down. I'm not sure if I should be doing more to prepare for my next tri, but I feel good about building up more endurance in the pool. My go was for 1000, so I hit it! Woo-Hoo!
I just wish I could convert yards to miles or even to metric (because I can convert metric to miles easy enough). I guess that's the next thing to learn. When I started running I couldn't convert kilometers to miles, but now I can do it like a champ--in my head! Math never was my friend...unless it was applicable!
July 14, 2008
Hector stood me up this morning. That was annoying because I had to make up my 10 mile long run. If I had known he wasn't coming I could have gone out sooner. It got bad for the last half and brutal for the last two. Seriously, I was bogarting water from random people's hoses.
I ran 10 slow miles in 2:15 for an average of 13:30.
Thank goodness it's technically a cut back week. Two long runs in 6 days isn't fun to make up. (It's not that I haven't done it before--I'm so stupid sometimes!)
I ran 10 slow miles in 2:15 for an average of 13:30.
Thank goodness it's technically a cut back week. Two long runs in 6 days isn't fun to make up. (It's not that I haven't done it before--I'm so stupid sometimes!)
July 13, 2008
Today was Danskin, and while I finished I feel like I raced like shit. Basically the only thing I feel that I rocked were transitions. 
Tri Buddies!
My swim was 5 minutes slower than the last race for the same distance. Open water blows. And 5 minutes? I feel like a no talent ass-clown. I'm supposed to do better with the second one, not go slower. I guess the problem is the open water. I practice in a pool (ie no waves). It was windy and the water was a little choppy. So that pretty much sucked.
On to the bike. The bike, also not faster. Napierville was 15.82 mph and Danskin was 15.62. To top it off this bike was shorter! So I get no warm fuzzies there. One problem was my chain popped off due to bad shifting. I got it right on (thank you, Pete for showing me the stick trick!!). My main problem was that there was a AWFUL head wind on the second half of the bike. I felt like I was on a stationary bike. My gears were in the big granny gears. And don't get me started on the joys of up hill and in to the wind. (OK, after the post, I checked the weather for Kenosha Co., and the wind was gusting 20 mph. I guess if I was riding 15 mph, I should be thankful I was even making forward progress.)
I was very happy with my transitions. I felt really good about swim to bike. I almost cut my first transition time in half--ROCK STAR!! And then almost a minute off the second transition. From the last. I know it's a different course with different transition areas, but it's nice to have done something significantly better.

On my way with the bike..
A pic of the beach...many women ready to swim.

This is Sue, Elaine and I ready to swim.

Elaine's husband took this pic of our wave swimming...and it totally cracked me up!!

I was very happy with my transitions. I felt really good about swim to bike. I almost cut my first transition time in half--ROCK STAR!! And then almost a minute off the second transition. From the last. I know it's a different course with different transition areas, but it's nice to have done something significantly better.
Pay no attention to the fat girl trying to get out of her wetsuit. (I hate this pick, but I'm posting it for motivation to work harder to get rid of that sparetire that seems to engulf my mid-section.)

Must get shoes on...

Finally, I guess I can't complain about the run. It was a little over two minutes faster than the last 5k portion of the sprint tri. I guess then I rocked two things...the transitions and the running. This next photo, is my favorite race photo ever--I look awesome!!
Over all Rank: 1715 of 3650
Class Rank: 212 of 311
Swim: 00:20:53
Swim Place: 2539
Transition 1: 00:03:09
Bike: 00:47:45
Bike Place1586
Bike MPH: 15.5
Transition 2: 00:02:23
Run: 00:34:17
Run Place: 1952
Run Pace: 00:11:03
Finish Time: 01:48:29

Class Rank: 212 of 311
Swim: 00:20:53
Swim Place: 2539
Transition 1: 00:03:09
Bike: 00:47:45
Bike Place1586
Bike MPH: 15.5
Transition 2: 00:02:23
Run: 00:34:17
Run Place: 1952
Run Pace: 00:11:03
Finish Time: 01:48:29
Here's Elaine and me with our medals. Elaine rocked this race! I'm so proud of her!I probably shouldn't be so hard on myself. If you had told me 5 years ago, that I'd do a Tri, I would have laughed at you and asked what you were smoking. Still, I just wish I could improve my swimming. I didn't even do the 10 miler yesterday (cancelled due to lightning). Grrr...I guess there's all the incentive to really go balls out at Glenview.
July 9, 2008
My abs are still sore from that ab roller thingy.
And Hector put me on a diet today. Basically he took a way potatoes and beer (as well as my will to live). Thank God I can still have cheese. He's also increasing how many times I eat a day, and wants me to eat more protein and fish. I'm not so much in to all the extra fish and I know I won't be drinking protein shakes. If this doesn't work, I swear there's a beer and potato binge in my future.
Maybe I can create some sort of marinade that involves beer... hmmm. Yeah! There's my loop hole! (Insert evil laugh here)
Anywho, I swam today. 4 sets of 10 lengths with 2 lengths of backstroke rest in between. That's a total of 1000 yards freestyle and 200 yards back stroke.
I also did some nice quiet relaxing yoga for 25 minutes before bed.
And Hector put me on a diet today. Basically he took a way potatoes and beer (as well as my will to live). Thank God I can still have cheese. He's also increasing how many times I eat a day, and wants me to eat more protein and fish. I'm not so much in to all the extra fish and I know I won't be drinking protein shakes. If this doesn't work, I swear there's a beer and potato binge in my future.
Maybe I can create some sort of marinade that involves beer... hmmm. Yeah! There's my loop hole! (Insert evil laugh here)
Anywho, I swam today. 4 sets of 10 lengths with 2 lengths of backstroke rest in between. That's a total of 1000 yards freestyle and 200 yards back stroke.
I also did some nice quiet relaxing yoga for 25 minutes before bed.
July 7, 2008
Hector called to day with some random reason he wanted to switch my appointment. It was weird of him to do that, but I'm flexible. Turns out he got a new fun toy that he was waiting to have delivered. Apparently, I was his guinea pig. It really was fun! It was a good arms and core work out.
I also did 3 miles before I worked with Hector.
I also did 3 miles before I worked with Hector.
July 5, 2008
My knees are still a bother, maybe I should look into a massage and tell them to really work my IT band. Maybe, I should make the time for myself for a change.
Today I ran 9 miles. I hung back a sweeper for the pace group. It was nice to run everyone in. I don't think that Dan really wanted to finish running, but he made it. I do prefer to pace, but it was nice for my legs to go slower. And let's face it, injury free is the way to be!
Today I ran 9 miles. I hung back a sweeper for the pace group. It was nice to run everyone in. I don't think that Dan really wanted to finish running, but he made it. I do prefer to pace, but it was nice for my legs to go slower. And let's face it, injury free is the way to be!
July 2, 2008
Today, John and I ran 4 miles in the ickyness that is July weather. We ran to St. Pat's then over to his house for a drink and then up Austin, along Montrose to Central and then home.
Thank goodness for the coolness of John's pool! :)
Today, John and I ran 4 miles in the ickyness that is July weather. We ran to St. Pat's then over to his house for a drink and then up Austin, along Montrose to Central and then home.
Thank goodness for the coolness of John's pool! :)
July 1, 2008
Today I went for a run after work with Big John. It was a nice little jaunt. 3 miles, no biggie.
I realized this evening that something's up with my Runner's World Log...not only are all the distances spelled incorrectly, but all my runs are registering as kilometers, rather than miles. It's not letting me change it. I know it's not the end of the world, but it is annoying.
I realized this evening that something's up with my Runner's World Log...not only are all the distances spelled incorrectly, but all my runs are registering as kilometers, rather than miles. It's not letting me change it. I know it's not the end of the world, but it is annoying.
June 30, 2008
Today I headed to the gym after work. I got one mile in before Hector got his hands on me. He streatched me out...much more bendy than last week. And then we did some legs. He wasn't too hard on me.
He then tried to work the knots out of my IT band. OH MY GOD!! Let's just say it hurt. I didn't cry or anything (there's no crying in baseball!), after all it was a good pain. I know it did me some good, my left leg feels tons better, almost as good as new. My right leg is better, just not 100%.
I'm thinking sports massages will be a wise investment.
He then tried to work the knots out of my IT band. OH MY GOD!! Let's just say it hurt. I didn't cry or anything (there's no crying in baseball!), after all it was a good pain. I know it did me some good, my left leg feels tons better, almost as good as new. My right leg is better, just not 100%.
I'm thinking sports massages will be a wise investment.
June 28, 2008
5 miles today on the Lake Front. I definately feel better...I'm not sure if that's drug induced (I took some Alieve before I ran), but it's better than it has been!
June 25, 2008
Today I went for a run with Big John. Much faster than I have been running the last 2 days. He knew I was hurting, and we took it about a minute slower per mile. We did three miles in the misty rain in about 38 minutes.
I followed this up by lunch and a nap and headed to the gym. Hector and I did arms followed by a streatch again. I was so inflexible and tired. Hector told me to go home. I've never had him tell me to go home before. It was really weird...sorry Bethie-- No more working out for you. You've over done it. Your body needs to rest. Go home. Never thought I'd hear that one! I guess it's a good thing.
I followed this up by lunch and a nap and headed to the gym. Hector and I did arms followed by a streatch again. I was so inflexible and tired. Hector told me to go home. I've never had him tell me to go home before. It was really weird...sorry Bethie-- No more working out for you. You've over done it. Your body needs to rest. Go home. Never thought I'd hear that one! I guess it's a good thing.
June 24, 2008
Yet again, I schleped myself to the gym. 14:41 average on the elliptical for 3 miles. I would give dearly for someone to roll out my IT bands!
June 23, 2008
Today I headed to the gym with some knees are still killing me.
I did a 1/2 mile to warm up and then Hector. Thank goodness he took pitty on me and streatched me. He was rolling me out and trying to break up the lactic acid. We did arms because my knees were so sore. He knew they were bad because I usually don't complain about things hurting. After that, I finished out 2 1/2 miles for a total for 3 easy on the ellptical.
I did a 1/2 mile to warm up and then Hector. Thank goodness he took pitty on me and streatched me. He was rolling me out and trying to break up the lactic acid. We did arms because my knees were so sore. He knew they were bad because I usually don't complain about things hurting. After that, I finished out 2 1/2 miles for a total for 3 easy on the ellptical.
June 22, 2008
Yeah!! I'm officially a Triathlete!
Today I finished my first triathlon, the US Women's Triathlon Series, in Naperville. Here's the skippy:
The start of the race was delayed an hour due to lightning and thunder. I wasn't too nervous, but then again, I was preoccupied with trying to get Elaine to relax, so I guess that kept my mind off of things. Then I saw the GOTR people Sandaya was in tears and in my wave, so I went to her after Elaine's wave had gone.
I was not happy with my swim. I just couldn't get a good rhythm going. I ended up doing most of it backstroke (except for the turns). I discovered that I had more power if I used both arms at the same time. My wetsuit really did help with buoyancy, so that helped with my funky backstroke modification. But I did finish in 15:23...not bad for just learning to swim
My first transition was ok. I know how I can do both transitions better now.

The bike was interesting. I'm glad I brought my camel
back, I also know that I can push myself a little bit more. I also learned that I need to tuck my shoelaces into my shoes! My lace got caught in the chain...I was hoping on one foot, almost like a dog peeing on the fire hydrant!
I liked the run. Again, I could have done the transition better. I didn't like that there were no clocks on the course. I think I could have run better if I had taken the time to put on my watch.
I really had no concept of time for this race. The swim felt much longer than 15 minutes. But then again, the bike felt much shorter than 53 minutes. I felt as if I was running at least 12:00 or better for the end of the run. I am happy that I felt stronger as the race progressed. That's a great feeling...when others are dying and I'm happily going along slower, but steady. This is especially good since I ran 7 miles yesterday. Generally it's best to rest before a race, not do a long run!
I also realize that I do need to plan to eat a little something for breakfast. I'm very used to not eating before my runs, however that plan didn't work for the tri. Due to the rain delay, I didn't hit the water until well after 9:00. I chowed down some Shot Blocks on the bike and by the second lap of the bike I felt much better. I think part of my problem was nutrition.
My knees are also VERY sore. I'm concerned because of marathon training. I believe it's due to biking. One knee was sore from the Wondergirl 5k, but both are sore now. I think that I should try to get my runs done on the elliptical (that's low impact), go easy on the bike (and ask one of the boys to adjust it), and I think the swimming should be just fine.
So here's the stats for the race:
Overall Place: 1413 out of 1919
Division Place: 195 out of 236
Time: 1:54:52
Swim: 15:23
Trans 1: 5:58
Bike: 53:35
Trans 2: 3:19
Run: 36:38
The average time was 1:47:07 and the winning time was 1:07:something. I don't think it's to bad for my first tri!

The start of the race was delayed an hour due to lightning and thunder. I wasn't too nervous, but then again, I was preoccupied with trying to get Elaine to relax, so I guess that kept my mind off of things. Then I saw the GOTR people Sandaya was in tears and in my wave, so I went to her after Elaine's wave had gone.

The bike was interesting. I'm glad I brought my camel
back, I also know that I can push myself a little bit more. I also learned that I need to tuck my shoelaces into my shoes! My lace got caught in the chain...I was hoping on one foot, almost like a dog peeing on the fire hydrant!
I liked the run. Again, I could have done the transition better. I didn't like that there were no clocks on the course. I think I could have run better if I had taken the time to put on my watch.
I really had no concept of time for this race. The swim felt much longer than 15 minutes. But then again, the bike felt much shorter than 53 minutes. I felt as if I was running at least 12:00 or better for the end of the run. I am happy that I felt stronger as the race progressed. That's a great feeling...when others are dying and I'm happily going along slower, but steady. This is especially good since I ran 7 miles yesterday. Generally it's best to rest before a race, not do a long run!
I also realize that I do need to plan to eat a little something for breakfast. I'm very used to not eating before my runs, however that plan didn't work for the tri. Due to the rain delay, I didn't hit the water until well after 9:00. I chowed down some Shot Blocks on the bike and by the second lap of the bike I felt much better. I think part of my problem was nutrition.
My knees are also VERY sore. I'm concerned because of marathon training. I believe it's due to biking. One knee was sore from the Wondergirl 5k, but both are sore now. I think that I should try to get my runs done on the elliptical (that's low impact), go easy on the bike (and ask one of the boys to adjust it), and I think the swimming should be just fine.
So here's the stats for the race:
Overall Place: 1413 out of 1919
Division Place: 195 out of 236
Time: 1:54:52
Swim: 15:23
Trans 1: 5:58
Bike: 53:35
Trans 2: 3:19
Run: 36:38
The average time was 1:47:07 and the winning time was 1:07:something. I don't think it's to bad for my first tri!
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